1.1. Description of the Benchmark Studies

The benchmark test cases are designed to test element performance, meshing algorithm's effect on solution performance, alternative solution algorithms (for modal analysis), and element energy error norm performance.

Element performance (accuracy) is checked for a subset of some of the more frequently used solid and shell elements including PLANE35, PLANE182, PLANE183, SHELL63, SHELL181, SHELL281, SOLID70, PLANE77, PLANE55, SOLID186, and SOLID187. The tests are designed to check the element performance under various load conditions and element shapes. Solution accuracy and convergence rates are also presented for the elements.

The effect of alternative meshing schemes on solution accuracy is studied for several test cases. The meshing schemes include quadrilateral and triangle meshing for areas, and brick and tetrahedral meshing for volumes. Solution accuracy is based on the energy error norm and/or localized stress and displacement evaluation.

For benchmark test cases using 2D and 3D solid elements in a static analysis, results are in part expressed in terms of an energy error norm. Energy error norms can be used as a guide in evaluating the mesh discretization used in a finite element analysis. See Energy Norm for more information.

The benchmarks are categorized into VMDXX test cases and VMCXX test cases (where XX is the problem number:

  • The VMD series tests individual finite element performance under distorted, or irregular shapes.

  • The VMC series tests solution accuracy and convergence for a series of test cases that undergo increasing mesh refinement or use alternate element types.

The benchmark studies follow the documentation of the VM test cases.

Three types of analyses are included in the benchmark tests:

The benchmark test cases are drawn from a variety of resources, such as NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards) based in the United Kingdom, proposed benchmarks in the literature, and textbook problems. Where applicable, test cases that conform to published benchmark specifications are identified.