
Viscoelastic Sandwich Seal Analysis


Reference: T. F. Soules, R. F. Busbey, S. M. Rekhson, A. Markkovsky, M. A. Burkey, "Finite Element Calculations of Residual Stresses in Glass Parts Using MARC", General Electric Company (Nela Park), Report # 86-LRL-2022, Cleveland, OH, March 1986.
Analysis Type(s): Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D 8-Node Structural Solid Elements (PLANE183)
3D 20-Node Structural Solid Elements (SOLID186)
Input Listing: vm200.dat

Test Case

A sandwich seal made of an alumina plate with G-11 glass cladding on both sides is cooled at 3° per minute from 618°C to 460°C and held isothermally for four hours. The seal is further cooled at 3° per minute to 18°C. FInd the maximum in-plane stress (σmax) developed in the seal along with the corresponding temperature.

Figure 310: Viscoelastic Sandwich Seal Problem Sketch

Viscoelastic Sandwich Seal Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Material: G-11 Glass
Material Variables
H/R (°K) = 6.45e4
X = 0.53
No. of Maxwell Elements = 6
For Volume Decay Function
Cfi = 0.108, 0.443, 0.166, 0.161, 0.046, 0.076
τfi = 3.00, 0.671, 0.247, 0.091, 0.033, 0.008
Cli = 3.43e-5
Cgi = 64.7e-7, 0.02e-7
Tfi(°) = 618, 618, 618, 618, 618, 618,
GXY(0) = 2.79e4
GXY( ) = 0.0
K(0), MPa = 6.05e4
K( ), MPa = 6.05e4
No. of Maxwell Elements for Shear Modulus Relaxation = 3
Csmi = 0.422, 0.423, 0.155
λsmi = 0.0689, 0.0065, 0.0001
No. of Maxwell Elements for Bulk Modulus Relaxation = 0
Material: Alumina
Material Variables
Cgi = 52.6e-7, 0.119e-7, -1.0e-11
GXY(0), MPa = 1.435e5
GXY( ), MPa = 1.435e5
K(0), MPa = 3.11e5
K( ), MPa = 3.11e5
See Viscoelastic Material Constants in the Material Reference for more explanation regarding the material parameters.
a = 0.05 cm
b = 0.325 cm
Reference Temp. = 618°C
Temp. Offset = 273
Load Step 1;
Uniform Temp. (TUNIF) = 618°C
Load Step 2:
TUNIF = 460°C
TIME = 3160 sec.
Load Step 3:
TUNIF = 460°C
TIME = 17560 sec.
Load Step 4:
TUNIF = 18°C
TIME = 26400 sec.

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved first using 2D structural solid elements (PLANE183) and then using 3D structural solid elements (SOLID186).

In the 2D case, due to the fact that the stresses will be the same in X and Z directions because of symmetry, an axisymmetric analysis is performed with the nodal degrees of freedom coupled in appropriate directions. The radial thickness of 0.2 cm is arbitrarily selected. Nodes 21 through 25 are coupled in the X-direction (radial coupling). Nodes with the same Y-location are coupled in Y-direction (axial coupling).

In the 3D case, an arbitrary thickness of 0.2 cm is assumed in both Y and Z directions. Nodal degrees of freedom are coupled in appropriate directions to simulate the correct physical behavior in the finite element model.

The alumina is not a viscoelastic material, however, its material properties are input using viscoelastic format so that only one element type (PLANE183 in 2D and SOLID186 in 3D) can be used for both materials. Also, note that the viscoelastic material does not require the MP command for inputting the material properties. POST26 is used to extract the results from the solution phase.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
PLANE183 Stressmax , MPa12.512.5 1.002
Temp, °C460.0460.01.000
SOLID186 Stressmax , MPa12.5 12.5 1.002
Temp, °C460.0460.01.000

Figure 311: In-plane Stress Versus Temperature

In-plane Stress Versus Temperature