Chapter 38: Film Cooling in a Turbine

Important:  This tutorial requires file TimeBladeRowIni_001.res, which is produced by following tutorial Time Transformation Method for a Transient Rotor-stator Case.

38.1. Tutorial Features

In this tutorial you will learn about:

  • Initializing profile data.

  • Expanding profile data.

  • Defining injection regions.

  • Monitoring expressions during a solver run.

  • Using streamlines in CFD-Post to trace the flow field starting from injection regions.





Injection Regions

Circular Hole

Cylindrical Slot

Profile Data



Analysis Type

Transient Blade Row

Fluid Type

Air Ideal Gas

Domain Type

Multiple Domains

Rotating Frame of Reference

Turbulence Model

Shear Stress Transport

Heat Transfer

Total Energy

Boundary Conditions

Inlet (Subsonic)

Outlet (Subsonic)

Wall (Counter Rotating)




Point Cloud

Injection Region


38.2. Overview of the Problem to Solve

This tutorial models film cooling in a turbine using the Injection Regions feature of CFX.

You will build upon the geometry and setup of tutorial Time Transformation Method for a Transient Rotor-stator Case, adjusting the inlet temperature and adding injection regions to the rotor and hub. Near the end of this tutorial, you will produce a contour plot and streamlines to show the effect of injecting relatively cool air through the injection regions.

If this is the first tutorial you are working with, it is important to review the following topics before beginning:

38.3. Preparing the Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory.

    Ansys CFX uses a working directory as the default location for loading and saving files for a particular session or project.

  2. Download the file here .

  3. Unzip to your working directory.

    Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

  4. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

38.4. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

  1. Open the results file named TimeBladeRowIni_001.res.

  2. Save the case as FilmCooling.cfx in your working directory.

38.4.1. Changing the Inlet Temperature

Adjust the inlet temperature as follows:

  1. Edit S1 Inlet.

  2. On the Boundary Details tab, set Heat Transfer > Total Temperature to 1000 [K].

  3. Click OK.

38.4.2. Initializing Profile Data

File FCInjectionPositions.csv is a profile data file that contains information about specific injection positions. You can optionally view this file’s contents using a text editor. The file contains 3 function definitions, each consisting of a name, optional parameter data, a declaration of the spatial field variables, and table data. Note that the function names, parameter names, and table column labels must be CEL-compatible; these names may contain spaces but must not contain the underscore character or any symbols.

Load FCInjectionPositions.csv:

  1. Select Tools > Initialize Profile Data.

    The Initialize Profile Data dialog box appears.

  2. Beside Profile Data File, click Browse  .

    The Select Profile Data File dialog box appears.

  3. Select FCInjectionPositions.csv and click Open.

  4. In the Initialize Profile Data dialog box, select all three Visibility check boxes so that, in the viewer, symbols will appear at the (planned) injection positions.

    Note that the symbol visibility can also be controlled in the Outline tree view by selecting or clearing the check boxes under Simulation > Expressions, Functions and Variables > User Functions.

  5. Click OK.

    The profile data is loaded and initialized. Note that an additional three profile functions appear in the Outline tree view, under Simulation > Expressions, Functions and Variables > User Functions:

    • Hub Cooling

    • Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling

    • Rotor Suction Surface Cooling

As an exercise, change the appearance of the user function symbols:

  1. In the Outline tree view, right-click Simulation > Expressions, Functions and Variables > User Functions > Hub Cooling and select Render > Properties.

    The Render Options - User Function Hub Cooling dialog box appears.

  2. Set Symbol to Ball.

  3. Set Symbol Size to 0.5.

  4. Click OK.

    In the viewer, the symbols that mark the injection positions (cooling hole locations) on the hub are now shown as balls.

  5. Using the same procedure, change the shape and size of the user function symbols that show the injection positions on the rotor pressure and suction surfaces.

  6. If the curled-arrow symbols that mark interfaces are shown in the viewer, hide them by right-clicking the viewer background and deselecting Markers > Interface.

  7. Note that, as shown in Figure 38.1: Injection Positions, one of the injection positions on the hub is slightly outside the modeled passage; any such injection position is effectively relocated (by the CFX-Solver) to a corresponding position between the periodic interfaces. You can therefore create injection positions without having to know the exact locations of the periodic interfaces.

Figure 38.1: Injection Positions

Injection Positions

  • If the injection positions (cooling hole locations) require rotation, added instances, or other transformations, you can use the Edit Profile Data dialog box to edit the profile data file. For details, see Edit Profile Data in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

  • If you are editing the profile data with an application other than CFX-Pre or a plain text editor, ensure that you preserve a reasonable number of significant digits in the data.

38.4.3. Preparing an Expanded Profile for Later Use

In the previous section, you noted that one of the injection positions is slightly outside the modeled passage.

Later in this tutorial, there is a postprocessing demonstration that requires a modified copy of the profile that, within the modeled passage in particular, has all of the modeled injection positions. Such a profile can be made by expanding the original profile to cover two passages.

Create an expanded version of the profile as follows:

  1. Select Tools > Edit Profile Data.

    The Edit Profile Data dialog box appears.

  2. Under Source Profile, click Browse  .

    The Select Profile Data File dialog box appears.

  3. From your working directory, select FCInjectionPositions.csv and click Open.

  4. In the Edit Profile Data dialog box, set Write to Profile to FCInjectionPositions_2p.csv.

  5. IMPORTANT: Ensure that Initialize New Profile After Writing is cleared in order to prevent the profile data from being initialized with the expanded profile.

  6. In the Transformations frame, click Add new item  , set Name to Transformation 1, and click OK.

  7. Configure the following setting(s):



    Transformation 1

    > Option



    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Rotation Option



    Principal Axis

    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Axis




    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Passages in Profile




    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Passages in 360




    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Expansion Option



    Spec. Number of Passages

    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Pass. in Expansion




    Transformation 1

    > Expansion Definition

    > Theta Offset



    -8.57143 [degree]

  8. Click OK.

The new profile (which is not applied to the simulation, but which is available as file FCInjectionPositions_2p.csv) covers two passages, and will be used in the postprocessing section of this tutorial. Although the expanded profile contains many unneeded points outside the modeled passage, it (importantly) contains all of the injection positions within the modeled passage.

38.4.4. Mapping Data to Injection Region Settings

As a best practice, you will create associations between the user function data and injection region settings. This will prepare CFX-Pre to automatically configure many of the injection region settings later in this tutorial. Note that these associations are not required; you can always choose to specify any or all of the injection region settings manually.

Edit the three relevant user functions as follows:

  1. In the Outline tree view, right-click Simulation > Expressions, Functions and Variables > User Functions > Hub Cooling and select Edit.

  2. Under Parameters, select MassFlow (in the list).

  3. Select MassFlow > Parameter List.

  4. Set Parameter List to Injection Mass Flow Rate.

  5. Also make the following associations for user function Hub Cooling:

    • With Value Fields set to Cooling Temperature, select Cooling Temperature > Parameter List, then set Parameter List to Stationary Frame Total Temperature.

    • With Value Fields set to Hole Diameter, select Hole Diameter > Parameter List, then set Parameter List to Diameter.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Make the following associations for user function Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling (clicking OK when done):

    • With Parameters set to Diameter, ensure that Parameter List is set to Diameter.

    • With Parameters set to InjectionTemperature, set Parameter List to Stationary Frame Total Temperature.

    • With Value Fields set to Mass Flow, set Parameter List to Injection Mass Flow Rate.

  8. Make the same associations for user function Rotor Suction Surface Cooling as for user function Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling (clicking OK when done).

38.4.5. Adding Cooling Holes to the Rotor and Hub

Now that you have initialized the profile data and have created associations between the profile data and injection region settings, you are ready to use the profile data to create cooling holes.

Add cooling holes to the rotor as follows:

  1. Select Insert > Injection Region > in R1.

    The Insert Injection Region dialog box appears.

  2. Set Name to Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Region Type


    Injection Location Type

    > Option


    Selected 2D Regions

    Injection Location Type

    > Location


    BLADE 2

    Injection Positions

    > Option


    From Profile

    Injection Positions

    > Profile Name


    Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling

    Injection Positions

    > Generate Values



    This fills in settings on the Injection Details tab using the associations that you defined earlier in the Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling user function.

    Coordinate Frame

    Coord 0

    Frame Type


    Injection Details

    Injection Model

    > Option


    Circular Hole

    Injection Model

    > Diameter


    Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling.Diameter()

    Mass And Momentum

    > Option


    Injection Mass Flow Rate

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate


    Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling.Mass Flow(x,y,z)

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate Area


    Per Injection Position

    Flow Direction

    > Option


    Normal to Boundary Condition

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Stationary Frame Total Temperature

    Heat Transfer

    > Stat. Frame Tot. Temp


    Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling.InjectionTemperature()

  4. Click OK.

The injection region is listed in the Outline tree view, under the applicable domain.

In the viewer, symbols representing the cooling holes appear on the rotor pressure surface. You can optionally adjust the rendering properties of injection region Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes by right-clicking it in the Outline tree view and selecting Render > Properties. Note that the Symbol option Injection Shape is particularly recommended because the resulting symbols (wherever possible) show not only the position, but also the orientation, shape, and size, of each cooling hole. Additional settings for visualizing an injection region are available in the details view, on the Plot Options tab.

You can optionally turn off the visibility of user function Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling.

Using the same procedure, add an injection region, Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes, for the cooling holes on the rotor suction surface, using the Rotor Suction Surface Cooling profile data for the injection positions, diameter, mass flow, and temperature.

You can optionally turn off the visibility of user function Rotor Suction Surface Cooling.

Add cooling holes to the hub as follows:

  1. Select Insert > Injection Region > in R1.

    The Insert Injection Region dialog box appears.

  2. Set Name to Hub Cooling Holes and click OK.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Region Type


    Injection Location Type

    > Option


    Selected 2D Regions

    Injection Location Type

    > Location


    Entire HUB 2

    Injection Positions

    > Option


    From Profile

    Injection Positions

    > Profile Name


    Hub Cooling

    Injection Positions

    > Generate Values



    This fills in settings on the Injection Details tab using the associations that you defined earlier in the Hub Cooling user function.

    Coordinate Frame

    Coord 0

    Frame Type


    Injection Details

    Injection Model

    > Option


    Circular Hole

    Injection Model

    > Diameter


    Hub Cooling.Hole Diameter(x,y,z)

    Mass And Momentum

    > Option


    Injection Mass Flow Rate

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate


    Hub Cooling.MassFlow()

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate Area


    As Specified

    (This indicates that the specified mass flow rate is the total over all 4 modeled holes on the hub.)

    Flow Direction

    > Option


    Normal to Boundary Condition

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Stationary Frame Total Temperature

    Heat Transfer

    > Stat. Frame Tot. Temp


    Hub Cooling.Cooling Temperature(x,y,z)

  4. Click OK.

You can optionally turn off the visibility of user function Hub Cooling.

38.4.6. Adding a Cylindrical Slot to the Hub for Platform Cooling

Add a cylindrical slot to the hub as follows:

  1. Create a user line (Insert > User Locations > User Line) named User Line 1, with Option set to Two Points, Number of Points set to 2, Point 1 set to (-0.245, 0.001, 0.21), and Point 2 set to (-0.243, -0.026, 0.21).

    This user line marks the position and orientation of the slot.

    Note that the user line visibility can be controlled in the Outline tree view by selecting or clearing the check box for Simulation > User Locations > User Line 1.

  2. Select Insert > Injection Region > in R1.

    The Insert Injection Region dialog box appears.

  3. Set Name to Platform Cooling Slot and click OK.

  4. Configure the following setting(s):




    Basic Settings

    Region Type


    Injection Location Type

    > Option


    Selected 2D Regions

    Injection Location Type

    > Location


    Entire HUB 2

    Injection Positions

    > Option


    User Location

    Injection Positions

    > User Location List


    User Line 1

    Coordinate Frame

    Coord 0

    Frame Type


    Injection Details

    Injection Model

    > Option


    Cylindrical Slot

    Injection Model

    > Slot Width


    1 [mm]

    Injection Model

    > Axis Definition

    > Option



    From Domain

    Mass And Momentum

    > Option


    Injection Mass Flow Rate

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate


    1.5e-3 [kg s^-1]

    Mass and Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate Area


    As Specified

    (This indicates that the specified mass flow rate applies over the slot as specified for the modeled sector of the wheel.)

    Flow Direction

    > Option


    Normal to Boundary Condition

    Heat Transfer

    > Option


    Stationary Frame Total Temperature

    Heat Transfer

    > Stat. Frame Tot. Temp


    420 [K]

  5. Click OK.

In the viewer, a line drawing representing the cylindrical slot appears on the hub. You can optionally adjust the rendering properties of injection region Platform Cooling Slot by right-clicking it in the Outline tree view and selecting Render > Properties. Additional settings for visualizing an injection region are available in the details view, on the Plot Options tab.

38.4.7. Using an Injection Region as a Locator in a CEL Expression

An injection region can serve as a locator in a CEL expression in CFX-Pre and in CFX-Solver. Such an expression could be used, for example, to create a solver monitor.

As an exercise, create a solver monitor that monitors an expression for the area average of pressure on the hub cooling holes.

  1. Select Insert > Solver > Output Control.

    The Output Control details view appears.

  2. On the Monitor tab, under Monitor Points and Expressions, click Add new item  .

    The Insert Monitor Point dialog box appears.

  3. Set Name to Average Pressure on Hub Cooling Holes and click OK.

  4. Under Monitor Points and Expressions > Average Pressure on Hub Cooling Holes:

    1. Set Option to Expression.

    2. Set Expression Value to areaAve(Pressure)@Hub Cooling Holes.

  5. Click Apply.

As an exercise, create the following monitors that will be used later in this tutorial to confirm that there is conservation of mass in the rotor passage:

Monitor Name

Expression Value

Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Hole Mass Flow

massFlow()@Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes

Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Hole Mass Flow

massFlow()@Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes

Hub Cooling Hole Mass Flow

massFlow()@Hub Cooling Holes

Platform Cooling Slot Mass Flow

massFlow()@Platform Cooling Slot

Rotor Passage Inlet Mass Flow

massFlow()@REGION:Entire INFLOW 2

Rotor Passage Outlet Mass Flow

massFlow()@REGION:Entire OUTFLOW 2

Net Flow into Rotor Passage

massFlow()@Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes + massFlow()@Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes + massFlow()@Hub Cooling Holes + massFlow()@Platform Cooling Slot + massFlow()@REGION:Entire INFLOW 2 + massFlow()@REGION:Entire OUTFLOW 2

38.4.8. Modifying Execution Control

Because the current case was built upon the results of another case, a definition file (*.def) name is stored in the Execution Control settings. Update that name to reflect the current case as follows:

  1. Click Execution Control  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Run Definition

    Input File Settings

    > Solver Input File


    FilmCooling.def [a]

    1. You do not need to set the full path unless you are saving the solver file somewhere other than the working directory.

  3. Confirm that the rest of the execution control settings are set appropriately.

  4. Click OK.

38.4.9. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  2. If using stand-alone mode, quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file at your discretion.

38.5. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

  1. In CFX-Solver Manager, ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

  2. Under the Initial Values tab, select Initial Values Specification.

  3. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values, select Initial Values 1.

  4. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values > Initial Values 1 Settings > File Name, click Browse  .

  5. Select TimeBladeRowIni_001.res from your working directory.

  6. Click Open.

  7. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution.

  8. As an exercise, show each injection region's mass flow in a new monitor plot:

    1. In the CFX-Solver Manager, select Workspace > New Monitor.

      The New Monitor dialog box appears.

    2. Set Name to Injection Regions.

    3. Set Type to Plot Monitor.

    4. Click OK.

      The Monitor Properties: Injection Regions dialog box appears.

    5. In the dialog box, on the Plot Lines tab, in the tree starting with Plot Line Variable, expand FLOW > INJECTION REGION, then select the following:

      • Hub Cooling Holes > P-Mass Injection Region Flow on Hub Cooling Holes (R1)

      • Platform Cooling Slot > P-Mass Injection Region Flow on Platform Cooling Slot (R1)

      • Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes > P-Mass Injection Region Flow on Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes (R1)

      • Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes > P-Mass Injection Region Flow on Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes (R1)

    6. Click OK.

      As shown in Figure 38.2: Mass Flows through Injection Regions, a new monitor plot appears in the CFX-Solver Manager showing four horizontal lines; these lines correspond to the total mass flows through:

      • The 4 hub cooling holes

      • The hub cooling slot

      • The 5 rotor pressure surface cooling holes

      • The 5 rotor suction surface cooling holes.

    Figure 38.2: Mass Flows through Injection Regions

    Mass Flows through Injection Regions

  9. Show the monitors that you created earlier, in CFX-Pre:

    1. Click the User Points tab.

      Observe that the monitor Average Pressure on Hub Cooling Holes is plotted against Accumulated Time Step, as shown by the topmost plot line in Figure 38.3: User Points versus Accumulated Time Step.

      The other monitors that you defined are also shown, but not currently at an appropriate scale for viewing.

    2. Right-click inside the User Points tab and select Monitor Properties.

      The Monitor Properties: User Points dialog box appears.

    3. In the dialog box, on the Plot Lines tab, clear USER POINT > Average Pressure on Hub Cooling Holes, then click OK.

      With the plot line Average Pressure on Hub Cooling Holes omitted, the chart is now re-scaled so that the remaining plot lines are easier to see, as shown in Figure 38.4: Conservation-related User Points versus Accumulated Time Step. The plot line Net Flow into Rotor Passage approaches zero, indicating that mass flow is conserved in the rotor passage, as expected.

    Figure 38.3: User Points versus Accumulated Time Step

    User Points versus Accumulated Time Step

    Figure 38.4: Conservation-related User Points versus Accumulated Time Step

    Conservation-related User Points versus Accumulated Time Step

    At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  10. When CFX-Solver is finished, select the check box next to Post-Process Results.

  11. If using stand-alone mode, select the check box next to Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  12. Click OK.

38.6. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

In the following sections, you will:

  • Show the mesh lines in the rotor domain.

  • Create a contour plot that shows the temperature on the rotor and hub.

  • Use the expanded profile data that you prepared earlier (FCInjectionPositions_2p.csv) to create point clouds that represent injection positions, specifically the cooling hole centers.

  • Adjust coloring and rendering options for injection regions.

  • Plot streamlines that originate from injection regions.

  • Perform quantitative calculations on an injection region.

38.6.1. Showing the Mesh Lines

  1. In the Outline tree view, select the check boxes for R1 Blade and R1 Hub.

  2. Edit R1 Blade.

  3. In the details view, on the Render tab, clear Show Faces, select Show Mesh Lines, and click Apply.

  4. Edit R1 Hub similarly.

  5. Turn off the visibility of User Locations and Plots > Wireframe.

38.6.2. Creating a Contour Plot of Temperature

  1. Click Insert > Contour and accept the default name.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):






    R1 Blade,R1 Hub





    # of Contours



    Show Contour Bands

    > Lighting



  3. Click Apply.

The contour plot shows Temperature values on the rotor and hub. As shown in Figure 38.5: Temperature on Blade and Hub, the effect of film cooling is apparent.

Figure 38.5: Temperature on Blade and Hub

Temperature on Blade and Hub

Increasing the mesh resolution would better resolve the circular shape of the cooling holes. A case with film cooling is typically simulated using a finer mesh than used here. As a best practice, there should be 3 to 5 elements across the hole diameter for any given cooling hole. As expected, flow quantities are conserved, regardless of the mesh resolution.

Note:  For a coarse mesh in which the mesh faces at an injection position are larger than the hole size, you must set, in the Solver Control details view, on the Advanced Options tab, Injection Control > Surface Injection Control > Surface Overlap Type to Nearest Face. Note that, as a side effect of using this option, each cooling hole is resolved by only one mesh face. Also note that, under this option, any given mesh face is permitted to resolve multiple cooling holes.

38.6.3. Showing the Cooling Hole Locations

In this section, you will begin by creating point clouds that show the cooling hole centers. To ensure that every cooling hole center on the hub is represented, including the one (as mentioned earlier) specified by a position outside the mesh (the corresponding position in an adjacent flow passage), you will use the expanded profile (created earlier) to create the point clouds.

You will then use injection region object Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes to visualize the approximate shape of the cooling holes on the rotor suction surface.

Create the point clouds using the expanded profile that you prepared earlier:

  1. Select File > Import > Import Surface, Line or Point Data.

    The Import Surface, Line or Point Data dialog box appears.

  2. Set File to FCInjectionPositions_2p.csv.

  3. Set Import As to Point Cloud.

  4. Click OK.

    In the Outline tree view, under User Locations and Plots, three point cloud objects appear. These objects correspond to the three profile data sets in FCInjectionPositions_2p.csv, which represent all cooling hole locations (in two passages) for the hub, rotor pressure surface, and rotor suction surface.

  5. Edit User Locations and Plots > Imported Hub Cooling.

  6. In the details view, on the Symbol tab, set Symbol to Ball and Symbol Size to 0.25.

  7. Click Apply.

    The viewer shows ball symbols at the cooling hole locations on the hub.

  8. Change the symbols similarly for the other two point cloud objects.

You should see all cooling hole locations inside the modeled passage (as well as many outside the passage), as shown in Figure 38.6: Hole Locations shown using Point Cloud (which has transparency applied to the contour plot to help show the symbols).

Figure 38.6: Hole Locations shown using Point Cloud

Hole Locations shown using Point Cloud

Color injection region Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes using variable Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes Area Fraction to help resolve the shapes of the cooling holes on the rotor suction surface, as follows:

  1. Turn off the visibility of contour plot Contour 1.

  2. Turn on the visibility of injection region Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes.

  3. Edit injection region Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes.

  4. In the details view, on the Color tab, change Mode to Variable and, using the Ellipsis   icon, change Variable to Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes Area Fraction.

  5. Click Apply.

The approximate shapes of the cooling holes, as shown by injection region Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes, are in agreement with the hole center positions, as marked by the corresponding point cloud.

Injection region Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes includes all of the mesh faces that meet or overlap the injection holes in the injection region. By default, the rendering is trimmed at a certain value of the injection region's area fraction variable.

As an exercise, adjust the rendering to be trimmed at an area fraction of 0.25:

  1. Edit injection region Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes.

  2. In the details view, on the Render tab, ensure that Use Post Region Rendering is selected and set Area Fraction to 0.25.

  3. Click Apply.

The injection region is now clipped at an Area Fraction value of 0.25; the portion of the injection region that remains visible is the portion that has area fraction variable Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes Area Fraction greater than the specified value of 0.25.

Note:  The Use Post Region Rendering setting works independently of the coloring settings. In this tutorial, coloring the injection region by its area fraction variable happened to help illustrate that clipping occurs at the specified value of Area Fraction.

38.6.4. Creating Streamlines from the Injection Regions

In this section, you will produce streamlines that start from the injection regions, specifically the vertices of the mesh faces that resolve the cooling holes and slot.

  1. From the main menu, select Insert > Streamline.

    The Insert Streamline dialog box appears.

  2. Accept the default name and click OK.

  3. Set Definition > Start From to a selection of all four injection regions:

    • Hub Cooling Holes

    • Platform Cooling Slot

    • Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes

    • Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes

  4. Set Definition > Sampling to Vertex.

  5. To help ensure that every injection position in the passage has associated streamlines, set Definition > Reduction to Reduction Factor and Definition > Factor to 1.0.

  6. Set Definition > Boundary Data to Hybrid.

  7. Ensure that Cross Periodics is selected.

    This setting enables the streamlines to cross periodic boundaries.

  8. Click the Color tab.

  9. Set Mode to Variable.

  10. Set Variable to Temperature.

  11. Set Range to Global.

  12. Click the Symbol tab.

  13. Ensure that Show Streams is selected.

  14. Set Show Streams > Stream Type to Tube.

  15. Set Show Streams > Tube Width to 1.0.

  16. Click Apply.

    Streamlines start from each injection region in the passage, as shown in Figure 38.7: Streamlines starting from Injection Regions.

Figure 38.7: Streamlines starting from Injection Regions

Streamlines starting from Injection Regions

Note that, when using a coarse mesh (as in this tutorial), and depending on the size and distribution of the injection holes/slots, some injection positions might not have adequate graphical representation; without adequate graphical representation, there could be fewer/no streamlines originating from an injection position (when plotting streamlines from the injection region).

For the current case, to improve rendering of the injection holes/slot (thereby increasing the number of streamlines plotted) you can try adjusting the area fractions used to clip the rendered injection regions. In Showing the Cooling Hole Locations, you have already adjusted the area fraction used to clip injection region Rotor Suction Surface Cooling Holes. Using the same technique, adjust the area fraction used to clip the following two other injection regions, using the indicated Area Fraction values:

  • Rotor Pressure Surface Cooling Holes: Area Fraction = 0.16

  • Platform Cooling Slot: Area Fraction = 0.1

Note:  Due to a Bug that affects the rendering of injection regions in Release 2024 R2 of CFD-Post, you might need to turn off (being sure to click Apply) the Use Post Region Rendering option (in the details view, on the Render tab) for the applicable injection region(s), then turn on (being sure to click Apply) the Use Post Region Rendering option for the same injection region(s).

The holes and slot are now better resolved for these two injection regions, as shown in Figure 38.8: Injection Regions Clipped at Lower Area Fractions. Note the appearance of additional streamlines on these regions.

Figure 38.8: Injection Regions Clipped at Lower Area Fractions

Injection Regions Clipped at Lower Area Fractions

38.6.5. Performing Quantitative Calculations on an Injection Region

You can calculate quantities on an injection region, either via CCL or via the function calculator. When using an injection region in a calculation in CFD-Post, the injection region effectively consists of only the holes/slots; the remainder of the 2D region used to define the injection region is excluded.

Important:  A Bug that affects Release 2024 R2 of CFD-Post causes inaccurate calculations on injection regions in multidomain cases. The suggested workaround is to turn on (being sure to click Apply) the Use Post Region Rendering option (in the details view, on the Render tab) for the applicable injection region(s), then turn off (being sure to click Apply) the Use Post Region Rendering option for the same injection region(s), then recalculate any previously computed results.

As an exercise, use the Function Calculator to calculate quantities that apply to all holes, taken collectively, of injection region Hub Cooling Holes:

  1. Apply the Bug workaround just mentioned for injection region Hub Cooling Holes by turning on, then off, its Use Post Region Rendering option:

    1. Edit injection region Hub Cooling Holes.

    2. In the details view, on the Render tab, ensure that Use Post Region Rendering is turned on.

    3. Click Apply.

    4. In the details view, on the Render tab, turn off Use Post Region Rendering.

    5. Click Apply.

      You are now ready to calculate quantities on injection region Hub Cooling Holes.

  2. Calculate the mass flow that passes through all holes, taken collectively, of injection region Hub Cooling Holes as follows:

    1. Select Tools > Function Calculator.

    2. In the Function Calculator, set Function to massFlow and Location to Hub Cooling Holes.

    3. Click Calculate.

      The computed mass flow appears under Results.

  3. Calculate the mass flow integral of static enthalpy over all holes, taken collectively, of injection region Hub Cooling Holes as follows:

    1. In the Function Calculator, set Function to massFlowInt, Location to Hub Cooling Holes, and Variable to Static Enthalpy.

    2. Click Calculate.

      The computed integral appears under Results.

  4. Calculate the area of all holes, taken collectively, of injection region Hub Cooling Holes as follows:

    1. In the Function Calculator, set Function to area and Location to Hub Cooling Holes.

    2. Click Calculate.

      The computed area appears under Results.

      Note that area-dependent results are approximate, being affected by mesh coarseness as well as the geometric fidelity of the approximate (polygonal) geometry used internally to represent the cooling holes.