12.1.7. Iso Clip Command

An iso clip hides the portion of one or more locators subject to one or more constraints (visibility parameters) that you specify.

There are several ways to insert an iso clip:

  • From the menu bar, select Insert > Location > Iso Clip.

  • From the toolbar, select Location > Iso Clip.

  • Depending on the context, you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view.

Iso clips have the following restrictions:

  • Iso clip locators interpolate values using a method that is slightly less accurate than that used for slice planes and isosurfaces. For details, see Note.

  • Iso clips cannot clip volumes.

  • Iso clips cannot have mix of faces and lines.

  • Setting Visible when [value] to = always results in lines, never faces.

  • Setting Visible when [value] to both >= and <= produces only faces, no lines (due to restriction 3), yet clipped lines may mix with mesh lines if the latter are shown.

The following characteristics of iso clips will be discussed: Iso Clip: Geometry Tab Domains

For details, see Domains. Location

Click the Location Editor   icon to open the Location Editor dialog box, which displays the complete list of available options. If you specify multiple locators, they must all have the same dimensionality (for example, all must be planes, rather than a combination of lines and planes). Visibility Parameters

The Visibility parameters area is where you set the variables that hide the values that fail to meet a specified condition on a locator specified in the Locations field. For example, if the locator is an X-Y plane and the visibility is restricted to Y>=0, Y<= .1, and X>=.15, only areas that have values within those bounds will be displayed.

You create a new clip setting by clicking the New   icon or by right-clicking in the Visibility parameters area and selecting New. These actions cause the Visibility Parameter Properties settings to appear:


Sets the variable that controls where the iso clip regions are placed. Typically you would specify geometric variables.

Visible when [value]

Sets the display of regions (>=, <=) or a line (=).

Boundary Data

Enables you to set the boundary data to use of hybrid or conservative variable values. For details, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Iso Clip: Color Tab

You can change the color of the locator or the variable that is colored on the locator by clicking the Color tab. For details, see Color Tab. Iso Clip: Render Tab

To change the rendering settings, click the Render tab. For details, see Render Tab. Iso Clip: View Tab

The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.

For details on changing the view settings, see View Tab.