Up to this point, the description of the data tables has been directed toward the superheat tables. For the wet/dry equilibrium real fluid model, however, data tables for equilibrium saturation information (as functions of saturation pressure) are also required.
These tables hold property information related to the saturated liquid and vapor lines of the material, as shown in Figure 12.10: Representation of a Saturation Table Associated with a Given Material, and can be classified as either single valued or dual valued. Single valued information contains saturation properties that are required along the saturated vapor line or along the saturated liquid line (not both). The properties of this type used in CFX, are:
Saturation pressure.
Saturation temperature.
Dual valued information contains saturation properties that are required along both the saturated vapor and liquid lines as a function of saturation pressure. Properties of this type required for CFX are:
Saturated liquid and vapor enthalpy,
Saturated liquid and vapor specific heat at constant pressure,
Saturated liquid and vapor density,
Saturated liquid and vapor change in density with pressure at constant temperature.
Saturated liquid and vapor entropy,
Saturated liquid and vapor specific heat at constant volume,
Saturated liquid and vapor speed of sound,
Saturated liquid and vapor molecular viscosity,
Saturated liquid and vapor thermal conductivity,