19.8. Reviewing Contents of Binary Files (AUX2)

The AUX2 auxiliary processor (/AUX2) enables you to print binary files in a readable format. Use the processor primarily to verify file formats (for debugging purposes).

The output from a dumped binary file is unlabeled and must be correlated with known formats (documented in the Guide to Interfacing with Mechanical APDL.)

A complete binary file dump can produce many pages of printout. The Format argument on the FORM command enables you to control the amount of output.

Issue the HBMAT command to dump any matrix written on the assembled global matrix file (.full file) or the superelement matrix file (.sub file). The matrix is written to a new file (.matrix) in the standard Harwell-Boeing format. (The Harwell-Boeing format is column-oriented; that is, non-zero matrix values are stored with their corresponding row indices in a sequence of columns. Because matrix files are stored by row and not column, the transpose of the matrix is actually written when the HBMAT command is used with a non-symmetric matrix.)

Issue the PSMAT command to write a postscript file containing a graphic representation of any matrix on the .full file. The matrix is symbolized by a grid in which colored cells represent the nonzero coefficients of the matrix.