2.11. AUX12 Commands

These commands define radiation options for use in thermal analyses. The commands are grouped by functionality.

Table 2.96: General Radiation

These AUX12 commands specify general radiation parameters.
/AUX12Enters the radiation matrix generation processor. 
STEFSpecifies Stefan-Boltzmann radiation constant. 
TOFFSTSpecifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero. 

Table 2.97: Radiation Matrix Method

These AUX12 commands calculate radiation view factors and to create a radiation substructure for the Radiation Matrix method.
EMISSpecifies the emissivity as a material property. 
GEOMDefines the geometry specifications for the radiation matrix calculation. 
MPRINTSpecifies that radiation matrices are to be printed. 
SPACEDefines a space node for radiation. 
VTYPESpecifies the viewing procedure used to determine the form factors. 
WRITEWrites the radiation matrix file. 

Table 2.98: Radiosity Solver

These AUX12 commands calculate the radiation view factors and to specify the solution parameters for the Radiosity solver method.
HEMIOPTSpecifies options for Hemicube view factor calculation. 
RADOPTSpecifies Radiosity Solver options. 
SPCNODDefines a space node for radiation using the Radiosity method. 
SPCTEMPDefines a free-space ambient temperature for radiation using the Radiosity method. 
V2DOPTSpecifies 2D/axisymmetric view factor calculation options. 
VFDISpecifies diagnostic options to check that the row sum relationship is satisfied. 
VFOPTSpecifies options for view factor file. 
VFQUERYQueries and prints element Hemicube view factors and average view factor. 
VFSMAdjusts view factor matrix to satisfy reciprocity and/or row sum properties (view factor smoothing). 
VFUPControls view factor updating at the substep level for a coupled-field radiation analysis that includes large-deflection effects.