7.5.2. Material Association Tab

On this tab, you set up a mapping between GT-SUITE material species and CFX material species.

You can set Option to one of the following:

  • Create Material From Species

    This open enables you to create a new Variable Composition mixture in CFX that incorporates all of the listed CFX species.

    1. Click Import Species From File and use the Select Library Data to Import dialog box to specify a CCL material library file that contains materials for CFX.

    2. Set Material Name to a unique name for the new mixture.

    3. If the names of the imported materials do not match the names of the GT-SUITE CFD species (in the GT-SUITE Species column), you must manually select the corresponding CFX Component names.

  • From Existing Material

    This option is similar to the Create Material From Species option, except that you set Material to the name of an existing CFX mixture, and the species of that mixture then become available for you to manually select as the corresponding CFX Component names.

  • Specify Component Names

    This option does not create a new, or reference any existing, CFX mixture. This option allows you to manually specify component names. The corresponding material and components must be created separately (if they do not already exist) to complete the setup.