6.5. Reviewing Results from a Static Edge-Based Analysis

The program writes results from a 3D static analysis to the magnetics results file, Jobname.rmg (or Jobname.rst for a dynamic analysis). Results include the data listed below:

Primary data: Magnetic Degrees of freedom (AZ, VOLT, EMF)

Derived data:

  • Nodal magnetic flux density (BX, BY, BZ, BSUM)

  • Nodal magnetic field intensity (HX, HY, HZ, HSUM)

  • Nodal electric field intensity (EFX, EFY, EFZ, EFSUM)

  • Nodal electric conduction current density JC (JCX, JCY, JCZ, JCSUM)

  • Nodal magnetic forces (FMAG: components X, Y, Z, SUM)

  • Element total current density (JTX, JTY, JTZ)

  • Joule heat rate per unit volume (JHEAT)

  • Element magnetic energy (SENE, MENE)

  • Element magnetic co-energy (COEN)

  • Element apparent magnetic energy (AENE)

  • Element incremental magnetic energy (IENE) [1]

  1. Available in a linear perturbation analysis only.

Additional data also are available. See the Element Reference for details.

You can review analysis results in POST1, the general postprocessor, by choosing either of the following:

Command(s): /POST1
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc

6.5.1. Reading in Results Data

Postprocessing for 3D edge-based static magnetic analyses is basically the same as postprocessing for 2D static analysis. See 2D Static Magnetic Analysis for more information. For a summary of the most frequently used commands, see the section on reviewing results in 3D Harmonic Magnetic Analysis (Edge-Based) of this manual. Flux Lines

Use vector displays of flux density to visualize flux paths. Contour Displays, Vector Displays, Tabular Listings, and Magnetic Forces

See 2D Static Magnetic Analysis for details. Charged Particle Trace Displays

You can find details on how to graphically display a charged particle traveling in a magnetic field in Charged Particle Traces and Controlling Charged Particle Trace Displays in the Basic Analysis Guide. See Electromagnetic Particle Tracing in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more details. Calculating Magnetic Force and Torque

You can calculate electromagnetic force and torque from the data available in the database in postprocessing. Use the EMFT macro for these calculations.

Three types of magnetic forces are usually available:

  • Current segment force: Force from the finite element boundary domain. Forces and fields here are typically normal to the air gap. To list these forces:

    1. Select the nodes on the body of interest.

    2. Select all elements.

    3. Issue EMFT.

      Command(s): EMFT
      GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Elec&Mag Calc> Summarize Force/Torque
  • Reluctance force: Force due to a change in material properties. Here, the direction of the field may be arbitrary with regard to the force. To list this force:

    1. Select the nodes at the interface between the body of interest and the adjacent air elements.

    2. Select all elements.

    3. Issue EMFT.

    This method may use a truncated portion of the body of interest if the body extends past the FE boundary.

    Figure 6.2: Reluctance Force

    Reluctance Force

  • Body forces (including Lorentz forces): This method uses the entire body of interest:

    1. Select the nodes of the body of interest and all elements.

    2. Issue EMFT.

    Exercise caution in interpreting Lorentz forces in permeable r > 1) materials. If you calculate the J x B forces independently, they may be incomplete, as they do not include the reluctance term. Although the J x B forces may be incorrect, the body forces calculated in Mechanical APDL will be correct. For SOLID236 and SOLID237 with KEYOPT(8) = 1, the components of the total Lorentz forces are stored as nodal magnetic force record FMAG.

Note:  In models that use symmetry, you must select nodes and elements carefully. You need to select the surface nodes on the surfaces interior to the body and then select the elements adjacent to those nodes.

Force results will be reported in the coordinate system specified by RSYS. However, if using a coordinate system other than global Cartesian (RSYS ≠ 0), torque results will take into account the coordinate system shift and rotation only.

You can use the same procedure described above with the LDREAD command to transfer static magnetic forces from a magnetic element to a structural element type.

To transfer static magnetic forces acting on selected bodies in the model:

  1. Select nodes of interest as described for the EMFT procedure, above.

  2. Issue LDREAD,FORC.

This procedure is valid for any material properties, and combines Lorentz, reluctance, and CSG forces. Calculating Other Items of Interest

You can calculate many other items of interest (such as source input energy, inductance, flux linkages, and terminal voltage) from the data available in the database in postprocessing. The Mechanical APDL command set supplies the following macros for these calculations:

  • The MMF macro calculates magnetomotive force along a path.

  • The PMGTRAN macro summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis.

  • The POWERH macro calculates the RMS power loss in a conducting body.

For more discussion of these macros, see Electric and Magnetic Macros.

You can use linear perturbation static analysis to calculate the differential inductance of a system of coils. For more information, see Electromagnetic Linear Perturbation Analysis.