A primary cause of plastic deformation of crystalline metals is dislocation slip. The crystal plasticity material model is widely used to capture slip-based plastic deformation on the microscale, accounting for the underlying crystal type and microstructure of the material.
Crystal plasticity simulation can predict the structure-property relation of additively manufactured parts to show how the underlying microstructure affects the macroscopic mechanical response. A common microstructure change leading to significant alteration of properties is the change in grain size, which significantly affects the yield stress (known as the Hall-Petch effect) and ductility.
The Hall-Petch effect can be captured in crystal plasticity simulations via a uniform but grain-size dependent initial hardness, or a spatially nonuniform initial hardness distribution based on the closest distance to neighboring grain boundaries.
Theory Overview
Under finite deformation with thermal strain, the total deformation gradient can be
decomposed into the mechanical part and the thermal part
The mechanical deformation gradient can be further decomposed multiplicatively into its elastic
and plastic
The current crystal plasticity model considers plasticity due to dislocation slip. The
plastic velocity gradient can therefore be related to the slip rate
on a slip system
For face-centered cubic (FCC) materials, the slip rate can be related to the resolved shear stress
The Hall-Petch effect due to grain boundary strengthening can be simulated using a
spatially nonuniform distribution of the initial value of (the initial hardness), which is related to the closest distance to
neighboring grain boundaries
This relation is phenomenological and is not based on any first principles. Other functional forms have been proposed and can be used as well.[3] |
The resolved shear stress can be related to the second Piola Kirchoff stress (in the intermediate
where is the right Cauchy-Green elastic deformation tensor.
can be determined from
where is the fourth-order material Jacobian.