14.6.5. Built-in Thermodynamic Wet Steam Properties

There are many equations that describe the thermodynamic state and properties of steam. While some of these equations are accurate in generating property tables, they are not suitable for fast CFD computations. Therefore, Ansys Fluent uses simpler forms of the thermodynamic state equations for efficient CFD calculations that are accurate over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Two alternative formulations for the equation of state that are used in the solver are taken from [58] and [726], and they are described below along with the equations of steam properties. Equation of State

There are two available formulations for the equation of state for steam and they are described in the following sections: Virial Equation Developed by Vukalovich

The equations of state developed for steam in literature often refer to equilibrium states (dry steam region). To calculate properties of supercooled vapor, it is necessary to extrapolate these equations into the meta-stable region which may be beyond their range of validity. The problem was investigated in [57]and it was found that the virial equation developed by Vukalovich [682] could be extrapolated into these states with negligible error. It has therefore been adopted in the solver as the default option and the equation reads as:


In this equation, B, C and D are the second, third, and fourth virial coefficients, respectively. They are given by the following empirical functions:






The units for the variables in Equation 14–549 are for the static pressure , for the static temperature , and for the vapor density . Virial coefficients (Equation 14–550) are given in the units , , and for B, C, and D, respectively. The specific gas constant of water vapor is equal to 461.52 .

The vapor specific enthalpy is given in by:


The vapor specific entropy is given in by:


The vapor isobaric and isochoric specific heat capacities, and , are given in by:


The empirical functions that define the virial coefficients and the thermodynamic properties cover the temperature range 273-973 and the pressure range .

The vapor dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity are functions of temperature only and were obtained from [725]. Virial Equation Developed by Young

An alternative equation of state used in the solver, which relates the pressure to the vapor density and the temperature, is given by Young [726]:


where , and are the second and the third virial coefficients given by the following empirical functions:


where is given in m3/kg, = with given in Kelvin, = 10000.0, = 0.0015, = -0.000942, and = -0.0004882.


where is given in m6/kg2, = with given in Kelvin, = 0.8978, =11.16, = 1.772, and = 1.5E-06.

The two empirical functions that define the virial coefficients and cover the temperature range from 273 K to 1073 K.

The vapor isobaric specific heat capacity is given by:


The vapor specific enthalpy, is given by:


The vapor specific entropy, is given by:


The isobaric specific heat at zero pressure is defined by the following empirical equation:


where is in KJ/kg K, = 46.0, = 1.47276, = 8.38930E-04, = -2.19989E-07, = 2.46619E-10, and = -9.70466E-14.


= , = , = , and = .

Both and are functions of temperature and they are defined by:



where and are arbitrary constants.

The vapor dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity are also functions of temperature and were obtained from [725]. Saturated Vapor Line

The saturation pressure equation as a function of temperature was obtained from [551]. The example provided in UDWSPF Example in the User's Guide contains a function called wetst_satP() that represents the formulation for the saturation pressure. Saturated Liquid Line

At the saturated liquid-line, the liquid density, surface tension, specific heat , dynamic viscosity, and thermal conductivity must be defined. The equation for liquid density, , was obtained from [551]. The liquid surface tension equation was obtained from [725]. While the values of , and were curve fit using published data from [157] and then written in polynomial forms. The example provided in UDWSPF Example in the User's Guide contains functions called wetst_cpl(), wetst_mul(), and wetst_ktl() that represent formulations for , and . Mixture Properties

The mixture properties are related to vapor and liquid properties via the wetness factor using the following mixing law:


where represents any of the following thermodynamic properties: , , , , or .