5.2.5. Picking Mode

Picking mode is used to select and drag objects in the viewer. The mesh faces must be visible on an object or region to allow it to be picked. Enter picking mode by selecting the Single Select   tool in a pull-down menu of the viewer toolbar. If the Single Select   icon is already visible, you can simply click the New Selection   icon.

You can also pick objects while still in viewing mode by holding down the Ctrl and Shift keys as you click in the viewer. Selecting Objects

Use the mouse to select objects (for example, points and boundaries) from the viewer. When a number of objects overlap, the one closest to the camera is picked.

You can change the picking mode by selecting one of the toolbar icons:

  •   Single Select

  •   Box Select

  •   Polygon Select

For details, see 3D Viewer Modes and Commands. Moving Objects

Point, plane and line objects can be moved in the viewer by dragging and dropping the object to a new location. When an object is moved, its definition is updated in the details view. Any other plots that are located on these movable objects are automatically updated.