5.8. Solid Model Loads

You can define loads directly on the solid model at any time before you actually initiate the solution. Thus, solid model loads may be defined before or after finite element meshing. (Details of how to define solid model loads are discussed in Loading in the Basic Analysis Guide.) The remainder of this section describes other functions related to solid model loads.

5.8.1. Transferring Solid Model Loads

Solid model loads will be transferred to the finite element model automatically when you begin the solution calculations (when you issue a SOLVE command), or you may transfer them "manually" using the following methods:

  • To transfer solid model loads and boundary conditions to the finite element model, use the SBCTRAN command.

  • To transfer solid model body-force loads to the finite element model, use the BFTRAN command.

  • To transfer solid model DOF constraints to the finite element model, use the DTRAN command.

  • To transfer solid model forces to the finite element model, use the FTRAN command.

  • To transfer solid model surface loads to the finite element model, use the SFTRAN oommand.

5.8.2. Displaying Load Symbols

Solid model loads may be displayed at any time after you have turned on the appropriate load symbols:

  • To show boundary condition symbols on displays, use the /PBC command. This command includes an option to display boundary condition values, as well as symbols. (Turning off /VSCALE scaling before issuing the /PBC command may help.)

  • To show body-force loads as contours on displays, use the /PBF command.

  • To show surface load symbols on model displays, use the /PSF command.

5.8.3. Turning Off Large Symbols for Node and Keypoint Locations

Large symbols for node and keypoint locations are displayed by default (/PSYMB,DOT,1). To display smaller symbols for node and keypoint locations, issue the /PSYMB,DOT,0 command.

5.8.4. Selecting a Format for the Graphical Display of Numbers

You can indicate the field length and the number of digits that are displayed for the numbers appearing on a model. To specify a format for the display of numbers, use the /GFORMAT command.

5.8.5. Listing Solid Model Loads

You can list all solid model loads or you can list separate types of solid model loads using the following methods:

  • To list all solid model loads, use the SBCLIST command.

  • To list the body-force loads at keypoints, use the BFKLIST command.

  • To list the DOF constraints at keypoints, use the DKLIST command.

  • To list the DOF constraints on a line, use the DLLIST command.

  • To list the DOF constraints on an area, use the DALIST command.

  • To list the forces at keypoints, use the FKLIST command.

  • To list the surface loads on lines, use the SFLLIST command.

  • To list the surface loads on areas, use the SFALIST command.