Tonal Extraction Parameters

This section references the parameters used for tonal extraction.




This parameter is designed to reject tonal components with too high frequency variation.

Default value is 100%. Lowering this value discards tonal components whose frequency evolution is too erratic.

We recommend starting with the default value, then lowering it to remove detected tonals whose frequency change is too erratic.

Maximum slope

This parameter corresponds to a maximum slope in Hz/s of each tonal component.

Default value is 500 Hz/s. A higher value helps to find tonal components with a greater frequency slope over time.

Minimum duration

This parameter corresponds to the minimum duration in seconds of each tonal component.

Default value is 1 s. Lowering this value helps to find shorter tonal components.

Inter-tonal gap

This parameter corresponds the minimum gap in Hz between two tonal components.

Default value is 40 Hz. If the tracked tonal components are close to each other, you may lower this value.

Local emergence

This parameter corresponds to the emergence of each tonal component compared to background noise, in dB.

Default value is 15 dB. Increasing this value helps to find tonal components with a higher amplitude compared to background noise.

FFT size

This parameter corresponds to the FFT size used for the time-frequency analysis of the signal.

Default value is 8192. Its value should be set so that the tonals show best in the time-frequency representation.

See also Adjust window size of the time frequency representation then check the value in the Calculation settings menu.