5.9. Mass and Inertia Calculations

The xSUM commands calculate and print geometry items associated with solid model entities. See Lumped Calculation of Mass Related Information in the Theory Reference for details.

Note:  For very narrow (sliver) areas or very thin volumes, such that the ratio of the minimum to the maximum dimension is less than 0.01, the ASUM and VSUM commands can provide erroneous area or volume information. To ensure that such calculations are accurate, make certain that you subdivide such areas and volumes so that the ratio of the minimum to the maximum is at least 0.05.

  • To calculate and print the center of mass location, moments of inertia, and so on, associated with selected keypoints, use the KSUM command.

  • To calculate and print the length, center of mass location, moments of inertia, and so on, for selected lines, use the LSUM command.

  • To calculate and print the area, center of mass location, moments of inertia, and so on, for selected areas, use the ASUM command.

  • To calculate and print the volume, center of mass location, moments of inertia, and so on, for selected volumes, use the VSUM command.

  • To calculate and print all of the previously mentioned keypoint, line, area, and volume geometry items at one time, use the GSUM command.