13.278. SOLID278 - 3D 8-Node Homogeneous/Layered Thermal Solid

SOLID278 is available in two forms:

13.278.1. SOLID278 - 3D 8-Node Homogeneous Thermal Solid

Matrix or VectorShape FunctionsIntegration Points
Conductivity Matrix and Heat Generation Load Vector Equation 11–2272 x 2 x 2
Specific Heat MatrixEquation 11–227. Matrix is diagonalized as described in Lumped MatricesSame as conductivity matrix
Convection Surface Matrix and Load VectorEquation 11–227 specialized to the face2 x 2

13.278.2. SOLID278 - 3D 8-Node Layered Thermal Solid

Matrix or VectorShape FunctionsIntegration Points
Conductivity Matrix and Heat Generation Load Vector Equation 11–227

2 x 2
1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 per layer
Defaults to 3 

Specific Heat MatrixEquation 11–227. Matrix is diagonalized as described in Lumped MatricesSame as conductivity matrix
Convection Surface Matrix and Load VectorEquation 11–227 specialized to the face2 x 2

13.278.3. Other Applicable Sections

Heat Flow describes the derivation of the element matrices and load vectors as well as heat flux evaluations for a general thermal analysis element. Mass Transport is discussed in Mass Transport (Advection) and Mass Transport (Advection) in the Thermal Analysis Guide. The Mass transport option is only available for KEYOPT(3) = 0 the homogeneous (nonlayered) form.