12.7. Cross Section Analysis Examples

The following example analyses that use cross sections are available:

Several Ansys, Inc. publications, particularly the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual, describe additional related analyses.

The Mechanical APDL Verification Manual consists of test case analyses demonstrating the analysis capabilities of the program. While these test cases demonstrate solutions to realistic analysis problems, the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual does not present them as step-by-step examples with lengthy data input instructions and printouts (unnecessary if you have at least some finite element experience). Be sure to review each test case's finite element model and input data and accompanying comments.

12.7.1. Example: Lateral Torsional Buckling Analysis

You can use BEAM188 and BEAM189 elements to model not only straightforward beam bending and shear response but also to model beam response that involves lateral-torsional buckling. To create this type of model, you will need to create an adequately fine mesh of beam elements. You typically need to model a single beam member using a series of short beam elements, as shown in Figure 12.4: Lateral-Torsional Buckling of a Cantilever I-Beam.

Figure 12.4: Lateral-Torsional Buckling of a Cantilever I-Beam

Lateral-Torsional Buckling of a Cantilever I-Beam

Lateral-Torsional Buckling of a Cantilever I-Beam, Modeled With 60 BEAM188 Elements (Displayed Using /ESHAPE)

Buckling Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide documents buckling analysis in detail. This sample problem shows what happens when a cantilever beam is subjected to a concentrated end load, which causes lateral-torsional buckling. Problem Description

A straight, slender cantilever beam has one fixed end and one free end. A load is applied to the free end. The model is analyzed using eigenvalue buckling calculations, followed by a nonlinear load versus deflection study. The objective is to determine the critical value of the end load (indicated by P in Figure 12.5: Diagram of a Beam With Deformation Indicated) at which the beam undergoes a bifurcation indicated by a large displacement in the lateral direction. Problem Specifications

The following material properties are used for this problem:

Young's modulus = 1.0 X 104 psi

Poisson's ratio = 0.0

The following geometric properties are used for this problem:

L = 100 in

H = 5 in

B = .2 in

Loading for this problem is:

P = 1 lb. Problem Sketch

Figure 12.5: Diagram of a Beam With Deformation Indicated

Diagram of a Beam With Deformation Indicated Eigenvalue Buckling and Nonlinear Collapse

Eigenvalue buckling calculation is a linearized calculation, and is generally valid only for elastic structures. The yielding of materials occurs usually at loads lesser than that predicted by eigenvalue buckling analysis. This type of analysis tends to need less computation time than a full nonlinear buckling analysis.

You can also perform a nonlinear load versus deflection study, which employs an arc length solution strategy to identify critical loads. While the approach is more general, a collapse analysis may be computationally intensive.

The nonlinear collapse analysis must be performed on a structure with imperfections built in to the model, since a perfect model will not show signs of buckling. You can add imperfections by using eigenvectors that result from an eigenvalue buckling analysis. The eigenvector determined is the closest estimate of the actual mode of buckling. The imperfections added should be small when compared to a typical thickness of the beam being analyzed. The imperfections remove the sharp discontinuity in the load-deflection response. It is customary to use one to ten percent of the beam/shell thickness as the maximum imperfection introduced. The UPGEOM command adds displacements from a previous analysis and updates the geometry to the deformed configuration. Set the Analysis Title and Define Model Geometry

  1. Select menu path Utility Menu> File> Change Title.

  2. Enter the text "Lateral Torsional Buckling Analysis" and click OK.

  3. Start the model creation preprocessor and define the keypoints for the beam. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Keypoints> In Active CS, and enter these keypoint numbers and the coordinates in the dialog as indicated:

    Keypoint NumberX LocationY Location Z LocationClick This Button to Accept Values
    1000 Apply
    2100.000 Apply
    3 5050 OK
  4. Create a straight line through keypoints 1 and 2. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Lines> Lines> Straight Line. The Create Straight Line picker appears. Select keypoints 1 and 2 in the Graphics window and click OK in the Create Straight Line picker.

  5. Save the model. Select menu path Utility Menu> File> Save As. Enter buckle.db in the “Save Database to” field and click OK. Define Element Type and Cross Section Information

  1. Select menu path Main Menu> Preferences and select the "Structural" check box. Click OK to continue.

  2. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete. The Element Types dialog appears.

  3. Click Add ... The Library of Element Types dialog appears.

  4. In the scroll box on the left, select "Structural Beam."

  5. In the scroll box on the right, click "3D finite strain, 3 node 189" to select BEAM189.

  6. Click OK, and then click Close in the Element Types dialog.

  7. Define a rectangular cross section for the beam. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Sections> Beam> Common Sectns. The BeamTool is displayed. The section ID is set to 1, and the subtype to RECT (signified by a rectangle on the subtype button) by default. Since you will be creating a rectangular cross section, there is no need to change the subtype.

  8. In the lower half of the BeamTool, you will see a diagram of the cross section shape with dimension variables labeled. Enter the width of the cross section, 0.2, in the field labeled B. Enter the height of the cross section, 5.0, in the field labeled H. Click Apply to set the cross section dimensions.

  9. Use the BeamTool to display information about the cross section. Click Preview on the BeamTool. A diagram and data summary of the cross section appear in the Graphics window. You can also preview the mesh of the cross section by selecting the Meshview button. Click Close in the BeamTool to continue. Define the Material Properties and Orientation Node

  1. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models. The Define Material Model Behavior dialog appears.

  2. In the Material Models Available window on the right, double-click the following: Structural, Linear, Elastic, Isotropic. A dialog appears.

  3. Enter 1E4 for EX (Young's modulus).

  4. Enter 0.0 for PRXY (Poisson's ratio), and click OK. Material Model Number 1 appears in the Material Models Defined window on the left.

  5. Select menu path Material> Exit to close the Define Material Model Behavior dialog.

  6. Replot the line by choosing menu path Utility Menu> Plot> Lines.

  7. Select the line and define the orientation node of the line as an attribute. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesh Attributes> Picked Lines. The Line Attributes picker appears. Select the line in the Graphics window and click Apply in the Line Attributes picker.

  8. The Line Attributes dialog appears. The program includes the material attribute pointer to the material set 1, the element type attribute pointer to the local element type 1, and the section attribute pointer to the section ID 1 by default. Click on the radio button beside the Pick Orientation Keypoint(s) label to change it to Yes and click OK.

  9. The Line Attributes picker reappears. Type 3 in the picker, press Enter, and click OK.

  10. Save the model. Select menu path Utility Menu> File> Save As. If the buckle.db file is not already selected, select it. Select OK, and when prompted whether you want to overwrite the existing file, click OK. Mesh the Line and Verify Beam Orientation

  1. Define the mesh size and number of divisions. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Size Cntrls> ManualSize> Lines> All Lines. Enter 10 in the “No. of Element Divisions” field and click OK.

  2. Mesh the line. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> MeshTool. Click MESH on the MeshTool and the Mesh Lines picker appears. Pick the line in the Graphics window, and then click OK in the Mesh Lines picker. Click Close in the MeshTool to close it.

  3. Rotate the meshed line. Select menu path Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Pan, Zoom, Rotate. The Pan, Zoom, Rotate tool appears. Select ISO and click Close. The beam is rotated in the Graphics window.

  4. Verify the beam orientation. Select menu path Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Style> Size and Shape. Select the radio button next to the /ESHAPE label to turn /ESHAPE on and click OK. Define the Boundary Conditions

  1. Define a boundary condition to the fixed end. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Structural> Displacement> On Keypoints. The Apply U,ROT on KPs picker appears.

  2. Define keypoint 1 as the fixed end. In the picker, type 1, press Enter, then click OK. The Apply U,ROT on KPs dialog appears.

  3. Click "All DOF" to select it, and click OK. The boundary condition information appears in the Graphics window at keypoint 1.

  4. Apply a force to the free end. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Structural> Force/Moment> On Keypoints. The Apply F/M on KPs picker appears.

  5. Identify keypoint 2 as the free end. Type 2 in the picker, press Enter, and then click OK. The Apply F/M on KPs dialog appears.

  6. In the drop down list for Direction of force/mom, select FY.

  7. Enter 1 for the Force/moment value in the Apply F/M on KPs dialog, and click OK. The force symbol appears in the Graphics window at keypoint 2.

  8. Save the model. Select menu path Utility Menu> File> Save As. If the buckle.db file is not already selected, select it. Click OK and when prompted whether you want to overwrite the existing file, click OK again. Solve the Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis

  1. Set analysis options. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Unabridged Menu> Analysis Type> Analysis Options. The Static or Steady-State Analysis dialog appears.

  2. Use the sparse solver for the solution. In the Static or Steady-State Analysis dialog, make sure that Sparse solver is selected in the drop down box beside the Equation solver label.

  3. Include prestress effect, which will be stored for later use in the eigenvalue buckling calculation. In the drop down list labeled Stress stiffness or prestress, select "Prestress ON." Click OK to close the Static or Steady-State Analysis dialog.

  4. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS. Review the summary information in the /STATUS command window, then select Close from its menu bar. Click OK in the Solve Current Load Step window to begin the solution.

  5. When the Solution is Done! window appears, click Close to close it.

  6. Select menu path Main Menu> Finish.

  7. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis.

  8. Select the "Eigen Buckling" option, then click OK.

  9. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Analysis Options. The Eigenvalue Buckling Options dialog appears. Select the “Block Lanczos” option. Enter 4 in the “No. of modes to extract” field, then click OK.

  10. Set the element calculation key for the MXPAND command. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> ExpansionPass> Single Expand> Expand Modes.

  11. In the Expand Modes dialog, enter 4 in the “No. of modes to expand” field, change the “No” to “Yes” beside the “Calculate elem results” label, and click OK.

  12. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS. Review the summary information in the /STATUS command window, then select Close from its menu bar. Click OK in the Solve Current Load Step window to begin the solution.

  13. When the Solution is Done! window appears, click Close to close it.

  14. Select menu path Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Style> Size and Shape. Be sure the radio button beside the label Display of element shapes ... (/ESHAPE) is set to On and click OK.

  15. Display the results summary. Select menu path Main Menu> General Postproc> Results Summary. After you have reviewed the results, click Close to close the window.

  16. Select menu path Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> First Set.

  17. Plot the first mode shape of the beam. Select menu path Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Deformed Shape. The Plot Deformed Shape dialog appears. Select “Def + undef edge” and click OK.

  18. Select menu path Main Menu> Finish. Solve the Nonlinear Buckling Analysis

  1. Introduce model imperfections calculated by the previous analysis. Select menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Update Geom. In the Update nodes using results file displacements dialog, enter 0.002 in the “Scaling factor” field, 1 in the “Load step” field, 1 in the “Substep” field, and file.rst in the “Selection” field. Click OK.

  2. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis.

  3. Select the "Static" option, then click OK.

  4. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> DB/Results File and be sure the drop down lists display All Items and All entities respectively. Select the Every substep for the File write frequency radio button and click OK.

  5. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Analysis Options. Select the radio button beside Large deform effects, then click OK.

  6. Set the arc-length method, and set parameters for the termination of the solution. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Arc-Length Opts. Select the Arc-length method on/off radio button and set it to On. Select the pull down menu next to the Lab label and select Displacement lim. Enter 1.0 in the “Max desired U” field. Enter 2 in the “Node number for VAL” field. From the pull-down menu (next to the “Degree of freedom” label), select “UZ.” Click OK.

  7. Define the number of substeps to be run during this load step. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time and Substps. Enter 10000 in the “Number of substeps” field and click OK.

  8. Solve the current model. Select menu path Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS. Review the summary information in the /STATUS command window, then select Close from its menu bar. Click OK in the Solve Current Load Step window to begin the solution. A Nonlinear Solution window with a Stop button appears. A convergence graph is built, and can take several minutes to complete.

  9. You may receive a warning message. You should review the information in the message but you do not need to close it. Continue waiting for the solution to complete. When the Solution is Done! window appears, click Close to close it.

  10. Select menu path Main Menu> Finish. Plot and Review the Results

  1. Replot the beam. Select menu path Utility Menu> Plot> Elements.

  2. Define the load point deflection to be read from the results file. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist PostPro> Define Variables. When the Defined Time-History Variables dialog appears, select Add.

  3. When the Add Time-History Variable dialog appears, be sure the Nodal DOF result option is selected. Click OK.

  4. The Define Nodal Data picker appears. In the Graphics window, pick node 2 (the end node on the right side of the beam) and click OK.

  5. The Define Nodal Data dialog appears. Be sure the Ref number of variable and Node number are both set to 2. Enter TIPLATDI in the “User-specified label” field. Select Translation UZ from the menu and click OK.

  6. Define the total reaction force to be read from the results file. Select Add from the Defined Time-History Variables dialog.

  7. When the Add Time-History Variable dialog appears, select the Reaction forces radio button and then click OK.

  8. The Define Reaction Force picker appears. Pick the end node on the left side of the beam and click OK.

  9. The Define Reaction Force Variable dialog appears. Be sure the “Ref number of variable” is set to 3 and “Node number” is set to 1. Select “Struct Force FY” from the menu and click OK. Click Close to close the Defined Time-History Variables dialog.

  10. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist Postpro> Math Operations> Multiply. In the Multiply Time-History Variables dialog, enter 4 in the “Reference number for result” field, -1.0 in the “1st Factor” field, and 3 in the “1st Variable” field. Click OK.

  11. Display the X variable. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist Postpro> Settings> Graph. Select the single variable button, enter 2 in the “Single variable no.” field, and click OK.

  12. Plot the load versus deflection curve to confirm the critical load calculated by the eigenvalue method. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist PostPro> Graph Variables. Enter 4 in the “1st variable to graph” field. Click OK.

  13. List the variables versus time. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist PostPro> List Variables. Enter 2 in the “1st variable to list” field and 4 in the “2nd variable” field and click OK.

  14. Check the values in the PRVAR Command window to see how they compare against the values generated by the eigenvalue buckling analysis. Expected results are: Critical buckling load, Pcr = 0.01892. Close the PRVAR Command window. Plot and Review the Section Results

  1. Replot the beam. Select menu path Utility Menu> Plot> Elements.

  2. Define the compression stress at the base to be read from the results file. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist PostPro> Define Variables. When the Defined Time-History Variables dialog appears, select Add.

  3. When the Add Time-History Variable dialog appears, be sure the “…by seq no.” option is selected. Click OK.

  4. The Define Element Results picker appears. In the Graphics window, pick element 1 (the end element on the left side of the beam) and click OK.

  5. The Define Element Results by Seq No. dialog appears. Be sure the Ref number of variable is set to 5 and Element number is set to 1. Enter BASESX in the “User-specified label” field. Select “LS” from the menu.

  6. To retrieve the X component of Stress from the bottom middle of the section (this is node 3, or the 2nd node where stress is stored), type 4 for the Comp Sequence number and click OK.

  7. Plot variable versus time. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist PostPro> Graph Variables. Enter 5 in the “1st variable to graph” field. Click OK.

  8. List the variable versus time. Select menu path Main Menu> TimeHist PostPro> List Variables. Enter 5 in the “1st variable to list” field and click OK.

  9. Select menu path Main Menu> Finish.

  10. In the Toolbar, click Quit.

  11. Select a save option and click OK.

12.7.2. Example: Problem with Cantilever Beams

Here is the input file for the problem described in the previous section:


sectype,1, beam, rect
secdata, 0.2,5.0
slist, 1, 1
lsel,s, , , 1, 1, 1
latt,1, ,1,0, 3, ,1
lesize, all, , ,10
dk,1, , , ,0,all
eqslv,sparse          ! eqslv,sparse is the default for static and full transient
/view, 1 ,1,1,1
/ang, 1

prod,4,3, , , , , ,-1.0,1,1
esol,5,1, ,ls,4