9.1. Matrix-Coupled FSI Solutions

For a strong coupled solution, both the structure and the acoustic fluid interact with each other via coupling boundary conditions. The displacement and pressure degrees of freedom are solved simultaneously in the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model.

To specify the strongly coupled FSI interface, issue the following command before the solution:


The program automatically detects and specifies the strongly coupled FSI interfaces between the acoustics elements (FLUID30, FLUID220, FLUID221, FLUID243, and FLUID244) and:

This automatic detection does not work with shell elements (SHELL181 and SHELL281).

The FSI interface must be defined on the nodes belonging to the coupled acoustic elements (KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 5) rather than on the nodes of the structural elements.

Example 9.1: Defining the FSI Interface

et,1,220,,0         ! coupled acoustic element
esel,s,type,,1      ! select acoustic element
nsel,s,ext          ! nodes on the exterior surface
sf,all,fsi         ! FSI interface

The unsymmetric matrix equation is raised by the coupled FSI problem, which can be transformed into the symmetrical matrix equation for performance improvement (KEYOPT(1) = 2 for harmonic analysis). Meshing the entire acoustic domain with coupled elements (KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 5) leads to a larger Jobname.emat file, although the displacement degree of freedom is not solved in uncoupled elements.

After defining the FSI interface or solid structural elements, issue the following command for file size optimization:

The ECPCHG command modifies the attributes of acoustic elements so that only acoustic elements with an FSI interface become the coupled elements, and other acoustic elements are uncoupled acoustic elements. Up to 80% reduction in file size may occur for the Jobname.emat file.

For more information, see Acoustic Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.