5.8.4. Coalescence Models

CFX-Solver supports the following coalescence models: Prince and Blanch Model

The model of Prince and Blanch [62] assumes that the coalescence of two bubbles occurs in three steps. First, the bubbles collide trapping a small amount of liquid between them. This liquid film then drains until the liquid film separating the bubbles reaches a critical thickness. The film then ruptures and the bubbles join together.

The coalescence kernel is therefore modeled by a collision rate of two bubbles and a collision efficiency relating to the time required for coalescence:


The collision efficiency is modeled by comparing the time required for coalescence with the actual contact time during the collision :




where is the initial film thickness, is the critical film thickness when rupture occurs, and is the equivalent radius:


The turbulent contributions to collision frequency are modeled as:


where the cross-sectional area of the colliding particles is defined by:


the turbulent velocity is given by:


and is a calibration factor. The buoyancy contribution to collision frequency is modeled as:




and is a calibration factor.

The shear contribution to collision frequency is currently neglected. User-Defined Models

A custom model for the coalescence rate kernel may also be provided. The model may be a CEL expression or User Routine involving the diameter and/or mass represented by groups and as well as any fluid variable. Note that the model must give symmetric coalescence rates ().