*KRON, M1, M2, M3
Computes the Kronecker product of two matrices/vectors, .

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Name of matrix (or vector) M1. Must have been previously specified (*DMAT, *SMAT, *VEC, etc.)


Name of matrix (or vector) M2. Must have been previously specified (*DMAT, *SMAT, *VEC, etc.)


Name (up to 32 characters) of resulting matrix (or vector) M3. Must be specified (no default).


Details of the operation are demonstrated in the example below:

Input matrices (or vectors) can be any of the supported types: integer, double precision real, or complex double precision.

Input matrices can be sparse or dense, and their dimensions do not have to be the same.

Output matrices are always dense, regardless of the input matrices type.

Since the *KRON command is manipulating dense matrices, it should only be used on small or medium-size matrices for performances reasons.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.