Dataset Coverage

Prerequisites: The Dataset Coverage dialog is displayed once you have loaded a series of data files when creating a harmonics or broadband noise model using two control parameters.
The following information is available of dataset coverage graph:
  1. The x and y axes are labelled according to the names you supplied for control parameter 1 and 2 when creating the dataset.
  2. A yellow-shaded area bounded by a solid black line shows the range of data within which you can define a valid trajectory for the 2-parameter source.
  3. Hover over any of the points on the graph to display a tooltip giving the x and y values of that point, along with the name of the data file from which it was loaded.
  4. Click any of the data points to create a persistent tooltip on the coverage display.
  5. Double-click any point to display the individual spectrum or set of order values for that data point.
    • Display/hide the dataset points
    • Display/hide the trajectory
    • Switch the x and y-axes
  6. Access the following functions from the View menu on the main menu bar: