13.279. SOLID279 - 3D 20-Node Homogeneous/Layered Thermal Solid

SOLID279 is available in two forms:

13.279.1. SOLID279 - 3D 20-Node Homogeneous Thermal Solid

Matrix or VectorGeometryShape FunctionsIntegration Points
Conductivity Matrix and Heat Generation Load VectorBrickEquation 11–23914
WedgeEquation 11–2143 x 3
PyramidEquation 11–1982 x 2 x 2
TetEquation 11–1904
Specific Heat MatrixSame as conductivity matrix.Same as conductivity matrix
Convection Surface Matrix and Load VectorQuadEquation 11–863 x 3
TriangleEquation 11–616

13.279.2. SOLID279 - 3D 20-Node Layered Thermal Solid

Matrix or VectorGeometryShape FunctionsIntegration Points
Conductivity Matrix and Heat Generation Load VectorBrickEquation 11–239

2 x 2
1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 per layer
Defaults to 3 

WedgeEquation 11–2143 x 3
PyramidEquation 11–1982 x 2 x 2
TetEquation 11–1904
Specific Heat MatrixSame as conductivity matrix.Same as conductivity matrix
Convection Surface Matrix and Load VectorQuadEquation 11–863 x 3
TriangleEquation 11–616