3.3. Modeling

Following is an axisymmetric model of the seal components, an elastomer o-ring and a plastic cap. The rigid surface on the right represents the groove, and the left rigid surface represents the shaft.

Figure 3.2: Sealing System and Finite Element Model

Sealing System and Finite Element Model

(a) Initial Configuration

Sealing System and Finite Element Model

(b) End of Housing Compression

Sealing System and Finite Element Model

(c) End of fluid Penetration Pressure

The geometric properties of the model are as follows:

O-ring radius0.89 mm
Cap width 0.623 mm
Cap height 2.123 mm

The following elements are used in this model:

Element Description Key Option (KEYOPT) Setting Total Number of Elements Used
PLANE182 2D 4-Node Structural SolidKEYOPT(3) = 1 (axisymmetric behavior)2065
CONTA172 2D 2-Node Surface-To-Surface Contact KEYOPT(2) = 3 (Lagrange multiplier on contact normal and penalty on tangent)495
TARGE169 2D Target Segment ---290

The o-ring and cap are modeled using PLANE182 elements.

Two contact pairs are defined using CONTA172 and TARGE169 elements. One rigid-to-flexible contact pair models the contact between the entire exterior surface of seals (o-ring and cap) and the rigid surfaces, as shown by (a) in the following figure:

Figure 3.3: Sealing System Contact Pairs

Sealing System Contact Pairs

Another flexible-to-flexible contact pair models the contact between the o-ring and the cap, as shown by figure (b).

A frictional interaction is defined for the contact pairs and the friction coefficient of 0.1 is applied (via the MP command). The contact formulation used is the "Lagrange multiplier on contact-normal and penalty-on-tangent" (KEYOPT(2) = 3 on CONTA172).