C.4. Error Messages Printed in the Ansys Fluent Graphical User Interface

Advanced Parameters Used in the Steady-State Solution Algorithm lists possible error messages that may appear in the Ansys Fluent Graphical User Interface during run using the CHEMKIN-CFD solver. The table includes recommended actions that may help resolve or narrow down the problem. In some cases, you may be referred to some of the additional diagnostic output files generated by the CHEMKIN-CFD module and listed in Table 3: Diagnostic Output Files Created During a CHEMKIN-CFD Run.

Table 4: Error Messages that May Be Printed to the Fluent GUI



Cannot read gas-phase chemistry input file.

Verify the filename and file path for the gas-phase chemistry input file in the Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism dialog box and re-import.

Cannot read surface chemistry input file.

Verify the filename and file path for the surface chemistry input file in the Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism dialog box and re-import.

Cannot read thermodynamic data file.

Verify the filename and file path for the thermodynamic data file in the Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism dialog box and re-import.

Cannot read transport properties data file.

Verify the filename and file path for the transport-property data file in the Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism dialog box and re-import.

Cannot read gas-phase chemistry linking data file during gas-phase pre-processing.

Check the <gas_chemistry>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Cannot read gas-phase chemistry linking data file during surface pre-processing.

Check the <gas_chemistry>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Cannot read gas-phase chemistry linking data file during transport pre-processing.

Check the <gas_chemistry>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Cannot read surface chemistry linking data file during surface pre-processing.

Check the <surface_chemistry>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Cannot read transport properties linking data file during transport pre-processing.

Check the <transport_data>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Cannot write gas-phase chemistry output file.

Check file permissions on working directory and make sure that there is only one CHEMKIN‑CFD process using these files at a time.

Cannot write surface chemistry output file.

Check file permissions on working directory and make sure that there is only one CHEMKIN‑CFD process using these files at a time.

Cannot write transport properties output file.

Check file permissions on working directory and make sure that there is only one CHEMKIN‑CFD process using these files at a time.

Cannot write gas-phase chemistry linking data file.

Check file permissions on working directory and make sure that there is only one CHEMKIN‑CFD process using these files at a time.

Cannot write surface chemistry linking data file.

Check file permissions on working directory and make sure that there is only one CHEMKIN‑CFD process using these files at a time.

Cannot write transport properties linking data file.

Check file permissions on working directory and make sure that there is only one CHEMKIN‑CFD process using these files at a time.

Gas-phase chemistry file is NULL.

Verify gas-phase chemistry file path in the CHEMKIN Mechanism definition and re-import the chemistry files.

Surface chemistry file is NULL.

Verify surface-chemistry file path in the CHEMKIN Mechanism definition and re-import the chemistry files.

Thermodynamic data file is NULL.

Verify thermodynamic-data file path in the CHEMKIN Mechanism definition and re-import the chemistry files

Transport properties data file is NULL.

Verify transport-data file path in the CHEMKIN Mechanism definition and re-import the chemistry files.

Failure in pre-processing of gas-phase chemistry mechanism.

Check the <gas_chemistry>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Failure in pre-processing of surface chemistry mechanism.

Check the <surface_chemistry>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Failure in pre-processing of transport properties.

Check the <transport_data>.out file in the working directory for error messages.

Failure in CHEMKIN Gas-phase library call.

Check to see if the Ansys Fluent solution has diverged or has unphysical values for the variables. Try turning Print Level > 0 and setting a monitor cell to obtain more information.

Failure in CHEMKIN Surface library call.

Check to see if the Ansys Fluent solution has diverged or has unphysical values for the variables. Try turning Print Level > 0 and setting a monitor cell to obtain more information.

Failure in CHEMKIN Transport library call.

Check to see if the Ansys Fluent solution has diverged or has unphysical values for the variables. Try turning Print Level > 0 and setting a monitor cell to obtain more information.

Need to run CHEMKIN-CFD PreProcess first.

Re-import the CHEMKIN chemistry set and make sure it is selected in the Species Model dialog box (under Setup/Models).

No surface data for the chemistry set.

Either de-select the Surface Chemistry option in the Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism dialog box, or make sure that a valid surface chemistry file is indicated.

No transport data for the chemistry set.

Either de-select the Transport Data option in the Import CHEMKIN Format Mechanism dialog box, or make sure that a valid transport data file is indicated.

Failure in writing data into the diagnostics file.

Check file permissions on the working directory and make sure that there is only one CHEMKIN‑CFD process using these files at a time.

Error in CHEMKIN-CFD model, see diagnostic output file for details.

Check the KINetics-log.txt file in the subdirectory fluentKINlog for error messages. See Error Messages Printed in the Ansys Fluent Graphical User Interface for more information.