12.3.1. Contour: Geometry Tab Domains

For details, see Domains. Locations

For details, see Locations. Variable

For details, see Mode: Variable and Use Plot Variable. Range

For details, see Range. In addition to the options specified in the link, there is the following option. Value List is a comma-separated list that enables you to specify the actual values at which contours should be plotted. For example, if plotting temperature in a combustor, you might try a value list of 300, 500, 700, 900, and 1100K. It should be noted that entering a value list overrides the number specified in the # of Contours field.

Note:  When dealing with the face values of variables X, Y, and Z, CFD-Post computes the global and local ranges using vertex values whereas Fluent computes the ranges using cell-center values. As a result, the computed ranges may differ between CFD-Post and Fluent. Variable Location: Vertex and Face Options

The Variable Location setting controls details about the source of the variable data on which the contour is based. This setting is enabled only when Fluent results are loaded.

The two options are:

  • Vertex

    The variable data is interpolated from mesh vertex values. This is the default setting for all types of results. Note that this option is always in effect for non-Fluent results.

  • Face (only for postprocessing Fluent results)

    The variable data is taken (without interpolation) from one of two sources, depending on availability:

    • Wherever face-center values are available on a locator, those values are used for contour creation.

      Face-center values are typically available on boundaries and interfaces for Fluent files.

    • If face-center values are not available on a locator, then cell-center values of the mesh elements are used for contour creation, provided that such cell-center values are available. For example, for locators that "cut" through mesh elements (for example, planes and isosurfaces), the variable data is taken from the (cell-center) values for the mesh elements that are "cut" by the locator.

  • If neither face-center values nor cell-center values are available, CFD-Post issues a warning message and does not generate a contour.


  • Contours created in CFD-Post with the Face option are similar to contours created in Fluent with the Node values option switched off.

    A notable difference between such contours in CFD-Post and Fluent is that Fluent contours always use cell-center values even when face-center values are available. It follows that such contours will be different between CFD-Post and Fluent for locators that have face-center values, typically boundaries and interfaces. On such locators, the contour minimum and maximum values in CFD-Post should match the minimum and maximum face set values in Fluent.

  • When dealing with the face values of variables X, Y, and Z, CFD-Post computes the global and local ranges using vertex values whereas Fluent computes the ranges using cell-center values. As a result, the computed ranges may differ between CFD-Post and Fluent. Boundary Data: Hybrid and Conservative Options

The Boundary Data setting controls details about the source of the variable data on which the contour is based.

The two options are:

  • Hybrid

    Hybrid variable values are used. Such values exist only in CFX results.

  • Conservative

    Conservative variable values are used. Such values exist only in CFX results.

For details, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.

Note:  In the following cases, CFD-Post makes the Boundary Data setting available, even if not all the domains in the Domains specification for the contour contain CFX results:

  • A domain having CFX results is part of the Domains specification.

  • In the current session of CFD-Post, the variable has been plotted using hybrid values in a domain that is not selected in Domains.

In these cases, if you make a contour with the Hybrid option, undefined values are plotted over domains that do not contain hybrid variables. Color Scale

For details, see Color Scale. Color Map

For details, see Color Map. # of Contours

The # of Contours setting specifies the number of contours in the plot. This will not increase the range, it will increase only the number of contours within the range. Clip to Range Check Box

Select the Clip to Range check box to plot values only within the specified Range. If selected, you should use this setting in conjunction with the User Specified range.