9.6.3. Cable on Global Sloped Seabed

A global sloped seabed can be defined for quasi-static composite cable analysis.

As shown in Figure 9.7: Global Sloped Seabed Definition, a local seabed right-hand Cartesian frame SXYZ is defined, in which the origin is on the seabed reference point and the local axes are parallel to the corresponding axes of the fixed reference axes. The seabed slope angle is the angle between the steepest upward path on the seabed and the horizontal plane. The seabed azimuth angle is the angle between the projection of the steepest path on the horizontal plane and the local x-axis.

Figure 9.7: Global Sloped Seabed Definition

Global Sloped Seabed Definition

To express the relevant geometric information of the seabed and the composite cable, point A is designated as a point on the line passing through a reference point S and being in the steepest upward direction on the seabed. Point B is the intersection point between the horizontal SXY plane and the vertical line across point A. The angle between line SA and line SB defines the seabed slope angle , the angle between line SB and the x-axis of SXYZ gives the seabed azimuth angle .

By denoting the anchor point on the seabed as P: in the global fixed reference frame, the following equation is satisfied:


where is the seabed azimuth directional vector in the fixed reference axes.

Assuming that the attachment point of a composite mooring Q: is above the seabed but not on the vertical line across point P, the mooring vertical plane which point P and point Q are on can be uniquely determined. Defining the vertical line across point Q, this line has an intersection point with the seabed at point C and an intersection point with the SXY plane at point D. Point E is the intersection point of the SXY plane and the line crossing points C and P. Line EF parallels to line SB, and the relative azimuth angle of the mooring vertical plane and the seabed direction is .

Based on the definitions above, the coordinate of point C: is determined by:


The coordinate of point D: is:


and the coordinate of point E: is:


In the general case of , the relative azimuth angle of the mooring vertical plane is given by:



From Equation 9–42 it can be observed that point E does not exist if . In this special case, the relative azimuth angle of the mooring vertical plane is:
