C.2. Setting Up Monitor Cells for the Ansys CHEMKIN-CFD Chemistry Solver

At the same level of the basic-options and advanced-options in the Text User Interface, that is, under define/models/species/CHEMKIN-CFD-parameters, you can add, delete, and list monitor cells.

By specifying a monitor cells in the CHEMKIN-CFD options, you are requesting additional printout diagnostics for every iteration or time-step at this cell location. Such printout can add significantly to computational times and should be avoided unless there is a problem has been encountered and more diagnosis is needed.

Important:  Using monitor cells may add significantly to the job run time. It is recommended that monitor cells only be included if extra diagnosis is required to resolve a convergence problem or local mesh issue, for example.

Monitor cells are added using the add-cell-monitor option and providing the physical coordinates that correspond as closely as possible to the centroid location of the desired cell in the Fluent mesh. You can create more than one cell monitor and you can be delete all of them using the delete-cell-monitor option. You may also list the currently activated monitor cells using the list-cell-monitor option.