You can make a new GT-SUITE Model object, or re-initialize an exiting one, by selecting Tools > Initialize GT-SUITE Coupling. This opens the Initialize GT-SUITE Coupling dialog box, which has the following settings and controls:
Create new GT-SUITE model and Re-initialize existing GT-SUITE model
If you choose to re-initialize an existing model (which currently appears in the Outline tree view, set Model Name to the name of the GT-SUITE Model object that you want to re-initialize.
Model File
Specify the .gtm file that was produced by GT-SUITE.
You can optionally click Browse
to browse using the Select GT-SUITE File dialog box.
GT-SUITE Version
Select the version of GT-SUITE that produced the .gtm file.
Note: Selecting the wrong version of GT-SUITE will likely lead to an error message being displayed later when you click Read Setup From File.
The versions that are available under GT-SUITE Version are controlled by a preference. For details, see User Interface.
Read setup from related .dat file if available
If a data (.dat) file has already been written by GT-SUITE alongside the .gtm file, and the data file is up-to-date with the .gtm file, you can select this option to read the GT Model settings from the data file instead of from the .gtm file, usually saving time as a result.
You can optionally select Specify GT-SUITE Installation and set GT-SUITE Installation to the name of the installation directory, which is typically similar to the following on a Windows system:
C:\Program Files (x86)\GTI
You can optionally click Browse
to browse using the Select Directory dialog box.
By specifying a path, you override the default path set by environment variable
. The specified installation directory must contain the version-specific subdirectory indicated by the GT-SUITE Version setting.Read Setup From File button
When you click this button, CFX-Pre runs GT-SUITE to read the model settings from the .gtm (or data) file and then adds several tabs to the Initialize GT-SUITE Coupling dialog box that contain additional settings. These tabs are described in the subsections below.
OK, Apply, Close buttons
The OK button applies the settings and closes the dialog box.
The Apply buttons applies the settings and leaves the dialog box opened.
The Close button closes the dialog box, without retaining the setting configuration of the dialog box and without applying any settings (although the settings could already be applied if you have previously clicked Apply).
After you have configured all the applicable settings in the dialog box, including its tabs, click OK or Apply to generate the following objects, which appear in the Outline tree view:
Functions of type
.For details, see GT-SUITE Patch Functions.
A GT-SUITE Model object for each initialized or re-initialized model. For details, see GT-SUITE Model Details View.
For details on GT-SUITE modeling, see Coupling CFX to an External Solver: GT-SUITE Coupling Simulations in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The following topics are discussed: