18.6. Analysis and Solution Controls

A transient thermal analysis is performed to determine the temperature distribution and a linear static analysis is run to determine the residual stress.

Thermal Analysis Solution

The analysis type is defined as a transient thermal analysis (ANTYPE,TRANS).

The following example input obtains the solution for the thermal analysis:

ANTYPE,TRANS         ! Perform a transient analysis
TRNOPT,FULL          ! Specifies transient analysis options 
TIME,600             ! Final time for solution
OUTRES,ALL,-10       ! Saved results at every 60 seconds

Structural Analysis Solution

A linear static analysis (ANTYPE,STATIC) is performed. For the stress analysis, SOLID87 elements are converted to SOLID187 elements.

The Tool-Narayanaswamy (TN) shift function with fictive temperature is used with the viscoelastic constitutive model. As with other time-temperature superposition models, the shift function is accessible via the TB,SHIFT command, as shown in the following input example:

TB,SHIFT,1,1,4,FICT                ! Specify Tool-Narayanaswamy shift function
TBDATA, 1,700,46400,0.3            ! TN constants -  Reference temperature, H/R and  X
TBDATA, 4,  750,  0.25, 1.58E-5    ! Fictive T, weight, relaxation time
TBDATA, 16, 10.7510E-6, -2.4208E-8, 5.7267E-11    ! glass CTE coefficients

!       Time-dependent behavior of shear and bulk modulus can be 
!       represented via Prony series. Prony series for deviatoric 
!       Maxwell elements is defined as follows:

TBDATA,1,  0.48844 , 1.58E-5       ! Prony pairs

According to the reference results, volume relaxation for glass occurs much less rapidly than the shear relaxation.[1] The Prony series input for volume decay is therefore not considered in this problem.

18.6.1. Adjusting the Time Step

A full simulation based on the time stepping from the reference input file requires approximately 3.5 hours (using eight processors). You can adjust the time-step increment according to your needs:

  • A larger increment accelerates the simulation but is less accurate.

  • A small increment is more computationally intensive, requiring a longer analysis time, but offers greater accuracy.

Important:  The structural portion of the analysis requires 10 solve operations. The first solution (time = 1 - 60) requires more time to converge than the remaining nine; however, it is not good practice to increase the time increment for the first solution.