7.2.2. Incident Shock Initial Conditions

In relating the pressures, temperatures and densities immediately across the shock, it is conventional to consider the gas motion in relation to the shock front. In such a frame of reference, the gas enters the shock at a relative velocity , and leaves with a relative velocity . In shock tube jargon, the shock is then considered to be at rest; is the gas velocity measured in shock-fixed coordinates and is that measured in laboratory-fixed coordinates. These two frames of reference are related by:



where is the shock velocity. Gas conditions associated with the incident shock in the two coordinate systems are shown in Figure 7.3: Laboratory-fixed and Incident-shock-fixed coordinate systems . The Rankine-Hugoniot relations for properties across the incident shock front are




Utilizing the equation of state (Ideal Gas Law) and Equation 7–7 to eliminate the velocity and from Equation 7–8 and Equation 7–9 results in the following expressions for the pressure and temperature ratios across the incident shock:



Figure 7.3: Laboratory-fixed and Incident-shock-fixed coordinate systems

Laboratory-fixed and Incident-shock-fixed coordinate systems

Since we assume no change in gas composition across the shock, is a function of temperature alone and, hence, Equation 7–10 and Equation 7–11 represent a system of two equations in two unknowns. The solution gives and when conditions before the incident shock are specified. Knowing these, is determined from the equation of state and from Equation 7–7 .

An iterative procedure is employed to solve Equation 7–10 and Equation 7–11 for and . Letting and be the temperature and pressure ratios, respectively, across the shock, Equation 7–10 can be solved for in terms of (see Equation 7–13 ) to yield


This expression is then substituted into Equation 7–11 to yield one equation with one unknown, . Within Ansys Chemkin, a routine called ZEROIN [52], which finds the zeros of functions, is employed to determine the value of that satisfies this equation. An initial guess for is provided by assuming that the test gas is ideal ( and are constant and independent of temperature). For ideal gases


where is the specific heat ratio and is the Mach number of the incident shock.


Many times the experimentalist reports the incident shock speed, , and temperature and pressure behind the shock, and , respectively. Before the experiment can be modeled, however, the gas velocity behind the shock must be determined. Employing the equation of state in Equation 7–10 to eliminate results in


This equation and Equation 7–11 again represent two equations in two unknowns. The solution gives and and from these the density in region 1 is determined from the equation of state. The velocity behind the shock, , is determined from Equation 7–7 . The solution to Equation 7–15 and Equation 7–11 is analogous to that already described for Equation 7–10 and Equation 7–11 .