19.7. Thermal Abuse Model

Safety has become an important issue in battery design. Under abuse conditions, thermal runaway may occur in a battery. Increased temperature could trigger thermal runaway reactions. Excessive of heat released as a result of such conditions could damage a battery cell, or even cause fire or explosion. Thermal runaway reactions are very complicated and material-specific. For modeling thermal runaway reactions and simulating a battery thermal behavior under thermal abuses, Ansys Fluent offers two semi-empirical models:

  • One-Equation Model

  • Four-Equation Model

For details on how to set up and use these model, see Specifying Advanced Options.

One-Equation Model

In the one-equation model, thermal runaway reactions are lumped together as one reaction that can be described by the following kinetics equation [406]:


= degree of conversion
= pre-exponential factor of the reaction (s-1)
= activation energy of the reaction (J/mol)
= universal gas constant
= temperature
and = reaction order parameters

Equation 19–33 is solved to keep track of the progress of the thermal runaway reaction. changes from 0 to 1, with 0 denoting “no reaction”, and 1 denoting “completion of reaction”.

With computed from Equation 19–33, the heat generation rate due to thermal runaway can be calculated as:


where is the specific heat release (J/m3).

Four-Equation Model

In the four-equation model, thermal runaway reactions are put into the following four categories [311]:

  • solid electrolyte interface (SEI) decomposition reactions

  • negative electrode-electrolyte reactions

  • positive electrode-electrolyte reactions

  • electrolyte decomposition reactions

To keep track of the progress of each type of reactions, a lumped Arrhenius kinetics rate is used:





, , and various are reaction kinetics parameters, representing pre-exponential factor, activation energy, and reaction order, respectively
subscripts , , , and denote parameters associated with SEI decomposition reaction, negative electrode-electrolyte reaction, positive electrode-electrolyte reaction, and electrolyte decomposition reaction, respectively
, , , and are dimensionless variables that can be interpreted as the fraction of the remaining reactant associated to each type of reactions in the medium as reactions proceed
is the dimensionless measure of a SEI layer thickness
is the reference SEI layer thickness
is the temperature
is the universal gas constant

The values of , , and change from 1 (representing the state when nothing has reacted yet) to 0 (denoting the state with reactants being completely consumed). , on the other hand, varies from 0 to 1, as in the One-Equation model.

can be computed as:

where and are two initial values. Note that the SEI layer is growing as the negative electrode-electrolyte reaction progresses.

The total heat generation due to the thermal runaway reactions (in units of W/m3) can be computed as:


where (kg/m3) is density of reactants in the medium, and is the heat of reaction. All heats of reaction are in units of J/kg.

If the internal short reaction is considered, the heat due to internal short, where is the heat of reaction [J/m3], is added to the thermal abuse heat.

Abuse reaction due to the internal short circuit

In both the one-equation and four-equation models, another abuse reaction due to the internal short circuit can be optionally added [120]. In this model, the internal short circuit reaction is governed by the following kinetics rate equation:


where is the progress variable for the internal short reaction, is a pre-exponential factor, and is activation energy of the reaction. The subscript refers to the short-circuit electrochemical reaction. The factor is used to make sure that the reaction is activated only after the user-specified trigger temperature is reached:
