6.1. Model Input

The reaction mechanism used in this sample problem includes detailed reactions for silane gas-phase and surface decomposition and has been described in detail elsewhere. This is a simplified version of the silane CVD reaction mechanism described in Surface Chemical Rate Expressions of the Chemkin Theory Manual. At the low pressures treated here, the gas-phase decomposition of silane is very slow, so those reactions have been simplified, which reduces the number of chemical species in the mechanism.

This sample project specifies a reactor that is 228.6 cm long and 30 cm in diameter. It has one gas injector at the top of the reactor with 500 sccm silane flowing through it. The gas flows out of the reactor at the bottom. The reactor has 150 wafers, each 15 cm in diameter and spaced 0.47919 cm apart. The operating temperature for the reactor is given as a profile in a temp.dat file that was generated using the LPCVD Thermal Analyzer, but is nominally 873 K (600 C). This file can be found in the samples<release_number>\lpcvd_furnace\poly_si_deposition directory, and the format of the file is described in Temperature Profile for LPCVD Furnace Model and Specify the Operating Conditions. The operating pressure is 0.325 Torr. The project also specifies numerical error tolerances, printing levels and other controls.