C.3. Diagnostic Files and Error Messages

In addition to the standard Ansys Fluent files produced during a run using the CHEMKIN-CFD solver, the CHEMKIN-CFD module creates special files to hold diagnostic output and error messages that may be helpful in diagnosing a problem with the pre-processing or run steps. In addition, error messages may be written in the Ansys Fluent Graphical User Interface window during run-time processing.

Table 3: Diagnostic Output Files Created During a CHEMKIN-CFD Run lists additional files that may be created by the chemistry solver, the data printed to them, and an indication of where they are created in the Ansys Fluent run process. All files are created within the working directory of the simulation run. The actual names of many of the files will depend on variables, such as the chemistry-set file names, the case-file name, the cell number, iteration or time-step number, and the processor id. Such variables are indicated by < > in Table 3: Diagnostic Output Files Created During a CHEMKIN-CFD Run.

Table 3: Diagnostic Output Files Created During a CHEMKIN-CFD Run


When File Is Created

Contents Description


Always created during pre-processing, upon saving the CHEMKIN mechanism definition.

This file echoes back the gas-phase chemistry reaction set, species names, and elements in formatted text. In addition, detailed error messages are contained in this file in case an error is encountered while processing the gas-phase chemistry input file and gas-phase thermodynamic data.


Always created during pre-processing, upon saving the CHEMKIN mechanism definition.

A “Linking File” used to transfer the pre-processed information to the CHEMKIN-CFD module at run-time. This file is typically not viewed by the user, but may occasionally be requested by Technical Support during problem diagnosis.


Created during pre-processing, only if surface chemistry box is checked in CHEMKIN mechanism definition.

This file echoes back the surface chemistry reaction set and the surface phase and species names. In addition, detailed error messages are contained in this file in case an error is encountered while processing the surface chemistry input file and surface-species thermodynamic data.


Created during pre-processing, only if surface chemistry box is checked in CHEMKIN mechanism definition.

A “Linking File” used to transfer the pre-processed information to the CHEMKIN-CFD module at run-time. This file is typically not viewed by the user, but may occasionally be requested by Technical Support during problem diagnosis.


Created during pre-processing, only if transport-property box is checked in CHEMKIN mechanism definition.

This file echoes back the transport-data fitting coefficients in formatted text. In addition, detailed error messages are contained in this file in case an error is encountered while processing the gas-phase transport data.


Created during pre-processing, only if transport-property box is checked in CHEMKIN mechanism definition.

A “Linking File” used to transfer the pre-processed information to the CHEMKIN-CFD module at run-time. This file is typically not viewed by the user, but may occasionally be requested by Ansys Technical Support during problem diagnosis.


Created when the simulation run is initiated in the subdirectory fluentKINlog.

Messages are written to this file that record the progress of chemistry-set pre-processor and CHEMKIN-CFD solver. The printing level during the simulation run can be controlled by Print Level as indicated in Table 1: Summary of Basic CHEMKIN-CFD Parameters .


Created for Monitor Cells (see Setting Up Monitor Cells for the Ansys CHEMKIN-CFD Chemistry Solver) at every iteration or time-step, any time that the Print Level (Table 1: Summary of Basic CHEMKIN-CFD Parameters ) is >0. Also created any time that a cell fails in the CHEMKIN-CFD solver and the Print Level is >0.

Includes debug information, including the actual input sent into the CHEMKIN-CFD module by Ansys Fluent for the particular cell and iteration. This information may be requested by Ansys Technical Support when diagnosing cell failures.