The following is a functional example of a .rgp file. Note that specific values may be different from those provided by third-party material property databases.
Figure 12.11: Schematic of the .rgp File Contents is a schematic representation of the
.rgp file organization. The .rgp file
is divided into HEADER
and DATA
The first section begins with the line
in the
.rgp file, and contains all the parameter information for
each material found in the DATA
section of the
.rgp file. The DATA
section begins
with the line $$$$DATA
and contains
parameter, superheat and saturation information for a given material. Within both of
these major sections, all of the available materials are identified by an access key
of the type $$$<component>
, where
is the name of the material. This is also
the name that you will see when selecting a material from CFX-Pre. The purpose of
section is to enable quick access to material
information from CFX-Pre. Information on the order in which the property
information is written to the .rgp file is available in Real Gas Property (RGP) File Contents.
Type Description
---- -----------
See NOTES 1 and 2
$$$<component> character*8 (key into the .rgp file see NOTE 3)
nn integer (this line is ignored in CFX)
nn integer (number of parameters)
aa character*50 (description of the material)
aa character*8 (material name, same as $$$<component>)
aa character*50 (index into clients RGDB program)
nn integer (level of property info available 1,2,or 3)
nn integer (unit system of 1,2,3,4 or 5)
rr real
rr real
rr real
rr real
rr real
rr real
rr real (supercooling level in superheat tables)
rr real
rr real
rr real
rr real
rr real
nt np integer
nt np integer
nt np integer
nt np integer
nt np integer
nt np integer
nt np integer
nt np integer
nt np integer
npsat nmaxp1 nmaxp2 integer
nn integer (number of superheat tables, nn = 9)
(The following is repeated for each superheat table, currently at 9. This section relates to Figure 12.7: Representation of Superheat Tables Associated with a Material.)
$TABLE_nn nt np integer (size of superheat arrays, See NOTE 10) write (iunit,*) (t(i),i=1,nt) |all following real write (iunit,*) (p(i),i=1,np) | write (iunit,*) ((phi(i,j),i=1,nt),j=1,np) | write (iunit,*) (tsat(i),i=1,np) | write (iunit,*) (phisat(i),i=1,np) |
(This section writes out the saturation information described by Figure 12.10: Representation of a Saturation Table Associated with a Given Material)
$$SAT_TABLE npsat nmaxp1 nmaxp2 integer (size of saturation arrays, see NOTE 11) do j=1,nmaxp1 |all following real write(iunit,*) (prop1(i,j),i=1,npsat) | do k=1,2 | do j=1,nmaxp2 |j=1 loop writes sat. liquid data write(iunit,*) (prop2(i,j,k),i=1,npsat) |j=2 loop writes sat. vapour data
Information between
is a "stripped down" version of all the property information following the$$$$DATA
header. The$$$$DATA
section of the .rgp file contains all of the property information relative to the material. This may become a very large file. The$$$$HEADER
was added to the top of the .rgp file to enable rapid selection of materials. CFX-Pre reads in and lists this information for you during selection of a material.The
section contains everything that is in the$$$$DATA
section for a given material except data following the$$SUPER_TABLE
must be an 8 character or less name identifying the material in the .rgp file. For example, for refrigerant, the key may read
so that the material can be easily identified in the .rgp file.The
parameters may be listed in any order.The parameters
indicate the limits on the superheat tables. All superheat tables are built as functions of pressure and temperature because most users are able to estimate the pressure and temperature limits in their processes. Supercooling can be easily built into these tables if the equations of state enable it.The parameters
indicate the limits for building the saturation tables. The limits should cover the range over which wetness is expected in the solution. The saturation properties should be written to the .rgp file, in equal increments of pressure, starting atTMIN_SATURATION
and ending atTMAX_SATURATION
.The parameters
refer to the pressure and temperature triple and critical point values for the substance. The critical pressure and temperature must be supplied to the flow solver and, therefore, must be accurate. If they are not, then the table interpolation will not work correctly.The
for the pure fluid should be supplied and is required if the fluid is to be used in a multi-component fluid calculation.The parameters
refer to the size of the superheat tables for materials found in the$$SUPER_TABLE
section. The parameterSAT_TABLE
refers to the size of the saturation table for a material found in the$$SAT_TABLE
section.The superheat tables 8 and 9 contain information on molecular (dynamic) viscosity and thermal conductivity, respectively. Note that these tables are not required if they are set as constants or CEL expressions in CFX-Pre. This allows the omission of these tables in the .rgp file if superheat information for these transport properties (as functions of pressure and temperature) is unknown.
The order in which the superheat tables is written to the .rgp file is the same as the order shown in Real Gas Property (RGP) File Contents. For details, see Real Gas Property (RGP) File Contents.
The values for
are 4 and 9, respectively. The integernmaxp1
refers to the number of single valued properties in the saturation tables, andnmaxp2
to the number of dual valued properties in the saturation tables. The order that the saturation tables are written to the .rgp file is the same as the order shown in the Real Gas Property (RGP) File Contents. For details, see Real Gas Property (RGP) File Contents. For the dual valued properties, the saturated liquid properties are written first (j=1
) and the saturated vapor properties are written last (j=2
) to the .rgp file.
$$$$HEADER $$$R134A 1 $$PARAM 26 DESCRIPTION Refrigerant R134a from NIST NAME R134A INDEX R134A MODEL 2 UNITS 1 PMIN_SUPERHEAT 55000.00000000000 PMAX_SUPERHEAT 400000.0000000000 TMIN_SUPERHEAT 240.0000000000000 TMAX_SUPERHEAT 400.0000000000000 TMIN_SATURATION 240.0000000000000 TMAX_SATURATION 350.0000000000000 SUPERCOOLING 0.0000000000000000E+00 P_CRITICAL 405928.0E+3 P_TRIPLE 0.0000000 T_CRITICAL 374.21 T_TRIPLE 169.85 TABLE_1 5 5 TABLE_2 5 5 TABLE_3 5 5 TABLE_4 5 5 TABLE_5 5 5 TABLE_6 5 5 TABLE_7 5 5 TABLE_8 5 5 TABLE_9 5 5 SAT_TABLE 5 4 9 $$$$DATA $$$R134A 1 $$PARAM 26 DESCRIPTION Refrigerant R134a from NIST NAME R134A INDEX R134A MODEL 2 UNITS 1 PMIN_SUPERHEAT 55000.00000000000 PMAX_SUPERHEAT 400000.0000000000 TMIN_SUPERHEAT 240.0000000000000 TMAX_SUPERHEAT 400.0000000000000 TMIN_SATURATION 240.0000000000000 TMAX_SATURATION 350.0000000000000 SUPERCOOLING 0.0000000000000000E+00 P_CRITICAL 405928.0E+3 P_TRIPLE 0.00000000 T_CRITICAL 374.21 T_TRIPLE 169.85 TABLE_1 5 5 TABLE_2 5 5 TABLE_3 5 5 TABLE_4 5 5 TABLE_5 5 5 TABLE_6 5 5 TABLE_7 5 5 TABLE_8 5 5 TABLE_9 5 5 SAT_TABLE 5 4 9 $$SUPER_TABLE 9 $TABLE_1 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 380537.4694438053 411338.2663531548 444977.3409773413 481319.1776109927 520216.5694145825 389653.7412125674 409809.2455431806 443799.3654908382 480400.4939131565 519497.1970340972 397134.4582379403 408220.8885809304 442595.4896125616 479470.0507244235 518772.4705830857 402478.8117714382 406565.3815292667 441363.8343756341 478527.3570462614 518042.2612321422 406650.5418732642 406650.5418732642 440102.2828142202 477571.8870479560 517306.4350445317 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 376541.6333194062 389653.7412125674 397134.4582379403 402478.8117714382 406650.5418732642 $TABLE_2 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 146.0231331684759 157.8078814382528 168.5506303571756 178.5170722927099 187.8737728104760 147.0869026517344 155.2427165817653 166.8523505651282 177.3642207508735 187.0763724397798 147.8329014568262 152.5632728477825 165.1148711540457 176.1977255190386 186.2743889887011 147.9104560214784 149.7535601390501 163.3352394640403 175.0170180126285 185.4677211216712 147.6607838596043 147.6607838596043 161.5101241729302 173.8214905237701 184.6562641923786 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 144.3034887320350 147.0869026517344 147.8329014568262 147.9104560214784 147.6607838596043 $TABLE_3 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 0.3481914037990427 0.4095738848363432 0.4702915495291079 0.5305832630019515 0.5905860753062941 0.1402248442644343 0.1561641066947830 0.1807449135220719 0.2048688905909286 0.2286916876895624 8.9273098371410883E-02 444320344302E-02 0.1107157321741076 0.1261131151219874 0.1411960889105597 6.5633087958005529E-02 6.7151770525718760E-02 7.9166190580894386E-02 9.0648541948697259E-02 0.1018021936800781 5.1900452073168755E-02 5.1900452073168755E-02 6.1203439903817498E-02 7.0470885355410795E-02 7.9394150509035255E-02 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 0.3397008120139503 0.1402248442644343 8.9273098371410883E-02 6.5633087958005529E-02 5.1900452073168755E-02 $TABLE_4 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 644.8541874954598 719.7151797641214 790.5095338665236 857.2366695715677 919.8970271275263 674.7791960407488 721.6690087704523 792.3443057727616 858.9628531024553 921.5203908806476 698.8825060917976 723.6988581975571 794.2197800381258 860.7115954107751 923.1563593500967 716.9720727393429 725.8148416296926 796.1389707941393 862.4838781958006 924.8052629190319 731.8370306406068 731.8370306406068 798.1052760769886 864.2807537481988 926.4674455748727 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 634.2715599484291 674.7791960407488 698.8825060917976 716.9720727393429 731.8370306406068 $TABLE_5 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 733.5432454120784 806.0266427729431 875.3572680256013 941.1190584653727 1003.111496904734 773.6370689985604 816.3711389524509 882.8108960718668 946.7561020285661 1007.512627818587 807.0628915610768 827.9980795292242 890.7840080089826 952.6232673331618 1012.020341520216 834.4867573220491 841.2008081815245 899.3408892587429 958.7368554939568 1016.639020749522 858.8621950799120 858.8621950799120 908.5575294975291 965.1148207606369 1021.373299533599 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 723.4007165554241 773.6370689985604 807.0628915610768 834.4867573220491 858.8621950799120 $TABLE_6 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 -154611.9428101669 -132557.4464307218 -115997.3804840207 -103111.8528686964 -92801.69633261529 -959671.2544114459 -873595.5996881851 -764854.3591592711 -680011.5179211511 -612056.5815781737 -2374639.983863590 -2262401.182121443 -1982996.713344134 -1763666.875581090 -1587621.548245155 -4363498.860521937 -4291069.408039705 -3768294.493979145 -3353439.511168068 -3019297.561697437 -6897297.389986640 -6897297.389986640 -6117240.959939656 -5448329.203176694 -4906781.742740840 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 -158218.3298083634 -959671.2544114459 -2374639.983863590 -4363498.860521937 -6897297.389986640 $TABLE_7 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 1786.030158361605 1904.585719752846 2016.779512855124 2123.714780772325 2226.113661461630 1748.483241728080 1823.905112007991 1937.275071424368 2044.975937996867 2147.900948384664 1740.481415370240 1781.062492767768 1895.721351626920 2004.229786438356 2107.697911720815 1735.932309549977 1750.655644805153 1866.736275194941 1976.098388594144 2080.127578672003 1732.877658407725 1732.877658407725 1844.072019825660 1954.338672102516 2058.947921108171 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 1769.188083636742 1748.483241728080 1740.481415370240 1735.932309549977 1732.877658407725 $TABLE_8 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 9.4859076076546339E-06 1.1098072605476093E-05 1.2682727526284134E-05 1.4225406873221409E-05 1.5718844908709814E-05 1.0113426130489583E-05 1.1128384712488209E-05 1.2707428862857411E-05 1.4246015436604838E-05 1.5736277818145713E-05 1.0622849104772714E-05 1.1161623164463395E-05 1.2733802630234965E-05 1.4267707066828921E-05 1.5754472822231917E-05 1.1006164112931968E-05 1.1198285735280963E-05 1.2761997824348757E-05 1.4290540551654799E-05 1.5773456592676736E-05 1.1321670531250205E-05 1.1321670531250205E-05 1.2792178337213511E-05 1.4314589371365448E-05 1.5793272119540815E-05 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 9.2638729380455867E-06 1.0113426130489583E-05 1.0622849104772714E-05 1.1006164112931968E-05 1.1321670531250205E-05 $TABLE_9 5 5 240.0000000000000 280.0000000000000 320.0000000000000 360.0000000000000 400.0000000000000 55000.00000000000 141250.0000000000 227500.0000000000 313750.0000000000 400000.0000000000 8.7318132315962922E-03 1.2367010749671227E-02 1.5479028969457832E-02 1.8065003454933646E-02 2.0123880410625419E-02 1.0144646731520802E-02 1.2375365154798446E-02 1.5478277206731493E-02 1.8061024664563677E-02 2.0119085407073307E-02 1.1241534315205219E-02 1.2399427073087721E-02 1.5485543810413213E-02 1.8061449100116474E-02 2.0116675809444373E-02 1.2033532782386015E-02 1.2438788590707257E-02 1.5500573740125312E-02 1.8066241345977847E-02 2.0116840814255434E-02 1.2665788438301477E-02 1.2665788438301477E-02 1.5523214978202122E-02 1.8075268343013946E-02 2.0119597534766078E-02 234.5147959861216 254.6474401194407 266.4385386783982 275.1224493134379 282.1192618430768 8.1928902502712009E-03 1.0144646731520802E-02 1.1241534315205219E-02 1.2033532782386015E-02 1.2665788438301477E-02 $$SAT_TABLE 5 4 9 72429.02057212396 669962.0863334293 1267495.152094735 1865028.217856040 2462561.283617346 239.9999762675480 298.3735220799146 321.5184369582214 337.4761886205648 349.9999999385916 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 157792.0768617229 234423.4028017849 268281.8836128900 293391.1384832433 314607.4539245256 1226.028409346856 1411.621580596332 1538.623093445163 1688.584812454093 1901.162632743923 1394.714486693549 1204.132429873541 1105.717252974825 1023.909256983076 947.2617335591748 7.3133047353247582E-06 1.5554466347974513E-05 2.3546196865974526E-05 3.4054173679783401E-05 4.9653987218547186E-05 836.0313698668695 1119.425611702024 1226.996801517600 1301.491841955899 1361.442808503099 1087.583619605917 1180.740355522880 1205.127882782043 1215.472691163284 1218.190684502114 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 4.5254108276952397E-04 2.0762809729902491E-04 1.5172962190515123E-04 1.1920087721741867E-04 9.5575862436921458E-05 0.1106897637097442 8.1042418175005723E-02 6.9512380598733353E-02 6.1769627812551062E-02 5.5819411652293066E-02 380136.7395374610 415734.4668987678 426586.7644804174 431942.8510520858 434298.6702392859 736.4416185000921 926.5982109988553 1070.936300636404 1242.721436965689 1480.769140200031 3.808368423257648 32.02662176918217 61.85130414931603 94.90868505077478 132.4954540908795 5.4108323518481296E-05 5.6676277290207862E-05 6.5936536523112708E-05 7.9426352920085037E-05 9.9732676665902821E-05 1762.467546546392 1727.090336441192 1719.363218938642 1712.044400273131 1703.417712356647 645.2669936904850 767.7650176481674 824.1454305224304 868.8335090051181 909.2881576124906 145.2336985804320 145.9254060428890 140.3837459659026 134.1949902861215 127.7833214614285 9.4933329019507708E-06 1.2087890198389884E-05 1.3328835395482605E-05 1.4417814786729988E-05 1.5601940814775012E-05 8.7357640893468182E-03 1.4138793457254478E-02 1.6414352714865677E-02 1.8434500108658915E-02 2.0797428027421110E-02
Note: If you want to use the conditions above, copy the text and paste it into a text editor, taking care to match the formatting exactly, and save it as a .rgp file. In CFX-Pre, create a new material that refers to this .rgp file. For details, see Table in the CFX-Pre User's Guide. Note that the above example, with only a 5x5 table, does not provide sufficient resolution to produce meaningful results.