B.2. Legacy Case and Data File Formats

This section describes the contents and formats of Ansys Fluent  legacy case and data files. After discussing the Guidelines and Formatting Conventions in Binary and Formatted Files, the section descriptions are grouped according to function:

The legacy case and data files may contain other sections that are intended for internal use only.

B.2.1. Guidelines

The Ansys Fluent legacy case and data files are broken into several sections according to the following guidelines:

  • Each section is enclosed in parentheses and begins with a decimal integer indicating its type. This integer is different for formatted and binary files (Formatting Conventions in Binary and Formatted Files).

  • All groups of items are enclosed in parentheses. This makes skipping to ends of (sub)sections and parsing them very easy. It also allows for easy and compatible addition of new items in future releases.

  • Header information for lists of items is enclosed in separate sets of parentheses preceding the items, and the items are enclosed in their own parentheses.

B.2.2. Formatting Conventions in Binary and Formatted Files

For formatted files, examples of file sections are given in Grid Sections and Other (Non-Grid) Legacy Case Sections. For binary files, the header indices described in this section (for example, 10 for the node section) are preceded by 20 for single-precision binary data, or by 30 for double-precision binary data (for example, 2010 or 3010 instead of 10). The end of the binary data is indicated by End of Binary Section 2010 or End of Binary Section 3010 before the closing parenthesis of the section.

An example with the binary data represented by periods is as follows:

  (2010 (2 1 2aad 2 3)(
   End of Binary Section 2010) 

B.2.3. Grid Sections

Grid sections are stored in the legacy case file. A grid file is a subset of a legacy case file, containing only those sections pertaining to the grid. The currently defined grid sections are:

The section ID numbers are indicated in both symbolic and numeric forms. The symbolic representations are available as symbols in a Scheme source file (xfile.scm), which is available from Ansys, Inc., or as macros in a C header file (xfile.h), which is located in your installation area.

B.2.3.1. Comment

Index: 0
Scheme symbol: xf-comment
Status: optional

Comment sections can appear anywhere in the file (except within other sections) as:

  (0 "comment text") 

You should precede each long section, or group of related sections, by a comment section explaining what is to follow.


  (0 "Variables:")
   (37 (
   (relax-mass-flow 1)
   (default-coefficient ())
   (default-method 0)

B.2.3.2. Header

Index: 1
Scheme symbol: xf-header
C macro: XF_HEADER
Status: optional 

Header sections can appear anywhere in the file (except within other sections). The following is an example:

  (0 "fluent24.2.0 build-id: 0") 

The purpose of this section is to identify the program that wrote the file. Although it can appear anywhere, it is one of the first sections in the file. Additional header sections indicate other programs that may have been used in generating the file. It provides a history mechanism showing where the file came from and how it was processed.

B.2.3.3. Dimensions

Index: 2
Scheme symbol: xf-dimension
Status: optional 

The dimensions of the grid appear as:

  (2 ND) 

where ND is 2 or 3. This section is supported as a check that the grid has the appropriate dimension.

B.2.3.4. Nodes

Index: 10
Scheme symbol: xf-node
C macro: XF_NODE
Status: required 


  (10 (zone-id first-index last-index type ND)(
   x1 y1 z1
   x2 y2 z2
  • If zone-id is zero, this provides the total number of nodes in the grid. first-index will then be one, last-index will be the total number of nodes in hexadecimal, type is equal to 1, ND is the dimensionality of the grid, and there are no coordinates following (the parentheses for the coordinates are omitted as well).

    For example: (10 (0 1 2d5 1 2))

  • If zone-id is greater than zero, it indicates the zone to which the nodes belong. first-index and last-index are the indices of the nodes in the zone, in hexadecimal. The values of last-index in each zone must be less than or equal to the value in the declaration section. Type is always equal to 1.

    ND is an optional argument that indicates the dimensionality of the node data, where ND is 2 or 3.

    If the number of dimensions in the grid is two, as specified by the node header, then only and coordinates are present on each line.

The following is an example of a 2D grid:

  (10 (1 1 2d5 1 2)(
   1.500000e-01 2.500000e-02
   1.625000e-01 1.250000e-02
   1.750000e-01 0.000000e+00
   2.000000e-01 2.500000e-02
   1.875000e-01 1.250000e-02

Because the grid connectivity is composed of integers representing pointers (see Cells and Faces), using hexadecimal conserves space in the file and provides for faster file input and output. The header indices are in hexadecimal so that they match the indices in the bodies of the grid connectivity sections. The zone-id and type are also in hexadecimal for consistency.

B.2.3.5. Periodic Shadow Faces

Index: 18
Scheme symbol: xf-periodic-face
Status: required only for grids with periodic boundaries

This section indicates the pairings of periodic faces on periodic boundaries. Grids without periodic boundaries do not have sections of this type. The format of the section is as follows:

  (18 (first-index last-index periodic-zone shadow-zone)(
   f00 f01
   f10 f11
   f20 f21


first-index = index of the first periodic face pair in the list
last-index = index of the last periodic face pair in the list
periodic-zone = zone ID of the periodic face zone
shadow-zone = zone ID of the corresponding shadow face zone

These are in hexadecimal format. The indices in the section body (f*) refer to the faces on each of the periodic boundaries (in hexadecimal), the indices being offsets into the list of faces for the grid.

Note:  In this case, first-index and last-index do not refer to face indices. They refer to indices in the list of periodic pairs.


  (18 (1 2b a c) (
   12 1f
   13 21
   ad 1c2

B.2.3.6. Cells

Index: 12
Scheme symbol: xf-cell
C macro: XF_CELL
Status: required 

The declaration section for cells is similar to that for nodes.

  (12 (zone-id first-index last-index type element-type)) 

Again, zone-id is zero to indicate that it is a declaration of the total number of cells. If last-index is zero, then there are no cells in the grid. This is useful when the file contains only a surface mesh to alert Ansys Fluent that it cannot be used. In a declaration section, the type has a value of zero and the element-type is not present.

For example,

  (12 (0 1 3e3 0)) 

It states that there are 3e3 (hexadecimal) = 995 cells in the grid. This declaration section is required and must precede the regular cell sections.

The element-type in a regular cell section header indicates the type of cells in the section, as follows:

element-type description nodes/cell faces/cell

where NN and NF will vary, depending on the specific polyhedral cell.

Regular cell sections have no body, but they have a header of the same format where first-index and last-index indicate the range for the particular zone, type indicates whether the cell zone is an active zone (solid or fluid), or inactive zone (currently only parent cells resulting from hanging node adaption). Active zones are represented with type=1, while inactive zones are represented with type=32.

In the earlier versions of Ansys Fluent, a distinction was made between solid and fluid zones. This is now determined by properties (that is, material type).

A type of zero indicates a dead zone and will be skipped by Ansys Fluent. If a zone is of mixed type (element-type=0), it will have a body that lists the element-type of each cell.


  (12 (9 1 3d 0 0)(
   1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1

Here, there are 3D (hexadecimal) = 61 cells in cell zone 9, of which the first 3 are triangles, the next 2 are quadrilaterals, and so on.

B.2.3.7. Faces

Index: 13
Scheme symbol: xf-face
C macro: XF_FACE
Status: required 

The format for face sections is as follows:

  (13 (zone-id first-index last-index bc-type face-type)) 


zone-id = zone ID of the face section
first-index = index of the first face in the list
last-index = index of the last face in the list
bc-type = ID of the boundary condition represented by the face section
face-type = ID of the type(s) of face(s) in the section

The current valid boundary condition types are defined in the following table:

bc-type description
4pressure-inlet, inlet-vent, intake-fan
5pressure-outlet, exhaust-fan, outlet-vent
14fan, porous-jump, radiator
20mass-flow-inlet, mass-flow-outlet
31parent (hanging node)

The faces resulting from the intersection of non-conformal grids are placed in a separate face zone, where a factor of 1000 is added to the bc-type (for example, 1003 is a wall zone).

The current valid face types are defined in the following table:

face-type description nodes/face
2linear 2
4quadrilateral 4

where NN will vary, depending on the specific polygonal face.

A zone-id of zero indicates a declaration section, which provides a count of the total number of faces in the file. Such a section omits the bc-type and is not followed by a body with further information.

A nonzero zone-id indicates a regular face section, and will be followed by a body that contains information about the grid connectivity. Each line of the body will describe one face and will have the following format:

  n0 n1 n2 c0 c1 


n* = defining nodes (vertices) of the face
c* = adjacent cells

This is the format for a 3D grid with a triangular face format. The actual number of nodes depends on the face-type. The order of the cell indices is important, and is determined by the right-hand rule: if you curl the fingers of your right hand in the order of the nodes, your thumb will point toward c0.

For 2D grids, n2 is omitted. c1 is determined by the cross product of two vectors, and . The vector extends from n0 to n1, whereas the vector has its origin at n0 and points out of the grid plane toward the viewer. If you extend your right hand along and curl your fingers in the direction of the angle between and , your thumb will point along toward c1.

If the face zone is of mixed type (face-type= 0) or of polygonal type (face-type= 5), each line of the section body will begin with a reference to the number of nodes that make up that particular face, and has the following format:

  x n0 n1 ... nf c0 c1 


x = the number of nodes (vertices) of the face
nf = the final node of the face

All cells, faces, and nodes have positive indices. If a face has a cell only on one side, then either c0 or c1 is zero. For files containing only a surface mesh, both these values are zero.

For information on face-node connectivity for various cell types in Ansys Fluent, refer to Face-Node Connectivity in Ansys Fluent.

B.2.3.8. Face Tree

Index: 59
Scheme symbol: xf-face-tree
Status: only for grids with hanging node adaption

This section indicates the face hierarchy of the grid containing hanging nodes. The format of the section is as follows:

 (59 (face-id0 face-id1 parent-zone-id child-zone-id)
 number-of-kids kid-id-0 kid-id-1 ... kid-id-n


face-id0 = index of the first parent face in the section
face-id1 = index of the last parent face in the section
parent-zone-id = ID of the zone containing parent faces
child-zone-id = ID of the zone containing children faces
number-of-kids = the number of children of the parent face
kid-id-n = the face IDs of the children

These are in hexadecimal format.

B.2.3.9. Cell Tree

Index: 58
Scheme symbol: xf-cell-tree
Status: only for grids with hanging node adaption

This section indicates the cell hierarchy of the grid containing hanging nodes. The format of the section is as follows:

 (58 (cell-id0 cell-id1 parent-zone-id child-zone-id)
 number-of-kids kid-id-0 kid-id-1 ... kid-id-n


cell-id0 = index of the first parent cell in the section
cell-id1 = index of the last parent cell in the section
parent-zone-id = ID of the zone containing parent cells
child-zone-id = ID of the zone containing children cells
number-of-kids = the number of children of the parent cell
kid-id-n = the cell IDs of the children

These are in hexadecimal format.

B.2.3.10. Interface Face Parents

Index: 61
Scheme symbol: xf-face-parents
Status: only for grids with non-conformal interfaces

This section indicates the relationship between the intersection faces and original faces. The intersection faces (children) are produced from intersecting two non-conformal surfaces (parents) and are some fraction of the original face. Each child will refer to at least one parent. The format of the section is as follows:

 (61 (face-id0 face-id1)
 parent-id-0 parent-id-1


face-id0 = index of the first child face in the section

face-id1 = index of the last child face in the section

parent-id-* = index of parent faces

These are in hexadecimal format.

If you set up and save a non-conformal mesh in the solution mode of Fluent and then read it using the meshing mode of Fluent, this section will be skipped; consequently, all the information necessary to preserve the non-conformal interface will not be maintained. When you switch to or read the mesh back into the solution mode, you will need to recreate the interface.

B.2.3.11. Example Files

B. Example 1

Figure 5: Quadrilateral Mesh illustrates a simple quadrilateral mesh with no periodic boundaries or hanging nodes.

Figure 5: Quadrilateral Mesh

Quadrilateral Mesh

The following describes this mesh:

 (0 "Grid:")
 (0 "Dimensions:")
 (2 2)
 (12 (0 1 3 0))
 (13 (0 1 a 0))
 (10 (0 1 8 0 2))
 (12 (7 1 3 1 3))
 (13 (2 1 2 2 2)(
 1 2 1 2 3 4 2 3))
 (13 (3 3 5 3 2)(
 5 1 1 0 1 3 2 0 
 3 6 3 0))
 (13 (4 6 8 3 2)(
 7 4 3 0 4 2 2 0 
 2 8 1 0))
 (13 (5 9 9 a 2)(
 8 5 1 0))
 (13 (6 a a 24 2)(
 6 7 3 0))
 (10 (1 1 8 1 2)
 1.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 1.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 2.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 2.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 3.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 
 3.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00)) 
B. Example 2

Figure 6: Quadrilateral Mesh with Periodic Boundaries illustrates a simple quadrilateral mesh with periodic boundaries but no hanging nodes. In this example, bf9 and bf10 are faces on the periodic zones.

Figure 6: Quadrilateral Mesh with Periodic Boundaries

Quadrilateral Mesh with Periodic Boundaries

The following describes this mesh:

 (0 "Dimensions:")
 (2 2)
 (0 "Grid:")
 (12 (0 1 3 0))
 (13 (0 1 a 0))
 (10 (0 1 8 0 2))
 (12 (7 1 3 1 3))
 (13 (2 1 2 2 2)(
 1 2 1 2 3 4 2 3))
 (13 (3 3 5 3 2)(
 5 1 1 0 1 3 2 0 
 3 6 3 0))
 (13 (4 6 8 3 2)(
 7 4 3 0 4 2 2 0 
 2 8 1 0))
 (13 (5 9 9 c 2)(
 8 5 1 0))
 (13 (1 a a 8 2)(
 6 7 3 0))
 (18 (1 1 5 1)(
 9 a))
 (10 (1 1 8 1 2)(
 1.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 1.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 2.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 2.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 
 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 3.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 3.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00)) 
B. Example 3

Figure 7: Quadrilateral Mesh with Hanging Nodes illustrates a simple quadrilateral mesh with hanging nodes.

Figure 7: Quadrilateral Mesh with Hanging Nodes

Quadrilateral Mesh with Hanging Nodes

The following describes this mesh:

 (0 "Grid:")
 (0 "Dimensions:")
 (2 2)
 (12 (0 1 7 0))
 (13 (0 1 16 0))
 (10 (0 1 d 0 2))
 (12 (7 1 6 1 3))
 (12 (1 7 7 20 3))
 (58 (7 7 1 7)(
 4 6 5 4 3))
 (13 (2 1 7 2 2)(
 1 2 6 3 
 1 3 3 4 
 1 4 4 5 
 1 5 5 6 
 6 7 1 2 
 5 8 2 6 
 9 5 2 5))
 (13 (3 8 b 3 2)(
 a 6 1 0 
 6 9 2 0  4 b 4 0 
 9 4 5 0))
 (13 (4 c f 3 2)(
 2 8 6 0 
 c 2 3 0 
 8 7 2 0 
 7 d 1 0))
 (13 (5 10 10 a 2)(
 d a 1 0))
 (13 (6 11 12 24 2)(
 3 c 3 0 
 b 3 4 0))
 (13 (b 13 13 1f 2)(
 c 8 7 0))
 (13 (a 14 14 1f 2)( 
 b c 7 0))
 (13 (9 15 15 1f 2)(
 9 b 7 0))
 (13 (8 16 16 1f 2)(
 9 8 2 7))
 (59 (13 13 b 4)(
 2 d c))
 (59 (14 14 a 6)(
 2 12 11))
 (59 (15 15 9 3)(
 2 b a))
 (59 (16 16 8 2)(
 2 7 6))
 (10 (1 1 d 1 2)
 2.50000000e+00 5.00000000e-01
 2.50000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 3.00000000e+00 5.00000000e-01
 2.50000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 2.00000000e+00 5.00000000e-01
 1.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 1.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 2.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 2.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 3.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 3.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00))

B.2.4. Other (Non-Grid) Legacy Case Sections

The following sections store boundary conditions, material properties, and solver control settings.

B.2.4.1. Zone


39 or 45

Scheme symbol:


C macro:




There is typically one zone section for each zone referenced by the grid. Although some grid zones may not have corresponding zone sections, there cannot be more than one zone section for each zone.

A zone section has the following form:

  (39 (zone-id zone-type zone-name domain-id)(
  (condition1 . value1)
  (condition2 . value2)
  (condition3 . value3)

Grid generators and other preprocessors need only provide the section header and leave the list of conditions empty, as in

  (39 (zone-id zone-type zone-name domain-id)()) 

The empty parentheses at the end are required. The solver adds conditions as appropriate, depending on the zone type. When only zone-id, zone-type, zone-name, and domain-id are specified, the index 45 is preferred for a zone section. However, the index 39 must be used if boundary conditions are present, because any and all remaining information in a section of index 45 after zone-id, zone-type, zone-name, and domain-id will be ignored.

Here the zone-id is in decimal format. This is in contrast to the use of hexadecimal in the grid sections.

The zone-type is one of the following:

   exhaust fan
   inlet vent
   intake fan
   outlet vent

The interior, fan, porous-jump, and radiator types can be assigned only to zones of faces inside the domain. The interior type is used for the faces within a cell zone; the others are for interior faces that form infinitely thin surfaces within the domain. Ansys Fluent allows the wall type to be assigned to face zones both on the inside and on the boundaries of the domain. Some zone types are valid only for certain types of grid components. For example, cell (element) zones can be assigned only one of the following types:


All of the other types listed above can be used only for boundary (face) zones.

The zone-name is a user-specified label for the zone. It must be a valid Scheme symbol [7] and is written without quotes. The rules for a valid zone-name (Scheme symbol) are as follows:

  • The first character must be a lowercase letter [8] or a special-initial.

  • Each subsequent character must be a lowercase letter, a special-initial, a digit, or a special-subsequent.

where a special-initial character is one of the following:

  ! $ % & * / : < = > ? ~ _ ^ 

and a special-subsequent is one of the following:

  . + - 

Examples of valid zone names are inlet-port/cold!—, eggs/easy, and e=m*cˆ2.

Some examples of zone sections produced by grid generators and preprocessors are as follows:

  (39 (1 fluid fuel 1)())
   (39 (8 pressure-inlet pressure-inlet-8 2)())
   (39 (2 wall wing-skin 3)())
   (39 (3 symmetry mid-plane 1)()) 

The domain-id is an integer that appears after the zone name, associating the boundary condition with a particular phase or mixture (sometimes referred to as phase-domains and mixture-domains).

B.2.4.2. Partitions

Index: 40
Scheme symbol: xf-partition
Status: only for partitioned grids

This section indicates each cell’s partition. The format of the section is as follows:

 (40 (zone-id first-index last-index partition-count)(


p1 = the partition of the cell whose ID is first-index
p2 = the partition of the cell whose ID is first-index , and so on
pn = the partition of the cell whose ID is last-index
partition-count = the total number of partitions

Partition IDs must be between 0 and one less than partition-count.

B.2.5. Data Sections

The following sections store iterations, residuals, and data field values.

B.2.5.1. Grid Size

Index: 33
Scheme symbol: xf-grid-size
Status: optional 

This section indicates the number of cells, faces, and nodes in the grid that corresponds to the data in the file. This information is used to check that the data and grid match. The format is

  (33 (n-elements n-faces n-nodes)) 

where the integers are written in decimal.

B.2.5.2. Data Field

Index: 300
Scheme symbol: xf-rf-seg-data
Status: required 

This section lists a flow field solution variable for a cell or face zone. The data are stored in the same order as the cells or faces in the legacy case file. Separate sections are written out for each variable for each face or cell zone on which the variable is stored. The format is

  (300 (sub-section-id zone-id size n-time-levels
   n-phases first-id last-id)
   ( data for cell or face with id = first-id
   data-for-cell-or-face with id = first-id+1
   data-for-cell-or-face with id = last-id

where sub-section-id is a (decimal) integer that identifies the variable field (for example, 1 for pressure, 2 for velocity). The complete list of these is available in the header file (xfile.h), which is located in your installation area.


zone-id = the ID number of the cell or face zone

size = the length of the variable vector

zone-id matches the ID used in legacy case file. size is 1 for a scalar, 2 or 3 for a vector, equal to the number of species for variables defined for each species). n-time-levels currently are not used.

A sample legacy data file section for the velocity field in a cell zone for a steady-state, single-phase, 2D problem is shown below:

 (300 (2 16 2 0 0 17 100)
 (8.08462024e-01 8.11823010e-02
  8.78750622e-01 3.15509699e-02
  1.06139672e+00 -3.74040119e-02
  1.33301604e+00 -5.04243895e-02
  6.21703446e-01 -2.46118382e-02
  4.41687912e-01 -1.27046436e-01
  1.03528820e-01 -1.01711005e-01

The variables that are listed in the legacy data file depend on the models active at the time the file is written. Variables that are required by the solver based on the current model settings but are missing from the legacy data file are set to their default values when the legacy data file is read. Any extra variables that are present in the legacy data file but are not relevant according to current model settings are ignored.

B.2.5.3. Residuals

Index: 302
Scheme symbol: xf-rf-scaled-residuals
Status: optional 

This section lists the values of the residuals for a particular data field variable at each iteration:

  (302 (n residual-section-id size domain-id)
  iteration_number unscaled_residual scaling_factor


n = the number of residuals

size = the length of the variable vector

residual-section-id = an integer (decimal) indicating the equation

domain-id = domain ID

size is 1 for a scalar, 2 or 3 for a vector, equal to the number of species for variables defined for each species. The residual-section-id indicates the equation for which the residual is stored in the section, according to the C constants defined in a header file (xfile.h) available in your installation area, as noted in Grid Sections.

The equations for which residuals are listed in the legacy data file depend on the models active at the time the file is written. If the residual history is missing from the legacy data file for a currently active equation, it is initialized with zeros.

[7] See Revised (4) Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, William Clinger and Jonathan Rees (Editors), 2 November 1991, Section 7.1.1.

[8] The Standard actually only requires that case be insignificant; the Ansys Fluent implementation accomplishes this by converting all uppercase input to lowercase.