
Stresses of UHMWPE under Uniaxial Tension


Reference: Bergstrom, J. & Bischoff, J. (2010). An advanced thermomechanical constitutive model for UHMWPE. International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids, (2), 31-39.
Analysis Type(s): Static (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):

3D Structural Solid Elements (SOLID185)

Input Listing: vm314.dat

Test Case

A block of UHMWPE (ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene) is under tension in the vertical direction as shown in the problem sketch. The displacement loading is applied slowly with an engineering strain rate of 0.007/s. The body temperature is kept constant at 300 K throughout the loading process. The reference temperature 0 and material parameter are both selected as 300 K to remove temperature effect. The final stress is obtained and compared against the reference solution.

Figure 573: Uniaxial Loading Problem Sketch

Uniaxial Loading Problem Sketch

Material Properties Geometric Properties Loading

Refer to Defining a TNM in the Material Reference

μA = 200 Mpa
λL = 3.25
κ = 6000 Mpa
= 3.25 Mpa
α = 0.073
= = 20
μBi = 293 Mpa
μBf = 79.1 Mpa
β = 31.9
= 20.1 Mpa
μc = 10 Mpa
q = 0.23
= 300 K
= 300 K
= 0
L = 100 mm
Uniaxial tension to 260 mm in Y within 372 seconds. The body temperature is kept constant at 300 K.

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved using 3D SOLID185 elements. UHMWPE is modeled by the Three Network Model (TB,TNM). The block is stretched in the Y direction. The constant body temperature 300 K is defined by command BFUNIF. Large deflection effect is enabled (NLGEOM,ON). The final stress is obtained in /POST1.

Results Comparison

Target Mechanical APDL Ratio