Creating a Track from a Broadband Noise Source

To create a Sound Composer track from a Broadband Noise Source, create the track from a model of the broadband noise.

Prerequisites: To create a Sound Composer track from a Broadband Noise Source, you must have a model of the broadband noise. You may then use that model to create the track in the Sound Composer. Refer to Creating a Broadband Noise Model (1 Parameter) or Creating a Broadband Noise Model (2 Parameters) for more information.
To create a Sound Composer track from a model of broadband noise:
  1. Choose Modules > Sound Composer from the menu bar.
    The Sound Composer window is displayed.
  2. Press the New track button in the Sound Composer window, and choose Create new track from the drop-down menu.
    The New track dialog box is displayed.
  3. Press the New source button in the New track dialog box.
  4. Choose either Broadband Noise or Broadband Noise 2-parameters from the Source type drop-down menu.
  5. Press the Browse button next to the Source field and select the model file that you created.
    Details about the model file you selected are displayed in the dialog box as a reference to enable you to make sure you have selected the correct file.
  6. Press the OK button to create the new track and return to the Sound Composer.

    The track appears in the Sound Composer window. The track number remains dark orange until you set the required sound control parameters.

    Note: The track number will remain dark orange if there are any errors once you have set up the sound control parameters (see below).
  7. Click Source control, then:
    • Load > From File to associate a profile included in a *.wav file or *.txt file to the broadband noise source,
      Note: The supported text files are:
      • File starting with the header AnsysSound_SoundSamples (see Source Formats),
      • Any text file with two columns where the first column is time and the second column is the profile.
    • Load > From an already opened signal to associate a profile included in a signal currently opened in Sound: Analysis and Specification to the broadband noise source,
    • Load > Create an RPM Profile to generate a profile and associate it to the broadband noise source.
    Note: If you selected Broadband Noise 2-parameters as the Source type, you must set up a Source control profile for each control parameter.
  8. If you need to add a Filter to the Track, see Adding a Filter to a Track.
  9. If you want to adjust the gain of the track, double-click the dB field and edit the gain value.
  10. You can use the Display profiles button to display a graph showing the evolution of control parameters with respect to time.
  11. For a 2-parameter source you can use the Display trajectory button to open the Dataset Coverage window with the trajectory displayed in orange.
The new track is added to the project.
Save the Sound Composer project to save the track in the project file.
Note: If you want to save the Track as a *.trk file, click .