7.5.3. Turboshaft Setup Tab

If the selected GT-SUITE Model contains a turboshaft, you can use the Turboshaft Setup tab to set up the transfer of torque to GT-SUITE and the transfer of shaft speed from GT-SUITE.

The Turboshaft Setup tab has the following settings:

  • List

    The list contains the turboshafts defined in the GT-SUITE setup. The settings below apply to the selected turboshaft.

  • Axis Definition

    Select the axis for the shaft rotation.

    Option can be set to:

    • Coordinate Axis

      Set Rotation Axis to one of the coordinate axes.

    • Two Points

      Specify two points using Cartesian coordinates. Rotation Axis From serves as the origin. The direction of the rotation axis is derived from the relative position of Rotation Axis To. The direction of positive Theta is implied by the right hand rule.

  • Torque check box

    You can select this check box to set up torque details for the selected turboshaft as part of the GT-SUITE Coupling initialization process. If you do not select this check box, or if the check box is unavailable (because the necessary domain or boundaries do not exist), you can set up the torque details later, by editing the related GT-SUITE Turboshaft function.

    Option can be set to:

    • Boundary List

      Set Boundary List to a comma-delimited list of CFX boundaries. The net torque on these boundaries is sent to the GT-SUITE solver during a coupled run.

    • Expression

      Set Expression to a CEL expression for torque. The computed value of torque is sent to the GT-SUITE solver during a coupled run.

  • Modify domain motion to use GT-SUITE Coupling check box

    You can select this check box to specify a comma-delimited list of domains that should use the shaft speed received from GT-SUITE. During the GT-SUITE Coupling initialization process, each of the listed domains will be updated to have its domain motion set to use GT-SUITE Coupling. If you do not select this check box, you can set up domain motion later.

    Set Domain List to a comma-delimited list of domains intended to receive shaft speed data from GT-SUITE.