Defining the Functions for Geometry Creation

The IronPython script for the extension GeometryFeature is named This section describes the functions associated with the callbacks <ongenerate> and <onaftergenerate>.

import units
import math

def createMyFeature(feature):

def vectorProduct(v1, v2):
    return [v1[1]*v2[2]-v1[2]*v2[1], -v1[0]*v2[2]+v1[2]*v2[0], v1[0]*v2[1]-v1[1]*v2[0]]

def scalarProduct(v1, v2):
    return v1[0]*v2[0]+v1[1]*v2[1]+v1[2]*v2[2]

def norm(v):
    return math.sqrt(scalarProduct(v,v))

def generateMyFeature(feature,function):

    length = feature.Properties["Length"].Value
    length = units.ConvertUnit(length, ExtAPI.DataModel.CurrentUnitFromQuantityName("Length"), "m")
    faces = feature.Properties["Face"].Value.Entities
    bodies = []
    builder = ExtAPI.DataModel.GeometryBuilder

    for face in faces:
        centroid = face.Centroid
        uv = face.ParamAtPoint(centroid)
        normal = face.NormalAtParam(uv[0], uv[1])
        radius = math.sqrt(face.Area/(math.pi*2))

        xdir = [1., 0., 0.]
        vector = vectorProduct(xdir, normal)
        if norm(vector)<1.e-12:
            xdir = [0., 1., 1.]
        s = scalarProduct(xdir, normal)
        xdir = [xdir[0]-s*normal[0],xdir[1]-s*normal[1],xdir[2]-s*normal[2]]
        n = norm(xdir)
        xdir[0] /= n
        xdir[1] /= n
        xdir[2] /= n

        arc_generator = builder.Primitives.Wire.CreateArc(radius, centroid, xdir, normal)
        arc_generated = arc_generator.Generate()

        disc_generator = builder.Operations.Tools.WireToSheetBody(arc_generated)

        normal[0] *= -1
        normal[1] *= -1
        normal[2] *= -1
        extrude = builder.Operations.CreateExtrudeOperation(normal,length)
        cylinder_generator = extrude.ApplyTo(disc_generator)[0]


    feature.Bodies = bodies
    feature.MaterialType = MaterialTypeEnum.Add      
    return True

def afterGenerateMyFeature(feature):
    edges = []
    minimum_volume = System.Double.MaxValue
    for body in feature.Bodies:
        body_volume = 0
        if str(body.BodyType) == "GeoBodySolid":
            body_volume = body.Volume
            if body_volume <= minimum_volume:
                minimum_volume = body_volume

        for edge in body.Edges:
            ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Part: "+body.Name)

    feature.Properties["Minimum Volume"].Value = minimum_volume

    named_selection = ExtAPI.DataModel.FeatureManager.CreateNamedSelection()

Functions Associated with the Callback <ongenerate>

Descriptions follow of the functions associated with the callback <ongenerate>.

  • The function createMyFeature(feature) creates the geometry in the DesignModeler. It is displayed as My Feature in the Tree Outline pane.

  • The mathematical functions vectorProduct and scalarProduct are used later in the function generateMyFeature.

The first several functions configure information that is used later in the creation of the geometry.

In this example, the function generateMyFeature is referenced in GeometryFeature.xml by the callback <ongenerate>. When invoked, it generates the geometry feature. Within this function, the following information about the geometry is defined:

  • The property length, which is used later to create the primitive. The conversion of the length unit ensures that you are working with the expected metric unit.

  • The scoped property face, which in this example is three faces.

  • The list bodies, where the geometric features to create are added.

  • The builder, which serves as the ACT gateway in DesignModeler. All features and operations are accessed from here.

  • The variable faces, which is used as the argument to create the circle. Under faces:

    • Define the centroid of the scoped face.

    • Evaluate the normal to this face.

    • Evaluate the radius that is to be used for the arc wire.

  • Calculate the xdir, which is the principle direction of the arc wire that is defined later and that is required to draw the arc.

  • The objects vectorProduct and scalarProduct, which specify the location of the geometry’s primitives and operations.

  • The next several objects generate an arc wire.

    • With the object arc_generator, the extension uses the primitive generator builder.Primitives.Wire.CreateArc. The method CreateArc() uses arguments from faces to draw the circle. This generator can be used one or more times to build the primitive body.

    • With the object arc_generated, the extension uses the method Generate() to generate the primitive body.

    • With the object disc_generator, the extension uses the operations generator builder.Operations.Tools.WireToSheetBody to define a disc based on the circle.

  • The next several lines extrude the disc into a cylinder.

    • With the object extrude, the extension uses the operations generator builder.Operations.CreateExtrudeOperation to specify that the resulting extrusion is equal to the value of the property Length.

    • With the object cylinder_generator, the extension uses the method ApplyTo to define the geometry to which the extrude operation is applied. This method returns a list of bodies to which the operation is applied.

  • Bodies added to the list feature.Bodies are added to DesignModeler after the generation. All other bodies used in the generation process are lost.

    The list feature.Bodies can contain both bodies and parts. You can create a part with the command builder.Operations.Tools.CreatePart(list_of_bodies).

  • The list material.Type allows you to enter different properties such as Freeze, Cut, and Add. The following figure illustrates the resulting geometry given selection of the different properties. You can see the effect of different material type properties on the geometry.


Functions Associated with the Callback <onaftergenereate>

A description follows of the IronPython function associated with the callback <onaftergenerate>. This callback specifies the function that is invoked when the callback <ongenerate> is complete.

  • The callback <onaftergenerate> allows you to access and work with the part or bodies created previously by the callback <ongenerate>.

    For example, you can use it rename a part or body, suppress it, create a named selection, create a new selection via the Selection Manager, or access one or more of the geometric features of a body as its area.

  • Unlike the callback <ongenerate>, which expects a return value of True or False, the callback <onaftergenerate> does not expect a return value.

  • The callback <onaftergenerate> allows you to define properties for the feature to be created.

In this example, the function afterGenerateMyFeature is referenced in GeometryFeature.xml by the callback <ongenerate>. It accepts only the feature itself as an argument. When called, it specifies the properties and attributes of the feature and selects edges of the bodies created: Within this function, the following information is defined:

  • The list edges, where you add all edges of the bodies to create for the feature.

  • The property Minimum Volume, which in this example is the volume of the body with the smallest volume of all the bodies created for the feature. The attribute control is set to float. The attribute unit is set to Volume. Because this property has the special attribute readonlyaftergenerate set to true, the value becomes non-editable after generation of the feature.

  • The variable edge, which is used to find the edges of all the bodies created for the feature.

  • The entry feature.Properties[Minimum Volume"].Value sets the property Minimum Volume in DesignModeler to the value minimum_volume.

  • The command ExtAPI.SelectionManager.NewSelection(edges) creates a new selection, which includes all edges previously selected.

  • The command named_selection = ExtAPI.DataModel.FeatureManager.CreateNamedSelection() creates a named selection that is defined by the current selection containing all edges previously selected.

The following figures shows the feature, named selection, and properties in DesignModeler.