16.1. 2D Annotation

2D text and graphics annotations are formed as a 2D overlay on the graphics screen. Because this overlay exists as an imaginary plane, when you transform your model (by changing the scaling, focus, viewing angle, magnification, etc.), your carefully-constructed annotation will not move with the model. Because of this, 2D annotation should be used primarily for finalized output (reports and printouts) and for representations of the model's state at various stages in the analysis. 3D annotations will remain anchored to a specific location on the model, and are discussed later in this chapter.

Access 2D annotation functions via the GUI at Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Annotation> Create 2D Annotation. Every annotation function performed from the GUI places one or more underlying commands in the log file so that you can accurately reproduce the display if the log file is later submitted for batch input. Annotation commands that might appear in such a session log include /ANNOT, /ANUM, /TLABEL, /LINE, /LARC, /LSYMBOL, /POLYGON, /PMORE, /PCIRCLE, /PWEDGE, /TSPEC, /PSPEC, and /LSPEC.

The following annotation primitives are available from the 2D annotation dialog box:

  • Text

  • Lines

  • Rectangles

  • Circles

  • Arcs

  • Polygons

  • Wedges

  • Arrows

  • Dimensions

  • Pies

  • Symbols

Use the Options setting to copy, move, resize or delete existing annotations.