5.7. Scaling Solid Model Entities

It is possible to scale defined entities up or down. The xSCALE family of commands can be used to scale a single entity or a pattern of entities in the active coordinate system.

Scale factors are applied to the X, Y, and Z keypoint coordinates for each of the four scaling commands. If you are working in a cylindrical coordinate system when doing a scaling operation, X, Y, and Z will be interpreted as R, θ, Z, where θ is an angular offset. In spherical coordinates, X, Y, and Z will be interpreted as R, θ, Φ, where θ and Φ are both angular offsets.

  • To generate a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of keypoints, use the KPSCALE command.

  • To generate a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines, use the LSSCALE command.

  • To generate a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas, use the ARSCALE command.

  • To generate a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes, use the VLSCALE command.

Samples of scaled entities are shown in Figure 5.62: Scaling Entities.

Figure 5.62: Scaling Entities

Scaling Entities