The following sections give an overview about the currently available secondary breakup models in CFX. Further information about the breakup models can be found in the provided references.
The breakup of a liquid jet into droplets is caused by a combination of different mechanisms: turbulence within the liquid phase, implosion of cavitation bubbles and external aerodynamic forces acting on the liquid jet. Depending on the injection parameters such as the relative velocity between liquid and gas, the liquid and gas densities and the liquid viscosity and surface tension the contribution of each of the above mechanisms to the spray breakup varies.
Breakup regimes are typically classified in terms of the dimensionless
numbers: Weber Number () and Ohnesorge
number (
), as given by:
(6–128) |
(6–129) |
where the subscript refers to the droplet (particle)
and the subscript
refers to the surrounding fluid.
Sometimes, the Weber number is defined using the particle radius,
If a droplet is exposed to a gas flow, significant deformation starts at a Weber number of unity. Above a certain value of the Weber number, the droplet deformation leads to breakup. Typically, the following breakup regimes are observed [117]:
12 < |
50 < |
100 < |
350 < |
For the numerical simulation of droplet breakup, a so-called
statistical breakup approached is used in CFX. In this framework,
it is assumed that if a droplet breaks up into child droplets, the
particle diameter is decreased accordingly to the predictions of the
used breakup model. The particle number rate is adjusted so that the
total particle mass remains constant (mass of parent droplet = mass
of child droplets). Using this assumption, it is not required to generate
and track new droplets after breakup, but to continue to track a single
representative particle.
This model ([115]) distinguishes between two breakup regimes: bag breakup and stripping breakup. Breakup occurs if a critical particle Weber number has been exceeded. Independent of the breakup regime, it is assumed that during breakup the following relation describes the reduction of the particle radius:
(6–130) |
is the droplet radius
prior to breakup,
is the new
radius for the stable droplet and
is the characteristic breakup time. Values for
and t are calculated from the equations given in
the following section:
(6–133) |
(6–134) |
The model constants ,
of the Reitz & Diwakar breakup model are accessible
via CCL. The standard values of the constants are given in Table 6.1: Reitz and Diwakar breakup model constants and their default
Table 6.1: Reitz and Diwakar breakup model constants and their default values
Constant |
Value |
CCL Name |
Time Factor for Bag Breakup |
20 |
Time Factor for Stripping |
6.0 |
Critical Weber Number for Bag |
0.5 |
Weber Number Factor for Stripping | Schmehl Breakup Model [112]
In the Schmehl model, the droplet deformation and breakup times are based on experimental findings of Hsiang et al. [109] and Pilch et al. [117]. It can be shown that irrespective of the breakup regime, the time to deform a particle from a sphere into a disk shape is approximately constant, and is given by:
(6–135) |
with the characteristic time given
(6–136) |
The second phase of breakup, which is characterized by further distortion of the droplet to its final destruction, is modeled by the following correlations:
(6–137) |
Note that the last two breakup regimes are an extension to the originally proposed model by Schmehl and are based on experimental findings given by [117].
For large Ohnesorge numbers , the following correlation is used:
(6–138) |
The breakup process used by the Schmehl breakup model can be summarized as follows:
Breakup can only occur if the droplet Weber number,
, is larger than the critical Weber number,
, where:
Depending on the Weber number regime at the beginning of the breakup process, the following droplet breakup scenarios are possible:
Bag Breakup Regime - This is characterized by:
In this regime, the breakup occurs in the second half of the
time frame.
A random breakup time is computed.
Child droplet sizes and normal velocity of children after breakup are computed.
If the particle life time exceeds the breakup time, then breakup occurs.
Multimode Regime - This is characterized by
In this regime, the breakup occurs in the second half of the
time frame.
A random breakup time is computed.
Child droplet sizes and normal velocity of children after breakup are computed.
If the particle life time exceeds the breakup time, then breakup occurs.
Shear Breakup Regime - This is characterized by
In this regime, the breakup can occur any time between
time frame.
A random breakup time is computed.
Child droplet sizes and normal velocity of children after breakup are computed.
If the particle life time exceeds the breakup time, then breakup occurs.
Droplet size after breakup for the Bag Breakup and Multimode regimes is computed from the following relation:
(6–140) |
(6–141) |
In the Shear Breakup regime, the child droplet size, ,
is computed as:
(6–142) |
where is the maximum stable
diameter computed from the critical Weber number,
(6–143) |
Except for the Shear Breakup regime, all child droplets inherit
their parent's velocity and an additional velocity component, , which is given by:
(6–144) |
with at
, and
being the droplet diameter
before breakup.
The velocity component is assumed to be in
a plane normal to the parent droplet velocity direction. Its circumferential
orientation within this plane cannot be specified and is chosen randomly.
The total child droplet velocity is then determined from:
(6–145) | Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) Model [116]
O'Rourke and Amsden proposed the so-called TAB model that is
based on the Taylor analogy. Within the Taylor analogy, it is assumed
that the droplet distortion can be described as a one-dimensional,
forced, damped, harmonic oscillation similar to the one of a spring-mass
system. In the TAB model, the droplet deformation is expressed by
the dimensionless deformation , where
describes the deviation
of the droplet equator from its underformed position (see Figure 6.4: Particle distortion for the TAB model). Assuming that the droplet
viscosity acts as a damping force and the surface tension as a restoring
force, it is possible to write the equation of deformation motion
(6–146) |
Integration of this equation leads to the following time-dependent particle distortion equation:
(6–147) |
(6–148) |
(6–149) |
(6–150) |
are the initial values of distortion and
distortion rate of change. For the TAB model,
are typically taken as zero.
During particle tracking, Equation 6–108 is solved for the dimensionless particle distortion. Breakup only occurs if the particle distortion y exceeds unity, which means that the deviation of the particle equator from its equilibrium position has become larger than half the droplet radius.
The Sauter mean radius of the child droplets after breakup is calculated from the following expression:
(6–151) |
that is based on the conservation of surface energy and energy bound in the distortion and oscillation of the parent droplet and surface energy and kinetic energy of the child droplets.
The TAB model has been used to determine the normal velocity
of the child droplets after breakup. At the time of breakup, the equator
of the parent droplet moves at a velocity of in a direction normal to the parent droplet
path. This velocity is taken as the normal velocity component of the
child droplets and the spray angle
can be determined
(6–152) |
After breakup of the parent droplet, the deformation parameters
of the child droplet are set to .
The following user accessible model constants are available for the TAB breakup model.
Table 6.2: TAB Breakup Model Constants and their Default Values
Constant |
Value |
CCL Name |
0.5 |
Critical Amplitude Coefficient |
5.0 |
Damping Coefficient |
1/3 |
External Force Coefficient |
8.0 |
Restoring Force Coefficient |
1.0 |
New Droplet Velocity Factor |
10/3 |
Energy Ratio Factor | ETAB [106]
The enhanced TAB model uses the same droplet deformation mechanism
as the standard TAB model, but uses a different relation for the description
of the breakup process. It is assumed that the rate of child droplet
generation, , is proportional to the
number of child droplets:
(6–153) |
The constant ,
depends on the breakup regime and is given as:
(6–154) |
with being the
Weber number that divides the bag breakup regime from the stripping
breakup regime.
is set to
default value of 80. Assuming a uniform droplet size distribution,
the following ratio of child to parent droplet radii can be derived:
(6–155) |
After breakup of the parent droplet, the deformation parameters
of the child droplet are set to . The child droplets inherit a
velocity component normal to the path of the parent droplet with a
(6–156) |
where A is a constant that is determined from an energy balance consideration:
(6–157) |
(6–158) |
and being the parent droplet
drag coefficient at breakup.
It has been observed that the TAB model often predicts a ratio
of child to parent droplet that is too small. This is mainly caused
by the assumption, that the initial deformation parameters and
are zero upon injection, which may lead to far too
short breakup times. The largely underestimated breakup times in turn
lead to an underprediction of global spray parameters such as the
penetration depth, as well as of local parameters such as the cross-sectional
droplet size distribution. To overcome this limitation Tanner [107] proposed to set
the initial value of the rate of droplet deformation,
, to the largest negative root of Equation 6–108:
(6–159) |
while keeping the initial value of the droplet deformation, .
determined from the following equation:
(6–160) |
with C = 5.5
The effect of setting to a negative number is to delay the first breakup
of the large initial droplets and to extend their life span, which
results in a more accurate simulation of the jet breakup.
In addition to the TAB model constants, the following user accessible model constants are available for the ETAB breakup model:
Table 6.3: ETAB Breakup Model Constants and Their Default Values
Constant |
Value |
CCL Name |
2/9 |
ETAB Bag Breakup Factor |
2/9 |
Stripping Breakup Factor |
80 |
Critical Weber Number for Stripping Breakup |
A further development of the ETAB model, is the so-called Cascade Atomization and Breakup Model (CAB). Identical to the ETAB model, the following equation is used to determine the child droplet size after breakup:
(6–161) |
the main difference being the definition of the breakup constant :
(6–162) |
(6–163) |
(6–164) |
The model constants ,
have the same values as given for the TAB model.
For details see Table 6.2: TAB Breakup Model Constants and their Default Values.
In addition to the TAB model constants, the following user accessible model constants are available for the CAB breakup model:
Table 6.4: CAB Breakup Model Constants and Their Default Values
Constant |
Value |
CCL Name |
0.05 |
CAB Bag Breakup Factor |
80 |
Critical Weber Number for Stripping Breakup |
350 |
Critical Weber Number for Catastrophic Breakup |