14.6.6. Real Gas Property (RGP) Table Files for the Wet Steam Model

Alternative to the built-in thermodynamic wet steam properties are the Real Gas Property (RGP) tables that can be used to describe the thermodynamic state and properties of steam. RGP tables provide thermodynamic and transport material properties as functions of temperature and pressure. Creating RGP files is describe in Using Real Gas Property (RGP) Table Files in the Fluent User's Guide. When creating the RGP file for the Wet Steam model, it is sufficient to generate data for only the vapor component and it will contain all the necessary information required by the model, including the superheat table, metastable vapor state, and saturation tables. The metastable data are incorporated in the superheat table section, so after crossing the vapor saturation line, the supercooled vapor properties are still available as a function of temperature and pressure. Liquid properties are taken from tables with the liquid saturation line and are functions of temperature only. Mixture properties are computed via the wetness factor using the same mixing law as given in Mixture Properties.