
1D Advection Diffusion Problem


Reference: Any standard fluid dynamics or heat transfer textbook with diffusion equations. The derivation of the analytical solution is shown.
Analysis Type(s): Static (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D 8-Node Diffusion Elements (PLANE238)
2D 8-Node Coupled-Field Elements (PLANE223)
Input Listing: vm226.dat

Test Case

Diffusion and mass transport effects due to the hydrostatic stress-migration are considered in a rectangular plane of length L and height H. Concentration constraints C1 and C2 are applied to the x = 0 and x = L ends of the plates, respectively. A steady-state analysis is performed to determine the distribution of concentration in the plate due to hydrostatic stress-migration.

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Pure Diffusion Element (PLANE238)

Diffusivity coefficients = 0.01 m2/s


Coupled Structural Diffusion Element (PLANE223)
Diffusivity coefficients = 0.01 m2/s
Young's modulus = 1 x 109 N/m2
Density = 1 kg/m3
Atomic volume / Boltzmann constant = 0.141 x 10-5 m3-K/J
Length, L = 1 m
Height, H = 0.1 m
Concentration at x = 0, C1 = 0
Concentration at x = L, C2 = 1
Transport velocity = 0.01 m/s
Concentration at x = 0, C1 = 0
Concentration at x = L, C2 = 1
Acceleration, ACCELX = 1 x 109 m/s2
Temperature = 200 °C
Offset temperature = 273 °C

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Two approaches are used to solve this boundary value problem. The first solution uses a diffusion element type (PLANE238) and applies the hydrostatic-stress driving force V as a transport velocity body load (BF,VELO). The second approach uses a coupled structural-diffusion element type (PLANE223 with KEYOPT(1) = 100001). The UX DOF are constrained at location x = 0 m and the UY DOF are constrained at location y = 0 m and y = 0.1 m. An acceleration ACCELX is applied to the plate to create a stress-gradient in the X-direction. A Migration Model (TB,MIGR) is used to defined the volume of the migrating particle such that the transport velocity V is achieved.

Steady-state diffusion and structural-diffusion analysis is performed to determine the distribution of concentration in the plate. The obtained results are compared against the analytical solution at L/2.

For a 1D static case, the governing equation of diffusion is:


This equation takes the form of a homogeneous second-order linear ordinary differential equation:


The corresponding characteristic polynomial for this equation is:


Considering the real roots,


the generation solution of Equation 226–2 can be written as:


Coefficients and can be determined from the boundary conditions:


Substituting Equation 226–6 into Equation 226–5, we obtain:


Results Comparison

 Target [1]Mechanical APDLRatio
Concentration values at x = 0.5 using PLANE238 elements0.3780.3781.000
Concentration values at x = 0.5 using PLANE223 elements0.3780.3781.000
  1. Results obtained using equation 226.7 from the reference.

Figure 375: Nodal Concentration Plot at Time = 1 s using PLANE238 Elements

Nodal Concentration Plot at Time = 1 s using PLANE238 Elements

Figure 376: Nodal Concentration Plot at Time = 1 s using PLANE223 Elements

Nodal Concentration Plot at Time = 1 s using PLANE223 Elements