Chapter 14: Flow in an Axial Turbine Stage

14.1. Tutorial Features

In this tutorial you will learn about:

  • Using the Turbo Wizard in CFX-Pre to quickly specify a turbomachinery application.

  • Multiple Frames of Reference and Generalized Grid Interface.

  • Using a Frozen Rotor interface between the rotor and stator domains.

  • Modifying an existing simulation.

  • Setting up a transient calculation.

  • Using a Transient Rotor-Stator interface condition to replace a Frozen Rotor interface.

  • Creating a transient animation showing domain movement in CFD-Post.





User Mode

Turbo Wizard

Analysis Type

Steady State


Fluid Type

Ideal Gas

Domain Type

Multiple Domain

Rotating Frame of Reference

Turbulence Model


Heat Transfer

Total Energy

Boundary Conditions

Inlet (Subsonic)

Outlet (Subsonic)

Wall: No-Slip

Wall: Adiabatic

Domain Interfaces

Frozen Rotor


Transient Rotor Stator


Physical Time Scale

Transient Example

Transient Results File


CFX-Solver Manager



Parallel Processing






Surface Group

Turbo Post



Changing the Color Range

Chart Creation

Graphical Instancing

Movie Generation

Quantitative Calculation

Time Step Selection

Transient Animation

14.2. Overview of the Problem to Solve

The goal of this tutorial is to set up a transient calculation of an axial turbine stage.

The stage contains 60 stator blades and 113 rotor blades. The following figure shows approximately half of the full geometry. The Inflow and Outflow labels show the location of the modeled section in Figure 14.1: Geometry subsection.

The geometry to be modeled consists of a single stator blade passage and two rotor blade passages. This is an approximation to the full geometry since the ratio of rotor blades to stator blades is close to, but not exactly, 2:1. In the stator blade passage a 6° section is being modeled (360°/60 blades), while in the rotor blade passage, a 6.372° section is being modeled (2*360°/113 blades). This produces a pitch ratio at the interface between the stator and rotor of 0.942. As the flow crosses the interface, it is scaled to enable this type of geometry to be modeled. This results in an approximation of the inflow to the rotor passage. Furthermore, the flow across the interface will not appear continuous due to the scaling applied.

You should always try to obtain a pitch ratio as close to 1 as possible in your model to minimize approximations, but this must be weighed against computational resources. A full machine analysis can be performed (modeling all rotor and stator blades), which always eliminates any pitch change, but will require significant computational time. For this geometry, a 1/4 machine section (28 rotor blades, 15 stator blades) would produce a pitch change of 1.009, but this would require a model about 15 times larger than in this tutorial example.

In this example, the rotor rotates about the Z axis at 523.6 rad/s while the stator and shroud are stationary. The tip gap between the rotor blades and the shroud is not included in the mesh. Periodic boundaries are used to enable only a small section of the full geometry to be modeled.

The important parameters of this problem are:

  • Total pressure = 0.265 bar

  • Static Pressure = 0.0662 bar

  • Total temperature = 328.5 K

    Figure 14.1: Geometry subsection

    Geometry subsection

The overall approach of this tutorial is to run a transient simulation using the Transient Rotor-Stator interface model initialized with the results of a steady-state simulation that uses the Frozen Rotor interface model. First, you will define a steady-state Frozen Rotor simulation using the Turbomachinery Wizard. The results of this simulation will be viewed using the Turbo Post feature. Next, you will rerun the steady-state Frozen Rotor simulation using an Exit Corrected Mass Flow Rate boundary condition. You will modify a copy of this steady-state Frozen Rotor simulation to define the transient simulation with the Transient Rotor-Stator interface model. After running the Transient Rotor-Stator simulation, you will create an animation showing domain movement.

If this is the first tutorial you are working with, it is important to review the following topics before beginning:

14.3. Preparing the Working Directory

  1. Create a working directory.

    Ansys CFX uses a working directory as the default location for loading and saving files for a particular session or project.

  2. Download the file here .

  3. Unzip to your working directory.

    Ensure that the following tutorial input files are in your working directory:

    • rotor.grd

    • stator.gtm

  4. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

14.4. Simulating the Stage with the Steady-State Frozen Rotor Model

You will first create the Frozen Rotor simulation.

14.4.1. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

The Turbomachinery wizard is designed to simplify the setup of turbomachinery simulations.

  1. In CFX-Pre, select File > New Case.

  2. Select Turbomachinery and click OK.

  3. Select File > Save Case As.

  4. Under File name, type AxialIni.

  5. Click Save. Basic Settings

  1. In the Basic Settings panel, configure the following setting(s):



    Machine Type

    Axial Turbine

    Analysis Type

    > Type


    Steady State

  2. Click Next. Component Definition

Two new components are required. As they are created, meshes are imported.

  1. Right-click in the blank area and select Add Component from the shortcut menu.

  2. Create a new component of type Stationary, named S1.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):




    > File


    stator.gtm [ a ]

    1. Click Browse   to open the Import Mesh dialog box. You may have to select the CFX Mesh (*gtm *cfx) option under Files of type.

  4. Create a new component of type Rotating, named R1.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):



    Component Type

    > Value


    523.6 [radian s^-1]


    > File


    rotor.grd [ a ]

    1. Click Browse   to open the Import Mesh dialog box. You may have to select the CFX-TASCflow (*grd) option under Files of type. Ensure that Options > Mesh Units is set to m.

    Note:  The components must be ordered as above (stator then rotor) in order for the interface to be created correctly. The order of the two components can be changed by right-clicking on S1 and selecting Move Component Up.

    When a component is defined, Turbo Mode will automatically select a list of regions that correspond to certain boundary types. This information should be reviewed in the Region Information section to ensure that all is correct. This information will be used to help set up boundary conditions and interfaces. The upper case turbo regions that are selected (for example, HUB) correspond to the region names in the CFX-TASCflow grd file. CFX-TASCflow turbomachinery meshes use these names consistently.

  6. Click Passages and Alignment > Edit.

  7. Configure the following setting(s):



    Passage and Alignment

    > Passages/Mesh

    > Passages per Mesh




    Passage and Alignment

    > Passages to Model



    Passage and Alignment

    > Passages in 360



  8. Click Passages and Alignment > Done.

  9. Configure the following setting(s):



    Wall Configuration


    Wall Configuration

    > Tip Clearance at Shroud


    Yes [ a ]

    Wall Configuration

    > Tip Clearance at Hub


    No [ a ]

    1. These settings configure the slip conditions on the walls such that the shroud is counter-rotating with respect to the rotor, but the hub is not.

  10. Click Next. Physics Definition

In this section, you will set properties of the fluid domain and some solver parameters.

  1. In the Physics Definition panel, configure the following setting(s):




    Air Ideal Gas

    Model Data

    > Reference Pressure


    0.25 [atm]

    Model Data

    > Heat Transfer


    Total Energy

    Model Data

    > Turbulence



    Inflow/Outflow Boundary Templates

    > P-Total Inlet Mass Flow Outlet



    Inflow/Outflow Boundary Templates

    > Inflow

    > P-Total



    0 [atm]

    Inflow/Outflow Boundary Templates

    > Inflow

    > T-Total



    340 [K]

    Inflow/Outflow Boundary Templates

    > Inflow

    > Flow Direction



    Normal to Boundary

    Inflow/Outflow Boundary Templates

    > Outflow

    > Mass Flow



    Per Component

    Inflow/Outflow Boundary Templates

    > Outflow

    > Mass Flow Rate



    0.06 [kg s^-1]


    > Default Type


    Frozen Rotor

    Solver Parameters


    Solver Parameters

    > Advection Scheme


    High Resolution

    Solver Parameters

    > Convergence Control


    Physical Timescale

    Solver Parameters

    > Physical Timescale


    0.002 [s] [ a ]

    1. This time scale is approximately equal to 1 / , which is often appropriate for rotating machinery applications.

  2. Click Next. Interface Definition

CFX-Pre will try to create appropriate interfaces using the region names presented previously in the Region Information section. In this case, you should see that a periodic interface has been generated for both the rotor and the stator. These are required when modeling a small section of the true geometry. An interface is also required to connect the two components together across the frame change.

  1. Review the various interfaces but do not change them.

  2. Click Next. Boundary Definition

CFX-Pre will try to create appropriate boundary conditions using the region names presented previously in the Region Information section. In this case, you should see a list of boundary conditions that have been generated. They can be edited or deleted in the same way as the interface connections that were set up earlier.

  1. Review the various boundary definitions but do not change them.

  2. Click Next. Final Operations

  1. Set Operation to Enter General Mode.

  2. Click Finish. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    File name

    AxialIni.def [ a ]

    1. You do not need to set the full path unless you are saving the solver file somewhere other than the working directory.

  3. Click Save.

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  4. If using stand-alone mode, quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file at your discretion.

14.4.2. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

Compared to previous tutorials, the mesh for this tutorial contains many more nodes (although it is still too coarse to perform a high quality CFD simulation). This results in a corresponding increase in solution time for the problem. Solving this problem in parallel is recommended, if possible.

More detailed information about setting up CFX to run in parallel is available in Flow Around a Blunt Body.

You can solve this example using Serial, Local Parallel or Distributed Parallel. Obtaining a Solution in Serial

If you do not have a license to run CFX in parallel you can run in serial by clicking the Start Run button when CFX-Solver Manager has opened up. Solution time in serial is approximately 45 minutes on a 1 GHz processor.

  1. Click Start Run on the Define Run dialog box.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  2. Select Post-Process Results.

  3. If using stand-alone mode, select Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  4. Click OK.

When you are finished, proceed to Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post. Obtaining a Solution With Local Parallel

To run in local parallel mode:

  1. Set Run Mode to a parallel mode suitable for your environment; for example, Intel MPI Local Parallel.

  2. If required, click Add Process   to increase the maximum number of processes.

    Ideally, the number of processes should not exceed the number of available processor cores. The number of processes used will be the number of partitions for the mesh.

  3. Click Start Run.

  4. Select the check box next to Post-Process Results when the completion message appears at the end of the run.

  5. If using stand-alone mode, select the check box next to Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  6. Click OK.

When you are finished, proceed to Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post. Obtaining a Solution with Distributed Parallel

  1. Set Run Mode to a parallel mode suitable for your environment; for example, Intel MPI Distributed Parallel.

    One partition should already be assigned to the host that you are logged into.

  2. Click Insert Host   to specify a new parallel host.

  3. In Select Parallel Hosts, select another host name (this should be a machine that you can log into using the same user name).

  4. Click Add, and then Close.

    The names of the two selected machines should be listed in the Host Name column of the Define Run dialog box.

  5. Click Start Run.

  6. Select the check box next to Post-Process Results when the completion message appears at the end of the run.

  7. If using stand-alone mode, select the check box next to Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  8. Click OK. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

When CFD-Post starts, the Domain Selector dialog box might appear. If it does, ensure that both the R1 and S1 domains are selected, then click OK to load the results from these domains.

The Turbo Post feature will be demonstrated in the following sections. This feature is designed to greatly reduce the effort taken to post-process turbomachinery simulations. Initializing Turbo Post

When initializing turbo components, span, a (axial), r (radial), and Theta coordinates are generated for each component. Therefore, after entering the Turbo workspace and initializing the turbo components, you will be ready to start using the turbo-specific features offered in the Turbo workspace immediately. These features include Turbo Tree View, Turbo Surface, Turbo Line and Turbo Plots.

To initialize Turbo Post, the properties of each component must be set up. This includes information about the inlet, outlet, hub, shroud, blade, and periodic regions. It also includes information about the number of instances of each turbo component needed to represent the full geometry around the rotation axis, and the number of blade passages in the mesh for each turbo component.

  1. Click the Turbo tab.

    The Turbo Initialization dialog box is displayed, and asks you whether you want to auto-initialize all components.

    Note:  If you do not see the Turbo Initialization dialog box, or as an alternative to using that dialog box, you can initialize all components by clicking the Initialize All Components button, which is visible initially by default, or after double-clicking the Initialization object in the Turbo tree view.

  2. Click Yes.

    In this case, the initialization works without problems. If there was a problem initializing a component, this would likely be indicated in the tree view. Viewing Pressure on a Surface Group

Next, you will create a surface group colored by Pressure, covering the blade and hub surfaces on three graphical instances of each domain.

  1. From the main menu, select Insert > Location > Surface Group.

  2. Click OK to accept the default name.

  3. Configure the following setting(s):






    R1 Blade, R1 Hub, S1 Blade, S1 Hub






  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click the Turbo tab.

  6. Open Plots > 3D View for editing.

  7. Configure the following setting(s):




    3D View

    Graphical Instancing

    > Domain



    Graphical Instancing

    > # of Copies



  8. Click Apply.

  9. Configure the following setting(s):




    3D View

    Graphical Instancing

    > Domain



    Graphical Instancing

    > # of Copies



  10. Click Apply.

  11. Click the Outline tab to see the surface group.

Note:  The number of graphical instances can also be changed from the Outline tab, in the domain settings. Blade Loading Turbo Chart

In this section, you will create a plot of pressure around the stator blade at a given spanwise location.

  1. Click the Turbo tab.

  2. In the Turbo tree view, double-click Blade Loading.

  3. Click Apply.

    This profile of the pressure curve is typical for turbomachinery applications.

  4. When you are finished viewing the chart, return to the Outline tab and keep CFD-Post open.

14.4.3. Simulating the Stage with the Exit Corrected Mass Flow Rate Boundary Condition

You will now use a different outlet boundary condition, namely the Exit Corrected Mass Flow Rate specification for the R1 Outlet boundary, that will enable you to specify the mass flow at the outlet at corrected conditions. The Reference Pressure and Reference Temperature will be set to International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) conditions (1 atm and 288.15 K).

The exit corrected mass flow is defined as:


where, and are mass averaged values of total pressure and temperature in the stationary frame at the outlet.

The intent of this section is to obtain the same operating point with the exit corrected mass flow boundary condition as with the previous setup that used the mass flow boundary condition at the outlet. To do this you need to calculate, from the previous case’s results, the mass averaged values of total pressure and temperature at the outlet, in the stationary frame. These values along with the mass flow (0.06 kg s^-1) and the reference values mentioned above are substituted into Equation 14–1. The resulting value for the exit corrected mass flow is 0.3745 kg s^-1. You may want to verify this by doing the calculation yourself.

  1. Ensure that the following tutorial input file is in your working directory:

    • AxialIni_001.res

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already open.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. Open the results file named AxialIni_001.res.

  4. Save the case as AxialIni_Cor.cfx in your working directory.

  5. In the tree view, open R1 Outlet for editing.

  6. Configure the following setting(s):




    Boundary Details

    Mass And Momentum

    > Option


    Exit Corrected Mass Flow Rate

    Mass And Momentum

    > Mass Flow Rate


    0.3745 [kg s^-1]

    Mass And Momentum

    > Ref. Temperature


    288.15 [K]

    Mass And Momentum

    > Reference Pressure


    1 [atm] [ a ]

    1. The Ref. Temperature and Reference Pressure values should be the default settings but if they are not, ensure that they are the values given in the table.

  7. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Follow one of the next two procedures as appropriate:

    Procedure 1: If Simulation Control > Execution Control does not appear in the outline tree view:

    1. Click Define Run  .

    2. Configure the following setting(s):



      File name


    3. Click Save.

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

    Procedure 2: If Simulation Control > Execution Control appears in the outline tree view:

    1. Click Execution Control  .

    2. Configure the following setting(s):




      Run Definition

      Input File Settings

      > Solver Input File



    3. Click OK.

    4. Click Define Run  .

    CFX-Solver Manager automatically starts and, on the Define Run dialog box, Solver Input File is set.

  2. If using stand-alone mode, quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file at your discretion. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

As in the previous setup of the steady-state simulation for this case, solving the problem in parallel is recommended, if possible.

  1. Ensure that the Define Run dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select Run Mode > Intel MPI Local Parallel and click Start Run.

  3. In CFX-Solver Manager, select Workspace > New Monitor in the main menu and click OK to accept the default name.

  4. Configure the following setting(s):




    Plot Lines


    > Boundary

    > R1 Outlet

    > P-Mass Boundary Flow on R1 Outlet (R1)





  5. Click OK.

  6. When the dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended, click OK.

    Note:  The resulting plot of the P-Mass Boundary Flow on R1 Outlet (R1) vs. Accumulated Time Step converges to –0.06 on the Y axis. The exit corrected mass flow rate entered (0.3745 kg s^-1) for this run yields the same physical mass flow as used in the previous steady-state setup; this is expected. The value is negative because the flow is leaving the domain.

If you would like to convince yourself that the results are identical, you can proceed to the following section and do a case comparison in CFD-Post. If you do not want to compare the cases, proceed to Simulating the Stage with the Transient Rotor-Stator Model.

14.4.4. Comparing the Two Cases Using CFD-Post

In this section you will compare the domain passages of the two cases.

  1. With AxialIni_001.res already loaded in CFD-Post, select File > Load Results.

  2. In the Load Results File dialog box, select Keep current cases loaded, then select the file AxialIni_Cor_001.res. Click Open. If the Domain Selector dialog box appears, ensure that both the R1 and S1 domains are selected, and then click OK.

  3. You should see the two cases beside one another in the 3D Viewer. Click the synchronize active view icon  .

  4. Right-click within the 3D view and select Predefined Camera > Isometric View (Y up) to orient the views. Click Fit View   to scale the blades appropriately within the 3D Viewer.

  5. Next, you will create a plot on three graphical instances of each domain, as you did for the previous case.

  6. Select Insert > Location > Surface Group from the main menu.

  7. Click OK to accept the default name.

  8. Configure the following setting(s):






    > AxialIni_Cor_001


    R1 Blade, R1 Hub, S1 Blade, S1 Hub [ a ]






    1. Click the   button beside the drop-down box to see all available items.

  9. Click Apply.

  10. Click the Turbo tab.

  11. Open Plots > 3D View for editing.

  12. Configure the following setting(s):




    3D View

    Graphical Instancing

    > Domain


    R1 (AxialIni_Cor_001)

    Graphical Instancing

    > # of Copies



  13. Click Apply.

    Note:  If the image from the results of AxialIni_Cor_001 is not displayed in the 3D Viewer, select it from the drop-down list at the top of the viewer.

  14. Configure the following setting(s):




    3D View

    Graphical Instancing

    > Domain


    S1 (AxialIni_Cor_001)

    Graphical Instancing

    > # of Copies



  15. Click Apply.

  16. Click the Outline tab to see the surface group.

  17. To see both images, click the viewport icon and select  . You may need to turn on the visibility of Surface Group 1 in the tree view to compare the two surfaces.

After you have finished your comparison, close CFD-Post.

14.5. Simulating the Stage with the Transient Rotor-Stator Model

You will now create the Transient Rotor-Stator simulation. The existing steady-state Frozen Rotor simulation is modified to define the Transient Rotor-Stator simulation. If you have not already completed the Frozen Rotor simulation, refer to Simulating the Stage with the Steady-State Frozen Rotor Model before proceeding with the Transient Rotor-Stator simulation.

14.5.1. Defining the Case Using CFX-Pre

This section describes the step-by-step definition of the flow physics in CFX-Pre.

This step involves opening the original simulation and saving it to a different location.

  1. Ensure that the following file is in your working directory:

    • AxialIni_001.res

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already running.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. Open the results file named AxialIni_001.res.

  4. Save the case as Axial.cfx in your working directory. Modifying the Physics Definition

You need to modify the domain to define a transient simulation. You are going to run for a time interval such that the rotor blades pass through 1 pitch (6.372°) using 10 time steps. This is generally too few time steps to obtain high quality results, but is sufficient for tutorial purposes. The time step size is calculated as follows:


Since 10 time steps are used over this interval each time step should be 2.124e-5 s.

  1. Select Tools > Turbo Mode.

    Basic Settings is displayed.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    Analysis Type

    > Type



    Analysis Type

    > Total Time


    2.124e-4 [s]

    Analysis Type

    > Time Steps


    2.124e-5 [s] [ a ]

    1. This time step size will be used until the total time is reached, giving 10 time steps, each 2.124e-5 s.

  3. Click Next.

    Component Definition is displayed.

  4. Click Next.

    Physics Definition is displayed.

  5. Configure the following setting(s):




    Air Ideal Gas


    > Default Type


    Transient Rotor Stator

    Note:  A Transient Rotor-Stator calculation often runs long enough for the blades to pass through more than one pitch. In these cases, it may be useful to look at variable data averaged over the time interval required to complete 1 pitch. You can then compare data for each pitch rotation to see if a "steady state" has been achieved, or if the flow is still developing.

  6. Click Next.

    A warning message is displayed.

  7. Click Yes.

    Interface Definition is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

    Boundary Definition is displayed.

  9. Click Next.

    Final Operations is displayed.

  10. Ensure that Operation is set to Enter General Mode.

  11. Click Finish.

Initial values are required, but will be supplied later using a results file. Setting Output Control

  1. Click Output Control  .

  2. Click the Trn Results tab.

  3. In the Transient Results tree view, click Add new item  , set Name to Transient Results 1, and click OK.

  4. Configure the following setting(s):




    Selected Variables

    Output Variables List

    Pressure, Velocity, Velocity in Stn Frame [ a ]

    Output Frequency

    > Option


    Time Interval

    Output Frequency

    > Time Interval


    2.124e-5 [s]

    1. Use the Ctrl key to select more than one variable.

  5. Click OK. Modifying Execution Control

  1. Click Execution Control  .

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Run Definition

    Input File Settings

    > Solver Input File


    Axial.def [ a ]

    1. You do not need to set the full path unless you are saving the solver file somewhere other than the working directory.

  3. Confirm that the rest of the execution control settings are set appropriately.

  4. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

    A warning will appear, due to a lack of initial values.

    Initial values are required, but will be supplied later using a results file.

  2. Click Yes.

  3. If using stand-alone mode, quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file at your discretion.

14.5.2. Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

When the CFX-Solver Manager has started you will need to specify an initial values file before starting the CFX-Solver. Serial Solution

If you do not have a license, or do not want to run CFX in parallel, you can run it in serial. Solution time in serial is similar to the first part of this tutorial.

  1. Under the Initial Values tab, select Initial Values Specification.

  2. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values, select Initial Values 1.

  3. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values > Initial Values 1 Settings > File Name, click Browse  .

  4. Select AxialIni_001.res from your working directory.

  5. Click Open.

  6. Under Initial Values Specification > Use Mesh From, select Solver Input File.

  7. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution. At the end of the run, a dialog box is displayed stating that the simulation has ended.

  8. Select Post-Process Results.

  9. If using stand-alone mode, select Shut down CFX-Solver Manager.

  10. Click OK, then continue this tutorial from Monitoring the Run. Parallel Solution

Follow the first 6 steps of the serial procedure above (in Serial Solution), then perform the local parallel or distributed parallel procedure from the first part of this tutorial (in Obtaining the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager). Monitoring the Run

During the solution, look for the additional information that is provided for Transient Rotor-Stator runs. Each time the rotor is rotated to its next position, the number of degrees of rotation and the fraction of a pitch moved is given. You should see that after 10 time steps the rotor has been moved through 1 pitch.

14.5.3. Viewing the Results Using CFD-Post

To examine the transient interaction between the rotor and stator, you are going to create a blade-to-blade animation of pressure. A turbo surface will be used as the basis for this plot. Initializing Turbo Post

All the preprocessing will be done during the initialization of the turbo components. Only a few steps will therefore be required to display a surface of constant span and to create a turbo surface later on in this tutorial.

  1. Click the Turbo tab.

    The Turbo Initialization dialog box is displayed and asks you whether you want to auto-initialize all components.

    Note:  If you do not see the Turbo Initialization dialog box, or as an alternative to using that dialog box, you can initialize all components by clicking the Initialize All Components button, which is visible initially by default, or after double-clicking the Initialization object in the Turbo tree view.

  2. Click Yes.

    Both components (domains) are initialized based on the automatically selected turbo regions. When the process is complete, a green turbine icon appears next to each component entry in the list. Also, the viewer displays a green background mesh for each initialized component, visible when a component is selected.

  3. Double-click Component 1 (S1) and review the automatically-selected turbo regions and other data in the details view.

  4. Double-click Component 2 (R1) and review the automatically-selected turbo regions and other data in the details view (including the Passages per Component setting on the Instancing tab, which should have a value of 2). Displaying a Surface of Constant Span

  1. In the Turbo tree view, double-click Blade-to-Blade.

  2. Click Apply.

    A surface of constant span appears, colored by pressure. Using Multiple Turbo Viewports

  1. In the Turbo tree view, double-click Initialization.

  2. Click Three Views.

    Left view is 3D View, top right is Blade-to-Blade and bottom right is Meridional view.

  3. Click Single View. Creating a Turbo Surface at Mid-Span

  1. Select Insert > Location > Turbo Surface, and accept the default name.

  2. Set Method to Constant Span and Value to 0.5.

  3. Under the Color tab, set Mode to Variable, Variable to Pressure, Range to User Specified, Min to -10000 [Pa], and Max to -7000 [Pa].

  4. Click Apply. Setting up Graphical Instancing

Next, you will use graphical instancing to view a larger section of the model.

  1. In the Turbo tree view, double-click the 3D View object.

  2. In the Graphical Instancing section of the form, set # of Copies to 6 for R1.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. In the Graphical Instancing section of the form, set # of Copies to 6 for S1.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Return to the Outline tab and ensure that the turbo surface is visible again. Animating the Movement of the Rotor Relative to the Stator

Start by loading the first time step:

  1. Click Timestep Selector  .

  2. Select time value 0.

  3. Click Apply to load the time step. The rotor blades move to their starting positions. These positions are exactly 1 pitch from the blade positions that were previously displayed, so the blades will appear to be in the same positions.

  4. Turn off the visibility of Wireframe.

  5. Position the geometry as shown below, ready for the animation. During the animation the rotor blades will move to the right. Make sure you have at least two rotor blades out of view to the left side of the viewer. They will come into view during the animation.

  6. Click Animation  .

    The Animation dialog box appears.

  7. Set Type to Keyframe Animation.

  8. Click New   to create KeyFrameNo1.

  9. Select KeyframeNo1, then set # of Frames to 9, then press Enter while in the # of Frames box.

    Tip:  Be sure to press Enter and confirm that the new number appears in the list before continuing.

  10. Use the Timestep Selector to load the final time step.

  11. In the Animation dialog box, click New   to create KeyframeNo2.

  12. Click More Animation Options   to expand the Animation dialog box.

  13. Click Options and set Transient Case to TimeValue Interpolation. Click OK.

    The animation now contains a total of 11 frames (9 intermediate frames plus the two Keyframes), one for each of the available time values.

  14. In the expanded Animation dialog box, select Save Movie.

  15. Set Format to MPEG1.

  16. Click Browse  , next to the Save Movie box and then set the file name to an appropriate file name.

  17. If frame 1 is not loaded (shown in the F: text box at the bottom of the Animation dialog box), click To Beginning   to load it.

    Wait for CFD-Post to finish loading the objects for this frame before proceeding.

  18. Click Play the animation  .

    • It takes a while for the animation to be completed.

    • To view the movie file, you will need to use a media player that supports the MPEG format.

    You will be able to see from the animation, and from the plots created previously, that the flow is not continuous across the interface. This is because a pitch change occurs. The relatively coarse mesh and the small number of time steps used in the transient simulation also contribute to this. The movie was created with a narrow pressure range compared to the global range, which exaggerates the differences across the interface. Further Postprocessing

You can produce a report for the turbine as follows:

  1. Click File > Report > Report Templates.

  2. In the Report Templates dialog box, select Turbine Report, then click Load.

    The report will be generated automatically.

  3. Click the Report Viewer tab (located below the viewer window).

    A report appears.

Note that a valid report depends on valid turbo initialization.

14.6. Live Monitoring of the Solution in CFD-Post

In this section, you will export a surface from CFD-Post and then use this surface to create a Monitor Surface in CFX-Pre. This will enable you to see the solution update in CFD-Post as the solver progresses.

14.6.1. Creating and Exporting Surfaces in CFD-Post

  1. Load the AxialIni_001.res file created earlier.

  2. Click the Turbo tab.

  3. A dialog box will ask if you want to auto-initialize all turbo components. Click Yes. Creating a Turbo Surface at Mid-Span of the Rotor and Stator

  1. Select Insert > Location > Turbo Surface.

  2. Set the Name to R1 MidSpan and click OK.

  3. Under the Geometry tab, set Domains to R1.

  4. Ensure that Method is set to Constant Span and Value is set to 0.5 to create a surface at the mid-span of the rotor.

  5. Click Apply.

A surface of constant span appears in the rotor.

  1. Select Insert > Location > Turbo Surface.

  2. Set the Name to S1 MidSpan and click OK.

  3. Under the Geometry tab, set Domains to S1.

  4. Ensure that Method is set to Constant Span and Value is set to 0.5 to create a surface at the mid-span of the rotor.

  5. Click Apply.

A surface of constant span appears in the stator. You now have two surfaces appearing in the viewer. Exporting the Surfaces

  1. Click File > Export > Export.

    The Export dialog box appears.

  2. Set File to R1 MidSpan.csv.

  3. Set Type to Geometry Only.

  4. Set Locations to R1 MidSpan.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for the stator surface naming the file S1 MidSpan.csv.

The surfaces have now been exported to your working directory and you can now close CFD-Post.

14.6.2. Defining Monitor Surfaces in CFX-Pre

This section describes importing the surface into CFX-Pre and using it to define a rotating Monitor Surface.

  1. Ensure that the following file is in your working directory:

    • Axial.cfx

  2. Set the working directory and start CFX-Pre if it is not already running.

    For details, see Setting the Working Directory and Starting Ansys CFX in Stand-alone Mode.

  3. Open the file named Axial.cfx.

  4. Save the case as AxialMonitoring.cfx in your working directory. Importing the User Surfaces

In this section, you will load the previously created surfaces into CFX-Pre.

  1. Select Insert > User Locations > User Surface.

    The Insert User Surface dialog box appears.

  2. Set the Name to R1 MidSpan.

  3. Click Browse  .

  4. Select R1 MidSpan.csv from your working directory.

  5. Click Open.

  6. Select Visibility so you can see the surface in the graphics viewer.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Repeat steps 1-7, naming the user surface "S1 MidSpan" and selecting S1 MidSpan.csv from your working directory.

    You can now see the two surfaces you created in CFD-Post in the CFX-Pre viewer. Creating a Rotating Coordinate Frame

In this section, you will create a coordinate frame that rotates at the same speed as the rotor. This will be used later in the Monitor Surface definition.

  1. Select Insert > Coordinate Frame and accept the default name.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):




    Axis points

    Frame Motion


    Frame Motion

    > Option



    Frame Motion

    > Angular Velocity


    523.6 [radian s^-1]

  3. Click OK. Defining the Monitor Surfaces

  1. Click Output Control  .

  2. Click the Monitor tab.

  3. In the Monitor Surfaces group box, click Add new item  , set Name to S1 MonitorSurface, and click OK.

  4. Configure the following setting(s):



    Output Variables List

    Pressure, Velocity

    Output Location List

    S1 MidSpan

    Output Frequency

    > Option


    Every Timestep

  5. Click Apply.

Now you will create a Monitor Surface for the rotor.

  1. In the Monitor Surfaces group box, click Add new item  , set Name to R1 MonitorSurface, and click OK.

  2. Configure the following setting(s):



    Coordinate Frame

    Coord 1

    [ a ]

    Output Variables List

    Pressure, Velocity

    Output Location List

    R1 MidSpan

    Output Frequency

    > Option


    Every Timestep

    1. By specifying the rotating coordinate frame, the monitor surface will rotate at the same speed as the blades, allowing for simpler post-processing.

  3. Click OK. Reducing Solution Data

A benefit of using Monitor Surfaces is that solution data can be written for only those surfaces. This enables you to significantly reduce the size of any solution files by disabling the CFX-Solver from writing any volume data.

  1. Click Output Control  .

  2. Click the Results tab.

  3. Set Option to None.

  4. Click OK. Defining the Number of Timesteps

  1. Right-click Analysis Type in the Outline tree view and select Edit.

  2. Set Time Steps > Timesteps to 2.124e-6 [s].

    Reducing the timestep size by a factor of 10 will make the simulation run for 100 timesteps. This allows more time to view the Monitor Surface in CFD-Post.

  3. Click OK. Modifying Execution Control

  1. Right-click Execution Control in the Outline tree view and select Edit.

  2. Set Input File Settings > Solver Input File to AxialMonitoring.def.

    This ensures that you do not overwrite any previously created .def file.

  3. Click OK. Writing the CFX-Solver Input (.def) File

  1. Click Define Run  .

    A warning will appear, due to a lack of initial values.

    Initial values are required, but will be supplied later using a results file.

  2. Click Yes.

  3. If using stand-alone mode, quit CFX-Pre, saving the simulation (.cfx) file at your discretion.

14.6.3. Starting the Solution Using CFX-Solver Manager

When the CFX-Solver Manager has started you will need to specify an initial values file before starting the CFX-Solver. Serial Solution

  1. Ensure that Solver Input File is set to AxialMonitoring.def.

  2. Under the Initial Values tab, select Initial Values Specification.

  3. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values, select Initial Values 1.

  4. Under Initial Values Specification > Initial Values > Initial Values 1 Settings > File Name, click Browse  .

  5. Select AxialIni_001.res from your working directory.

  6. Click Open.

  7. Under Initial Values Specification > Use Mesh From, select Solver Input File.

  8. Click Start Run.

    CFX-Solver runs and attempts to obtain a solution.

  9. After the run has started, select Tools > Monitor Run with CFD-Post.

    CFD-Post opens and loads the solution data.

14.6.4. Monitoring the Solution in CFD-Post

In this section, you will create results objects and then allow CFD-Post to update and see the solution progress in real time. Creating a Text Label to View the Current Timestep

  1. Select Insert > Text and accept the default name.

  2. Select Embed Auto Annotation.

  3. Set Type to Timestep.

  4. Click Apply.

The current timestep will be displayed at the top of the viewer. Creating a Contour

The Monitor Surface you defined in CFX-Pre has been pre-loaded into CFD-Post. You can view it in the Outline tab under Other Locations.

Select Other Locations > R1 MonitorSurface to unhide it.

  1. Double-click R1 MonitorSurface.

  2. Under the Color tab set the Mode to Variable.

  3. Set the Variable to Pressure.

  4. Set the Range to Local.

  5. Click Apply.

The contour is defined. Live Monitoring of the Solution

  1. Select Monitor > Start Auto Update.

    The contour now shows data and will regularly update to the data associated with the latest timestep generated by the solver. Notice how the rotor and Monitor Surface rotate together.

    Object creation is prohibited in CFD-Post during Auto Update. You can look in CFX-Solver Manager to see if a timestep is almost complete.

  2. Select Monitor > Stop Auto Update.

    This stops the Auto Update and you can once again create and edit objects. Creating a Vector

  1. Select Insert > Vector and accept the default name.

  2. Under the Geometry tab, set the Locations to S1 MonitorSurface.

  3. Under the Color tab , set the Range to Local.

  4. Click Apply.

The vector plot appears on the stator Monitor Surface. Now both results object are visible. Resuming Live Monitoring of the Solution

  1. Wait until another timestep has completed and then select Monitor > Update Once.

    This will load the most recently written solution data (most recent timestep in this case).

  2. Select Monitor > Start Auto Update again.

    You can watch the solution progress up until the run is finished.

  3. In CFX-Solver Manager, you can stop the run by selecting Workspace > Stop Current Run at any time.