2.2.5. Inlet Properties

The next item in the project tree is the inlet panel, named C1_INLET1 (for Reactor #1, Inlet #1) and shown in Figure 2.12: psr__gas.ckprj—Inlet Flow Parameters. This panel contains two tabs: the Stream Properties Data tab and the Species-specific Properties tab. The first tab shows the reactor-inlet flow-rate and temperature specifications. For this particular sample, both volume and residence time are set in the reactor properties, such that flow rate is no longer required. The second tab shows the reagent-gas composition for the inlet flow, which for this sample is given in terms of equivalence ratio, fuel composition, oxidizer composition, and expected products of combustion. Note that N2 (present as fuel and oxidizer in this example) could have also been defined as additional species and thus not have been added as combustion product.

Figure 2.12: psr__gas.ckprj—Inlet Flow Parameters

psr__gas.ckprj—Inlet Flow Parameters