2.9.2. Standard Variable Names

The following table gives a list of valid variable names that can be used in profile files.


Variable Name(s) in Profile File


ed, Turbulence Eddy Dissipation

Fixed Temperature

T, Temperature

Heat Flux in

Qwall, Wall Heat Flux

Heat Transfer Coefficient

htc, Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient


ke, Turbulence Kinetic Energy

Mass Fraction

mf, Mass Fraction

Normal Speed


Outside Temperature

T, Temperature

Pressure Profile Shape

p, Pressure, ptot, Total Pressure, ptotstn, Total Pressure in Stn Frame

Relative Pressure

p, Pressure, ptot, Total Pressure, ptotstn, Total Pressure in Stn Frame

Relative Static Pressure

p, Pressure

Static Temperature

T, Temperature

Stationary Frame Total Temperature

T, Temperature, Ttot, Total Temperature, Ttotstn, Ttotal Temperature in Stn Frame

Total Temperature

T, Temperature, Ttot, Total Temperature, Ttotstn, Total Temperature in Stn Frame


u, Velocity u, Velocity in Stn Frame u

Unit Vector X Component

veldir u, Velocity Direction u

Unit Vector Y Component

veldir v, Velocity Direction v

Unit Vector Z Component

veldir z, Velocity Direction z


v, Velocity v, Velocity in Stn Frame v

Velocity Axial Component

velaxial, Velocity Axial, w, Velocity w, velstn w, Velocity in Stn Frame w

Velocity r Component

velradial, Velocity Radial, u, Velocity u, velstn u, Velocity in Stn Frame u

Velocity Theta Component

velcirc, Velocity Circumferential, v, Velocity v

Volume Fraction

vf, Volume Fraction


w, Velocity w, Velocity in Stn Frame w

Wall U

u, Velocity u, Velocity in Stn Frame u

Wall V

v, Velocity v, Velocity in Stn Frame v

Wall W

w, Velocity w, Velocity in Stn Frame w

Wall Velocity r Component

u, Velocity u, Velocity in Stn Frame u

Wall Velocity Theta Component

v, Velocity v, Velocity in Stn Frame v

Wall Velocity Axial Component

w, Velocity w, Velocity in Stn Frame w

Some variables require a prefix to include the material name (for example, air.vf corresponds to the volume fraction of air). For details, see System Variable Prefixes in the CFX Reference Guide.