Chapter 1: Overview

This manual also provides information on the applicability, selection and performance of Mechanical APDL finite elements, meshing algorithms, and solution algorithms by a series of benchmark test cases. The benchmark studies are designed to illustrate both proper, and in some cases, improper application of finite element techniques in various modeling situations. Improper use may take the form of inappropriate element selection or mesh discretization. The results presented here for some test cases may appear in error, but are in fact the "expected" solutions for the chosen element, discretization, and loading condition. By providing the results for such test cases, we hope to provide guidance in the selection of appropriate analysis options.

While Ansys cannot provide an exhaustive set of benchmark studies, we have included the most commonly-used elements and analysis types. Using these benchmark studies as a guideline, you can extend the applicability to other element types or solution methods. In many instances, existing benchmark standards were used as the basis of the test case construction.