3.1. Watertight Geometry Workflow Limitations

The following limitations have been observed in the Fluent Watertight Geometry workflow:

  • Extracting a fluid volume in the workflow requires a conformal mesh for all bounding solids.

  • When importing an SCDM file into the workflow, any surface body that is inside another body is directly associated to that body. Use named selections in SCDM or use zone selection in the Add Local Sizing task as a workaround for this issue.

  • The following are known issues with respect to object names and syntax within the workflow:

    • When importing geometries from SCDM, all colon characters (:) in names (such as solids, named selections, etc.) are converted into hyphens.

    • Names of bodies, components, and named selections should not start with numbers,special characters, capital letters, or symbols.

  • All bodies of influence must have unique names.

  • In order to revert and edit any up-to-date task in another session or on another computer system (such as generating a volume mesh), you will need to have the CAD geometry file (.pmdb) and the corresponding workflow directory ( filename_workflow_files) available, as well as the correct CAD configuration, and the task will be updated from the last position in the workflow tree.

  • Multiple periodic systems are not supported in the workflow.

  • Using labels in the capping, local sizing, update boundaries, and the modify mesh refinement tasks will be persistent during design changes. Using zones in these tasks will only be persistent for the same design.

  • The workflow only supports a single mesh object. Non-conformal mesh setup is not supported.

  • If you need to perform changes to the topology, geometry, or the mesh, then you should incorporate them into the workflow using the custom journal task in order to make the changes persistent in the Fluent workflow. See Customizing Workflows for more information.

  • The following tasks and categories have their own corresponding limitations:

    • Import Geometry

      • Before importing SpaceClaim files (.scdoc) into Fluent Meshing, you need to first enable the Set as the alternative license preference license preference option in SpaceClaim in order to uphold licensing preferences.

      • SpaceClaim (.scdoc) files that include faceted geometries should use Named Selections on all "faces" of the faceted geometry, ensuring subsequent remeshing and preserving the faceted faces.

      • The import of 2D models is not supported.

      • The import of faceted geometries such as .stl and .tgf is not supported.

      • The workflow only fully supports the appending of bodies used for a body of influence using a custom journal.

      • You cannot import a mesh into the workflow that was previously generated by the workflow without first removing all geometry objects and faces and meshing objects using the Outline View.

      • When importing a surface or volume mesh (using the Mesh option under File Format in the Import Geometry task):

        • Do not directly import into this task any surface meshes that were generated from CAD using the Watertight Geometry workflow (you should use File > Read > Mesh instead).

        • Importing meshes will always result in a separation by region.

        • Imported meshes using the .stl or .h5 file formats are not supported.

        • Only fully connected meshes are supported. Meshes with hanging node adaption, Cutcell meshes and unconnected faceted geometries (like .stl, .tgf, .fmd) are not supported.

        • Surface meshes derived from faceted geometries that are not 100% conformal may not successfully remesh into a conformal mesh.

        • Volume meshes with non-conformal refinements are not supported.

        • Voids cannot be detected, so the default region assignment may not be the same as when importing the corresponding CAD file.

    • Generate the Surface Mesh

      • You cannot read a surface mesh into the workflow that was previously generated by the workflow without first removing all geometry objects and faces and meshing objects using the Outline View.

      • When the Shared Topology task is used, the following advanced options for the Generate the Surface Mesh task are actually performed at the end of the Shared Topology task:

        • Automatic zone separation

        • Automatic remesh to remove clustering

        • Final surface mesh improvement

      • After surface meshing, some regions may be improperly designated as dead regions if you have assigned both face labels and body labels on the same body and/or using body labels on multiple bodies.

      • You cannot use the Size Field File option to create a surface mesh if the size field contains a body of influence or a face of Influence. In such cases, you should provide the corresponding size control file.

      • When you create Body of Influence (BOI) bodies using copies of the actual models, named selections may also be copied in the process. Note that BOI bodies containing faces with named selections may create errors during the Generate Surface Mesh task, and should be avoided.

      • For an imported CAD geometry, where no local sizing is employed, and when Auto Remesh to Remove Clustering? is set to Auto or No, a curvature angle of 18 degrees is present in the Generate Surface Mesh task, even when Proximity is selected. As a work around, simply select Curvature as well and use a larger angle (such as 60 degrees).

    • Add Linear Mesh Pattern

      • You cannot create patterns using parts/objects that contain voids.

      • You cannot make a pattern using a part that has been used in another pattern.

    • Set Up Periodic Boundaries

      • For cases when the imported body is not a body, but actually just faces, you should use the manual method of setting the periodicity.

      • This task is not available when the Capability Level is set to Pro in the Fluent Launcher.

      • There are two scenarios when the Automatic - pick both sides method is not able to derive the periodicity parameters:

        1. when there are no planar faces, and

        2. when the normal of the planar faces do not align with the tangent of the arc of the circle sector.

        For rotational periodicity, the Automatic - pick both sides method may not accurately derive the correct periodicity parameters when the periodicity angle is small (for example, smaller than ~10 degrees), in which case, the Manual - pick reference side method is recommended. Additionally, the periodicity angle is best measured (in SCDM for instance) using the geometry's arc angle and arc radius rather than using the angle between objects and their minimum distance.

      • The Setup Periodic Boundary task has to be executed after Share Topology

    • Apply Share Topology

      • The gap between two bodies should not exceed 1/2 of the local mesh size on the faces of the gap.

      • The share topology success rate is increased if faces across gaps are parallel. If share topology is across curved faces, then the success rate will improve if the curvature angle is 12 degrees or less.

    • Add Boundary Layers

      • Advanced options (such as acute angles, invalid normals, etc.) are not supported if you choose to read a prism control file into this task. In addition, boundary layer controls can be added to the task, however, any conflicts that may occur between controls that are read in from a file and controls that are added to the task are not checked by the system.

    • Generate the MultiZone Mesh

      • For the occasional complex geometry where cell variation between boundaries is more uniform, multizone meshing results in overly refined meshes. This is due to the workflow applying a uniform-based mesh rather than a pave-based mesh in proximity-based regions (such as between holes and/or between edges and holes). A slight modification in sizing assignments, leading to a less uniform sizing on boundaries, might resolve the issue.

      • See Strategies for Using Multizone Meshing for more details and caveats.

    • Boundary Layer Settings

      • Global boundary layers settings are accessible in the Generate the Volume Mesh task

      • The workflow no longer supports the reading of external .pzmcontrol files using custom journals.

    • Volume Mesh Settings

      • Generating a volume mesh may be problematic when the number of invalid normals is excessive (that is, greater than 10000) and when invoking the Modify Surface Mesh at Invalid Normals? option in the Add Boundary Layers task. In such cases, you should set Modify Surface Mesh at Invalid Normals? option to no to improve volume mesh performance.

      • Volume meshing of geometries with non-manifold edge connections is not supported (non-manifold connection for internal baffles is supported, however). The workaround for this is to use face connections or disconnect at the edge connection.

      • You cannot use different volume mesh types on different regions.

      • Persistent renaming only ensures persistence if unique body names are used.

      • The location of the worst volume cells will be automatically displayed if the worst quality is below the Quality Warning Limit available under the Advanced Options.

    • Improve Volume Mesh

      • The location of the worst volume cells will be automatically displayed if the worst quality is below the Quality Warning Limit.

    • Extrude Volume Mesh

      • The preview box is available only for selected faces whose normal is aligned with the Cartesian coordinate.

      • Extruding cylindrical surfaces too far may create invalid meshes. If your cylindrical surface extrusion exhibits undesirable skewness or otherwise is invalid, reduce the total height of the extrusion and perform the operation again to see if results improve.

    • Modify Mesh Refinement

      • Refinement uses the existing mesh (and not the geometry) as the geometry on which the mesh is refined. Hence, features that are not well captured (from a geometry standpoint) cannot be improved upon.

    • Named Selections on Multiple Bodies

      • When a Named Selection is defined on multiple bodies, the workflow recognizes the name but not that the group should be merged into a single region. The separation of the bodies into individual cell zones also separates boundary zones which can increase the number of zones considerably for complex models.