67.8. Recommendations

To perform similar types of analyses using the crystal plasticity model, consider the following:

  • The calculation of closest distance to the neighboring grain boundary is supported for domains consisting of SOLID185 elements only.

  • Even with the binning method, many material IDs may be created for complex microstructures with many grains, leading to significant computational overhead. Preprocess the input microstructure to reduce the number of grains in the model (without significantly affecting the texture).

  • When grouping the hardness values into bins, be aware that the number of bins and bin boundary values can affect the accuracy of the binning method. Because the distance calculation is mesh-based, fewer bins may be required for models with a coarse mesh. Inspect the raw distribution of hardness values in each grain to determine an appropriate number of bins.

  • Specify the PCG solver (EQSLV,PCG) for best results.